adopterenrussie / Adopter En RussieL'Association des Parents Adoptant en Russie (APAER), créée en 2002, vous propose ce groupe de discussion pour vous permettre de vous informer et d'échanger sur l'adoption en Russie. Il n'est pas un intermédiaire de l'adoption, mais réunit les familles ainsi que les personnes adoptées désireuses de partager leurs expériences et leurs connaissances, de se tenir au couran...Created:
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adoptionensolo / Forum Adoption en soloCe forum regroupe des familles monoparentales postulantes ou adoptantes. C'est un lieu d'échanges et de partages. Vous devez avoir démarré vos démarches de demande d'agrément pour rejoindre ce groupe.Created:
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AdoptionUKRAINE / Adoption UKRAINECe groupe est la sauvegarde et la continuation du groupe AdoptionUKRAINE créé en 2001 sur Yahoo et consacré à l'adoption en Ukraine. Ce groupe partage informations et expériences, aide à la constitution du dossier, soutien et entraide mutuelle. Ce groupe est aussi consacré à la post-adoption et à l'évolution des enfants adoptés en Ukraine/ Ce forum est un relais précieux po...Created:
78 Members,
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AdrianFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – Adrian and all variations Ancestry Message Board:
7 Members,
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adrian-modemGSR, D25 ,A30 DOU review, discussion and editingCreated:
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AdrianaKampfner50 / adriana50Adriana is celebrating her 50th birthday in Mexico City, and you're invited! Adriana and Jonathan will arrive in Mexico City on August 10, and will be staying at the Barceló México Reforma. The party is at Azul Histórico Restaurante on August 12. Jonathan will be sending out full details soon. To contact Jonathan directly, email! Looking forward to seeing everyone so...Created:
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AdrianCampOwnersAdrian Camp and Conference Center cabin owners. This group is for all owners .Created:
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AdrianCampResidentsAdrian Camp and Conference Center Resident Volunteers.Created:
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adrierscomptacompta brigitte et catherineCreated:
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ADRutnfrroAdministración de Recursos - UTN - Facultad Regional RosarioCreated:
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ADRvisarules / APPNE- BAPIO ADR visa rulesA joint effort by BAPIO and APPNE to highlight the distress caused by separation of families and plead for a relaxation and compassionate application of the ADR visa rulesCreated:
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ADS-BThis group is about aircraft ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance–Broadcast) monitoring. Exchange of ideas, tips etc. The group is "user owned and operated" and not affiliated with any manufacturer or software provider although employees are encouraged to participate. Third party vendors that provide related ADS-B hardware or software accessories are encouraged to participate welcom...Created:
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AdsAdsAdsPLEASE watch for the Pending Application and SEND it back filled out or you won't be accepted into the group. Welcome to Ads Ads Ads where more exposure to your group will mean more MEMBERS!! Please join - fill out the database for New Groups. If your group meets the requirements in having at least 8 Members it will be added, when we have room, provided that your Home Page of the group is ...Created:
52 Members,
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ADTC-MembershipGroup / ADTC - MembersTrial run for Allentown Dog Training Club group messaging arrangements.Created:
155 Members,
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adthomeThis Airedale list is for safe, warm, and friendly talking among Airedale people who feel comfortable together, laugh together, and learn together. Rescue and adoption of needy Airedales is also one focus of this list. Membership will be by invitation only.Created:
60 Members,
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adult-autisticsAdult Autistics email group. Open discussion, except for cures, concepts commonly referenced to as "conspiracy theories", racism and ethnic supremacy.Created:
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Adult-Daughters-of-Moms-w-BPDThis group is for adult daughters of moms who have (or had) BPD, Borderline Personality Disorder. The trauma of being raised by a mother with a “hole in her soul” can cause her daughters a lifetime of struggle. We strive to overcome shame, low self-esteem, feeling unworthy, and to identify our own feelings. We may feel unsure of ourselves and afraid to express our thoughts and feelings, or we...Created:
23 Members,
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AdultChildrenOFNarcissistsFor adults with narcissistic parents.Created:
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AdultmentalhealthfirstaidersAll certified Adult Mental Heath First Aiders.Created:
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adusoftwareThis group has been set up as a result of many requests from our users. The group will provide users with the opportunity to share their existing knowledge of ADU Software with other users and also offer resolutions to many common queries. The ADU team will be able to answer many technical support issues so as to broaden each users knowledge of the many features available within each ADU Software ...Created:
418 Members,
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