VistaCruiserKeep the Glass To The Sky! Celebrating 55 years of Skywagons, and 18 years of the GM Skywagon Club, in 2019! The GM Skywagon Club is proud to be a recognized resource for Vista Cruiser and Sport Wagon owners and fans in the February 2005 issue of Collectible Automobile Magazine! Welcome to the VistaCruiser Group, a e-mail list which supports the GM Skywagon Club and the websit...Created:
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vistaforumA group for blind and partially sighted people, living in Leicestershire and Rutland, to discuss issues that concern them and services provided by Vista (local society for the blind).Created:
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vistamusic / Vista music groupBand of blind & visually impaired musicians affiliated to Vista Leicester.Created:
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VisualCADD / The Visual CADD groupDedicated to discussions about Visual CADD™ While this group is not directly affiliated with TriTools Partners, the publishers of Visual CADD™, members of the TriTools team do participate in the discussions and make announcements here. You can visit the official Visual CADD™ product page at
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visualinvisible / Virtuele GeleidelijnDe contactgroep voor de Virtuele GeleidelijnCreated:
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visually-impaired-christian-singlesThis group is created to help visually impaired Christian singles to make friends with people like themselves.Created:
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Visually-Impaired-Genealogists / Visually Impaired GenealogistsThis group has been specifically set up to be of assistance to those who have a visual impairment, are completely blind, or are deafblind. It follows on from the Blind-Genealogists mailing list of RootsWeb, which was discontinued on 2nd March 2020. The co-owners of this group are Wendy Archer and Jon Nixey who are both members of the Guild Of One-Name Studies. Please note that this group is in no ...Created:
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VisuallyInconveniencedHams / VisuallyInconveniencedHamsA group for Visually inconvenienced hams and other disabilities to support ham radio for those with vision loss and other disabilities. Persons interested in becoming ham radio operators welcomeCreated:
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VisualVisionaries / Visual VisionariesSpace for us!!Created:
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visudiab / visudiabgroep voor visueel gehandicapte diabetes patienten.Created:
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visuelehandicap / Visuelehandicap"Visuelehandicap" is een infokanaal om bliksemsnel informatie bij blinde en slechtziende personen en diens omgeving te brengen. Wat kan je zoal via "Visuelehandicap" bekend maken? - Oproepjes (gezocht, te koop, vacature, tv-tip, oproep) - Artikels - Nieuwsbrief in digitaal formaat - Activiteiten - Nieuwe hulpmiddelen - Nieuwe cursussen - Bijeenkomsten - Studiedagen, opendeurdagen, ...Created:
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Visuhoor / VisuhoorBesloten mailgroep voor visueel gehandicapten die gebruikmaken van hoortoestellen, of overwegen dat te gaan doen, deskundigen en andere betrokkenen.Created:
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Visukok / VisukokDeze gezellige en informatieve mailgroep is bedoeld voor keukenprinsen en prinsessen met een visuele handicap. Ook wie zich geen keukenprins of prinses durft te noemen en wel wat tips kan gebruiken, is natuurlijk welkom. Op dit forum kunnen tips en ervaringen worden uitgewisseld over alles wat met koken, bakken en braden te maken heeft. Van tips over het afgieten van groente tot ervaringen met k...Created:
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viswamViswam's followersCreated:
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visynths / Synthesists without VisionThis is a group where you can discuss any kind of synthesizer as a visually impaired person. Whether you are completely blind, partially sighted, etc, you are always welcome. Types of synths that may be discussed are: analog synths Digital synthesizers, *if you are sure they will be accessible, or if you think it may be useful to others who could use it as a blind person. There are no paid promoti...Created:
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Vitai-USA / VITAI-USAVITAI USA Does DMR GPS is a professional & hi-tech enterprise which is engaged in the research and manufacture of wireless telecommunication series of products. Since our foundation, our company never stops its hard working on the development of unlimited terminals to satisfy the customer's requirement. With several years' techniques and experience, our company has become a top ranking...Created:
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VitalGround / Vital Ground Wargaming ResearchPlaying wargames in miniature with Toy SoldiersCreated:
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vitalistichealers / Vitalistic Healing Discussion GroupGroup Description Discussion group for students in the Doctor of Vitalistic Healing program. This curriculum is designed for anyone interested in developing skills in the ancient vitalistic healing arts. They include therapeutic application of spiritual ritual, mantra, Vedic Astrology, sacred toning, and plant alchemy. These powerful modalities can be integrated into the practices of health pro...Created:
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VitamixRecipes for Vitamix and Power BlendersCreated:
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