ViewbieCritiqueGroup / Viewbie Critique Group
An online critique group for members of The Writers View.
5 Members, 144 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
viewforthlocal / Viewforth Local Group
A forum for issues local to Viewforth area of Edinburgh. Privacy policy: your email is provided by you on becoming a member, and is held for the purpose of distributing mail posted to this mailing list or contacting you otherwise about developments within the Bruntsfield area. The Group Settings detail who can see what information on this group.
29 Members, 67 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
This list is dedicated to the discussion of View-Master and other 3D Stereo subjects.
911 Members, 8,143 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
viewprop / ViewProp Ham Radio RF Propagation Analysis and Visualization Tool
ViewProp is a tool that allows you to view and analyze current RF propagation in real-time by plotting the geographic location of open paths in DxAtlas as determined from Skimmer and cluster spots. It can help you with planning by providing charts showing a history of activity over the previous day, and it also lets you view and optimize antenna pointing directions.
227 Members, 73 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Vifpa / Vancouver Island Fire Protection Association
Vifpa Vancouver Island fire protection association
2 Members, 1 Topic, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Group for enthusiasts of the KIA Vigato version of the Lotus Elan
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
VigilServiceTexts / Vigil Service Texts for Clergy and Laity
This Group is for those who would like to receive the text of upcoming Saturday Evening and Holy Day Vigil Services according to the usage of the Russian Orthodox Church via email in the form of Word document attachments. The documents are designed to give the worshipper the text of the service that is being sung in church so that he or she may attentively follow the service in church, or read it ...
788 Members, 730 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Let's be accountable, excited, and learning throught these 8 weeks together!
4 Members, 2 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Our group is for owners of the Viking #1 Plus, Orchidea, sewing machines and dedicated to the memory of Jan Henning; our founder. We are here to help you learn more about your machine, inspire your creative talents and share our love of sewing. Feel free to ask questions, post links, direct members to your site. Please share your sewing or embroidery knowledge with the group. We do not allow adv...
65 Members, 18 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Support for owners of the Viking HuskyLock 936 serger.
209 Members, 75 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Cold weather winter cycling group in NW suburban Chicago with only easy going people allowed.
2 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
vikingdesignerepic / Viking Designer Epic Group
Welcome to the Husqvarna Viking Designer Epic group! This group is owned & run by independent machine embroidery users, not the manufacturer. The focus of our list is to discuss sewing, quilting, and embroidering with our Husqvarna Viking sewing/embroidery machines: Epic2, Epic, Diamond, Ruby, Topaz, Brilliance 80, & Jade machines. We ask that all posts stay positive, on brand, no bad lan...
2,893 Members, 54,325 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Radio Net for Swedish speaking Ham Radio operators in the Americas ONSDAGAR 0100 UTC 7.210 MHz +/- 10 kHz (KåldolmsNätet) LÖRDAGAR 1600 UTC 14.317 MHz +/- 10 kHz (SurströmmingsNätet) SÖNDAGAR 1600 UTC 14.317 MHz +/- 10 kHz (KöttbullsNätet)
25 Members, 48 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
VikingRockArt / Viking Rock Art — Scandinavian petroglyphs (helleristninger)
Most Scandinavian petroglyphs are said to be from either the Bronze Age or the Stone Age, predating the Iron Age by hundreds or thousands of years. Those interpretations are based on wishful thinking, and sometimes by 'shoreline datings', which give maximum ages (and give the petroglyphs maximum archaeological value.) The paradigm that Scandinavian petroglyphs were made using iron tools by...
1 Member, 201 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
vikingsewingmachinespre1980 / Viking-Husqvarna sewing machines pre-1980
A group for users, repairers and collectors of pre-1980 Viking-Husqvarna sewing machines. A member of the Vintage Stitchers Family of Groups. This is a forum for anyone who appreciates the Viking-Husqvarna sewing machines from the years when they were one of the world's best. We prefer to keep our focus on the Husqvarna built machines earlier than 1980. Our Group Files contain a great deal of...
2,480 Members, 6,579 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
VilasNA / Vilas Neighborhood Association
A discussion group primarily for residents within the boundaries of the Vilas Neighborhood Association, in the Vilas/Edgewood neighborhood of Madison, WI. Share ideas for improving the neighborhood, ask questions or express concerns. Tell others if there are important meetings or events coming up. Two guidelines to observe are not to market commercial products or services (testimonials or brief r...
313 Members, 2,116 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Village / The Village - a safe place for caregivers of children who exhibit anxiety, depression, and other mood and mental health struggles.
The purpose of this group is to bring together parents and other adults that care for children (school age through teens) who struggle with anxiety, depression, and other emotional or mental health issues. “The Village” is intended as a safe place to connect, share, and learn from each other. We welcome and encourage only non-judgemental support, an open mind, and a solution oriented min...
12 Members, 76 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
villageoregon / Village Oregon
news & discussion on village approaches to shelter & housing in Oregon.
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
villagerquest / Quest and Villager Owners
A discussion group for owners of 1993 to 2002 Mercury Villager and Nissan Quest mini vans. All new members are moderated to keep spammers out. So it may be a few hours at times before you see your message posted. With all the email phishing and spoofing going on these days, any email that has a link to a web page must have some text explaining why it is on topic for our group. Remember to use the ...
2,028 Members, 16,220 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
villagesatwestford / Villages At Westford Trust
Neighborhood Group for Villages At Westford Neighborhood - Westford Ma. This a private invite only group.
42 Members, 64 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: