c2s-programme / Chips to Startup (C2S) ProgrammeMinistry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India Chips to Startup (C2S) Programme aims to train 85,000 number of Specialized Manpower over a period of 5 years in the area of VLSI and Embedded System Design and leapfrog in ESDM space by way of inculcating the culture of System-on-Chip (SoC)/ System Level Design at Bachelors, Masters and Research level and a...Created:
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c3biodivC3Biodiversidad stands for “Consorcio Colombiano de Ciberinfraestructura para la Biodiversidad” (Colombian Cyberinfrastructure Consortium for Biodiversity). C3Biodiversidad aims to help to produce indispensable knowledge about the natural and agricultural biodiversity in Colombia needed to drive the growth of a bioeconomy in Colombia. The consortium is open to any stakeholder interested in dev...Created:
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c3eo / C(3)EO ForumThe C(3)EO Forum is comprised of the chief executives of non-profit 501(c)3 organizations. Its purpose is to further strengthen the core competencies of local nonprofit chief executive officers and their organizations; and to develop a better understanding of critical issues and opportunities confronting non-profit agencies. The C(3)EO Forum was created to facilitate the exchange of information on...Created:
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C3GProjectManagement / C3G Project Management GroupSUMMARY: The C3G PROJECT / PROCESS MANAGEMENT group is an Atlanta-based, networking sub-group of C3G (Christ-Centered Career Groups). We focus on people interested in careers as PROJECT or PROCESS MANAGERS, but we welcome all. APPROACH: We encourage all members to come with a "What can I do for you" attitude, rather than "What can you do for me". LOCATION: We, currently, meet eve...Created:
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c3groupThis groups contains all members of C3 Group.Created:
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C3GSalesForceSalesforce is a cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) software that helps businesses connect with and get more information about their customer base. This C3G network sub-group will work together to grow our individual and collective knowledge of the Salesforce company, software, certifications and career opportunities.Created:
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C3GVeterans / C3G Veterans Job Support GroupPart of the C3G main group, C3G Veterans is a subgroup of C3g for our Military Veterans. Our vision for this job support group is for Military Veterans to come together and to serve one another.Created:
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c3rusty / Rusty's Community GroupThis is the group for the members of the C3 Community Group that meets at the Wallmarks' home. Here we will be able to continue discussions from our meetings, ask questions, plan events, and just do life together as part of the family of God in Christ. You'll also be able to get the files from here if you miss a fellowship. You'll also see posts such as sermons, quotes, and other thing...Created:
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C4AgilityA group for members of Capital City Canine Club, a dog agility club in Michigan.Created:
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c4b / C4BChess For Blind. Un gruppo che raccoglie appassionati di scacchi, con e senza problemi di vista.Created:
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c4ctestProva per il coroCreated:
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C4S / Computing For SeniorsThis is a mutual help/discussion group for 'Senior Citizens'. We all have occasional problems with our computers and even use of the Internet itself. This group is for the purpose of sharing our knowledge with others who seek it. All aspects of computing, including all operating systems from Windows to Apple to Linux are discussed here. The pace of change in computer technology today is in...Created:
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c4women / Corpus Christi Catholic Church Women's GroupWomen's group at Corpus Christi Catholic Church in Aldie, VACreated:
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C509 / Electronic components availableWe all have some components we can actually find. Many have lifetime supplies from Amazon that could be shared with others who only need ONE to get their rig or project going. Post what you have and are willing to share with other hams or experimenters. Update your list as your bucket empties or just list what is in your bin and close it when empty. Shipping of SMD parts and most "leaded" ...Created:
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c5gals / Cascade 5th Neighborhood GroupThe Cascade 5th Ward and Neighborhood Group, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.Created:
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C6AHBBimini / C6AHB Bimini DXpeditionFor Amatuer Radio Operators seeking contact with C6AHB Bimini DXpedition CQ WW SSB. Antenna Systems By DX Commander. BCreated:
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C6AXXStatus updates and operating information about CSAXX when on the air in The Bahamas.Created:
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CA-2 / Adams Aero CA-2 Club!This is a discussion group for builders, flyers and fans of the Adams Aero CA-2 ultralight/experimental aircraft. The CA-2 was designed by Frank Griffith of Corning Aircraft in 1993. Frank sold plans and supported the design for many years. After which, the plane was acquired by Hummel Aviation. Hummel sold plans and supported the design for several years but had not supported the design since...Created:
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ca-adiListe des membres du Comité d'Administration de l'Atelier des Initiatives.Created:
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ca-aprs / ca-aprsCalifornia APRS usersCreated:
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