PasturedPoultry / Pastured Poultry
The Pastured Poultry Group is a private discussion exclusively for members of American Pastured Poultry Producers Association (APPPA). An invitation to participate in the group is a benefit of your membership in APPPA. Archives for this group date all the way back to 2003, when it was first started on Yahoo Groups under the name APPPAPlus. Relevant topics for the Pastured Poultry group include p...
Created: 5/20/03
1,010 Members, 10,371 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: 5:59am
PASUSQUE / Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania Genealogy Group
Welcome! This is the former Rootsweb list, PASUSQUE. We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania including the surrounding region of northeastern Pennsylvania and southeastern New York State.
Created: 2/01/20
38 Members, 2 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: 7/17/24
Philadelphia region, semi-professional wind ensemble.
Created: 10/22/19
5 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
pat-metheny3 / Pat Metheny Group Mailing List (v3)
Version 3 of The Pat Metheny Group Mailing List which started sometime before 1992 and has managed to hang around since. We moved to due to the demise yahoogroups. Originally created to share info and discussion on anything or anyone related to or branching off from The Pat Metheny Group (Pat Metheny, Lyle Mays, Steve Rodby, Mark Egan, Antonio Sanchez, Paul Wertico, Danny Gottlieb, Ped...
Created: 10/28/20
132 Members, 285 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 16
patapscofriendsmeeting / Patapsco Friends Meeting
Note: To subscribe, just send a blank email to Subscription is generally open only to those who have attended our meeting and therefore requires approval. Your patience is appreciated. Also see This list helps those involved with Patapsco Friends Meeting communicate. Any subscriber may post announcements of general interes...
Created: 10/13/20
85 Members, 2,699 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: 3:10am
patas-uni / Patas de la UNI
Un sitio de reunión para los amigos egresados de la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, de la Facultad de Ingeniería Eléctrica y de Electrónica o ramas afines. Como preferencia, serán los amigos de la UNI - FIEE de promociones 90s, y cercanos a ellos.
Created: 10/28/19
14 Members, 79 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: Mar 17
PATC-STS / Ski Touring Section of the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club
The Ski Touring Section of the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club is a volunteer cross country ski club centered in the Washington DC metropolitan area offering: (1) Organized trips where there is snow, near and far (2) Instruction during learn-to-ski trips and at ski touring centers at various trip locations (3) The UPSLOPE newsletter (4) An electronic discussion group hosted by for communi...
Created: 1/12/10
261 Members, 917 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: Feb 21
an informal clean chat list.
Created: 6/05/15
34 Members, 9,423 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post: 12:51am
Patchcats / Patchcats
Wir sind eine kleine, private, sehr persönliche, deutschsprachige Gruppe, die sich dem Patchwork und Quilten widmet. Neue Mitglieder müssen vom Gruppenbesitzer oder Moderator eingeladen und genehmigt werden. We are a small, private, very personal, German speaking group dedicated to patchwork and quilting. New members must be invited and approved by the group owner or moderator.
Created: 11/15/19
10 Members, 2,185 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 17
This is a group for people who are researching genealogy and history related to the PATE surname and all variations (e.g.. PAIT, PAYTE, PAYTES, PATES). This list is a transfer from the PATE listserve formerly hosted by ROOTSWEB.
Created: 1/10/20
112 Members, 110 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: 10/18/24
Please read carefully! The purpose of this group is to exchange information relating to patent translation from all languages into English and from English into all languages. The language for discussion is English; it is understood that use of other languages may be necessary in posing or answering questions, and supplying context. Questions and discussion may relate directly to the subject matte...
Created: 11/20/05
98 Members, 2,609 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post: Feb 28
PatentTransEnGer / Patentübersetzungen Englisch > Deutsch
Die Idee für diese Gruppe entstand während des BDÜ-Workshops von Prof. Peter A. Schmitt zur Übersetzung von Patentschriften English > Deutsch im September 2019. In dieser Gruppe können sich Übersetzer über Probleme und Tipps zu Patentübersetzungen austauschen, Revisionspartner für ihre Patentübersetzungen suchen und nach Herzenslust über patentrelevante Termini diskutieren. Hau...
Created: 9/16/19
12 Members, 8 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: 2/28/23
Formerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the Paterson surname and variations - Patterson etc.
Created: 1/24/20
17 Members, 8 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: 4/03/23
Degenerative myopia starts at -6. The higher the number the higher the risks of degenerative damage to the back of the eye. This is a group to meet other people who are affected by very high myopia and the challenges this brings with daily life. Discussions about what is being done worldwide to try to stop children developing degenerative myopia.
Created: 8/11/20
2 Members, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Pathways Cohousing is a 24-unit intergenerational neighborhood built in 2000 on a 40-acre wooded site just a short bike ride away from Northampton, MA.
Created: 1/22/20
2 Members, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Pathways-Foundation-001 Welcome to Pathways Foundation! We are a dedicated nonprofit organization committed to fostering positive change in our communities. Our mission is to empower individuals and families through various programs that promote education, health, and social well-being. We believe that by providing the right resources and support, we can create pathways to brighter futures for a...
Created: 9/24/24
3 Members, 169 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 10
A forum for WA members of the Translators and Interpreters Australia division of Professionals Australia
Created: 3/18/18
41 Members, 506 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: 1:40am
PATIOGA / Tioga County, Pennsylvania Genealogy Group
Welcome! This is the former Rootsweb list, PATIOGA. We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of Tioga County, Pennsylvania including the surrounding region of Tioga County, Pennsylvania including the surrounding region of north central Pennsylvania and south central New York State.
Created: 2/01/20
17 Members, 9 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: 2/03/24
patowmackdivers / Patowmack Divers
Patowmack Divers is a dive club that meets in Northern Virginia, but has members (divers and others) from the DC region. We usually meet the first Wednesday of the month at a restaurant for dinner and to discuss dive trips. Follow us on the web and FaceBook.
Created: 11/04/19
4 Members, 8 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: 10/19/20
Lage en pi "distro" med PAT som primær verktøy
Created: 11/21/17
3 Members, 5 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post: 2/18/18