lbcocE-mail group for the Long Beach Church of Christ (Mississippi) to keep everyone informed and up to date on what is happening.Created:
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LBCRecyclingProjectProject team with focus on raising awareness of recycling opportunities and resources - for both existing and future new Big Canoe residents.Created:
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lbcscmoInformation and Announcements concerning the Liberty Baptist Church in St. Clair MO.Created:
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LBDCaringSpouses / LBD Caring SpousesLBD Caring Spouses is an active online support group for people whose husband or wife is living with one of the Lewy Body disorders (LBD): dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) or Parkinson's disease dementia (PDD). There is no cost to join our group or be involved in the forum. You will never be asked for a credit card or money. Our moderators are all volunteers and are spouses of LBD patien...Created:
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LBDCSModerators / LBD Caring Spouses ModeratorsThis is a group to facilitate communication among the moderators of LBD Caring Spouses.Created:
5 Members,
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LBFictionA continuation (and partial archive) from the old Yahoo LBFiction group. Stories about people who use orthopaedic appliances in their everyday lives.Created:
95 Members,
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lbr-ham / Lift Bridge Regatta Ham VolunteersHam radio operators for the annual Fairport Crew Club Lift Bridge Regatta, Fairport, NY, annually in September.Created:
16 Members,
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LBrysonA group for the Lancaster County First Steps staff to share daily schedules and important meetings.Created:
1 Member,
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lbsabcboard / LBS ABC Executive BoardLBS Athletics Booster Club private group for executive committee membersCreated:
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LBSdiscussionLBSdiscussion is for the discussion and debate of issues of importance to the Long Branch-Sligo neighborhood in Takoma Park, Maryland. Issues may be of a local, regional, state, or national matter if they have some bearing on the quality of life within the neighborhood. Membership is intended for, but not limitied to residents of the neighborhood, but membership will be limited to those with a leg...Created:
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LBSTakomaFor communications among residents and neighbors of the Long-Branch Sligo Neighborhood in Takoma Park, MD. The Long-Branch Sligo neighborhood is bounded by Long Branch Creek, Sligo Creek, and Carroll Avenue.Created:
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lbstanza / LBStanzaMailing List for L.B.Stanza Programming LanguageCreated:
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LBWBC / Lake Burton Wooden Boat Club & Social Society (LBWBC)We are owners and enthusiasts of Wooden and Classic Fiberglass Boats on Lake Burton, Georgia. Our mission is to promote the ownership, appreciation and use of wooden and classic fiberglass boats on our lake. You are invited to join our friendly group to promote the ownership, enjoyment, appreciation and use of our classic boats on our beautiful north Georgia lake. We promote several activities t...Created:
11 Members,
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lc-aresThis is the page for Laramie County ARES. The group is for members of LC-ARES to share information and learn from one another.Created:
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LC3 / LC3 - Lotus Car Club of the CarolinasLC3 is a group to be used for communication among members of Lotus Car Club of the Carolinas or "LC3." This is obviously a club consisting of owners, fans, and supporters of all models of Lotus cars.Created:
20 Members,
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LCAAS / La Crosse Area Astronomical SocietyLa Crosse Area Astronomical Society - LCAAS Join our LCAAS if you live in the La Crosse area and are interested in astronomy. Visit the LCAAS web site to see our observing schedule and upcoming meeting times. This is also available here on our group calendar.Created:
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lcacastingpool / Love City Arts Casting PoolThis is the Email List for all Love City Arts Related + LCA Affiliated Casting Opportunities... Members of this group will receive casting info as soon as it becomes available or in a weekly digest (according to their settings). If you have any questions, please email We'll be more than happy to assist.Created:
7 Members,
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LCACBS-MembersLake Champlain Antique Classic Boat Society. We are a club membership group of vintage boating enthusiasts with a focus on fun and learning, welcoming anyone with or without a boat.Created:
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lcaneighbor / LCA Won't You Be My Neighbor? Email ListA Group Email List for the ongoing #RestorativeJustice work of LCA. Join our list to be kept in the loop.Created:
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lcara / Lake Cumberland Amateur Radio AssociationThe Lake Cumberland Amateur Radio Association group email list is for club members to interact as well as receive pertinent info regarding club activities. If you are not currently an LCARA club member, please go to Email your completed application to Wanda/WM4LM's email address below. To pay the dues click on the PayPal link, or mail a check for $25 (made out...Created:
111 Members,
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