ELCICdeaconcandidatesThis group is for students in the ELCIC who are studying to become rostered in diaconal ministry.Created:
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ELClovers4h / East Lucas Clovers 4H ClubWelcome aboard!Created:
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ElderArchibaldsMission / Elder Archibalds MissionThis is the email group for Matthew Archibald's Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Berlin Germany.Created:
47 Members,
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ElderberriesCohousingUKTestForumPublic playground for Elderberries Senior Cohousing members to exercise free Groups.io to see if we think it might suit us.Created:
4 Members,
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ElderkinFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – ElderkinCreated:
3 Members,
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eldermatthewmiwaElder Matthew Miwa weekly emailsCreated:
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ELDERSHAWfor anyone interested in the surname ELDERSHAW or its variants. This is not a common surname - how many differents points of origin were there? Variants include HILDERSHAW, ALDERSHAW, ELLERSHAWCreated:
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EldicoSharing and gathering information about a really, not well known, but good old American Radio Company.Created:
2 Members,
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eldoraloveAll things that make the 3rd weekend in September amazing!Created:
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EldredFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – EldredCreated:
6 Members,
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ELDRIDGE / ELDRIDGE Genealogy -This is a discussion area for anyone who has an interest in Genealogy and Family History related to the names ELDRIDGE and ELDREDGE, including other variations like ELDERIDGE. This is a continuation of the RootsWeb mailing lists which will close on 2nd March 2020. The Archive of the RootsWeb ELDRIDGE mailing list can be found at https://lists.rootsweb.com/hyperkitty/list/ELDRIDGE@rootsweb.com...Created:
22 Members,
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Elearning / Elearning GroupLearning English and ENewsCreated:
15 Members,
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elecraft / Elecraft Owners GroupDedicate to Elecraft gears, like K4, K3S, K3, K2, K1, KX3, KX2, KX1. All users, entusiasts and curious are welcome.Created:
889 Members,
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elecraft-italia / Elecraft ItaliaDedicato alle radio Elecraft: K3s, K3, K2, K1, KX3, KX2, KX1 e ai suoi utenti. Questo gruppo mira ad essere il gruppo di supporto in lingua italiana per i prodotti Elecraft. Utenti, ammiratori e curiosi sono benvenuti.Created:
43 Members,
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Elecraft-K3 / The Elecraft K3/K3S TransceiversFor people interested in the Elecraft K3 and K3S radios. Share information and learn about these awesome radios from the people that operate them. When joining the group, put something intelligent in the comment box so that I know that you are actually interested in the K3/K3S and are not a spammer. HINT- A callsign as your user name and/or in the comment box will do fine. RULES: 1. Keep it ci...Created:
2,734 Members,
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Elecraft-K4 / Elecraft K4 Direct Sampling Transceiver and then some!This group is formed to assist others and exchange ideas and experiences with the Elecraft K4 transceiver. The group is not owned or moderated by Elecraft, or any of its owners/employees. This is a restricted group by membership only. It is a discussion group as it relates to the Elecraft K4 transceiver. You are welcome to join the group. This is a moderated site. By applying for membership, you...Created:
1,781 Members,
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Elecraft-K4DeliveryInformation / Elecraft-K4 Delivery InformationGroup for tracking S/N, model, order and delivery information of Elecraft K4 transceivers. Purchasers of K4 radios are invited to join and list the required information so that manufacturing and delivery statistics might be better understood by those who are waiting for their new radios. In order to have a submission validated, please include a photo of the S/N. The following information is requ...Created:
23 Members,
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Elecraft-KX / Elecraft KX User GroupAll Enthusiasts of the Elecraft KX models including the KX1, KX2, KX3, and all AX, KX and KH series accessories are welcome here. If you'd like to learn or share new tips, tricks or techniques on how to maximize your enjoyment of these rigs, this group is for you. In order to join, you must either give your call sign or a reason you want to join. However, there a few common sense rules, or r...Created:
5,018 Members,
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ElecraftzoomersA group for folks that attend the weekly Elecraft zoom. Announcements, stuff for sale, cartoons, hints, questions.Created:
79 Members,
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Elections / PA ELECTION INTEGRITYPA Election Integrity Information SharingCreated:
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