harigMicro Processor ChallengeCreated:
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harikrishnanMicro processor challenge candidateCreated:
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harishreeHarishree's worksCreated:
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harkerclass2014 / Harker Class of 2014Harker School Class of 2014 parents groupCreated:
88 Members,
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Harlem4familiesEmpowering Harlem Families, One Message at a Time: Our listserv is a supportive community hub, fostering connections and sharing vital resources, events, and opportunities. Together, we unite to amplify voices, provide support, and cultivate a thriving network dedicated to the growth and well-being of Harlem's familiesCreated:
504 Members,
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HarlemHome / HarlemHomeA Group for Harlem residents to share knowledge about the buying, renovating, and maintaining of a home in Harlem, NYC. This is a community, non-commercial group - advertising or solicitation is not permitted. Recommendations are highly encouraged.Created:
534 Members,
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HarlequinDivotsNomadic Social Media Golf group. Based in Johannesburg SOUTH AFRICA.Created:
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HarlequinRomanticSuspenseCommunication among the authors of Harlequin Romantic Suspense primarily to provide Facebook promotion information and additional content.Created:
4 Members,
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Harley-Dyna / Harley Dyna subscription e-mail listCreated:
18 Members,
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HarleyDavidsonJDThis group is dedicated to the preservation of Harley Davidson J and JD models plus early pocket valves 1905 to 1929. The group members share knowledge through communication of documents, photos, and experience.Created:
231 Members,
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harleysgenie / Harley's GenieFor builders and pilots of Harley Michaelis' Genie line of R/C sailplanes.Created:
49 Members,
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harlingpointAn email list for the Harling Point neighbourhood in Victoria, BC.Created:
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Harmoneers / High Desert HarmoneersThe High Desert Harmoneers Chorus was originally chartered in 1991 by a group of men who enjoy singing a cappella harmony primarily in the barbershop style, and have recently opened our doors to all who wish to participate. Although few of the charter members are still with us, we have members with a wealth of knowledge and experience. Some of us are "home grown" and some have moved to Cen...Created:
42 Members,
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HarmonKin / HarmonKinGenealogy discussion group for study and research of Peter Harmon, and his descendants, who settled in the area of Kings Mountain, North Carolina prior to the American Revolution.Created:
13 Members,
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harmony / SF Folk Club Harmony ListSF Bay Area folk music/dance announcements, discussions, call outs, etc.Created:
688 Members,
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harmonyotThis is a subgroup of the Harmony list of the SF Folk Music Club for off-topic discussions.Created:
10 Members,
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harmonyweaversguild / Harmony Weavers GuildHarmony Weavers Guild is a weaving, spinning, dyeing and felting guild with members in southeastern Pennsylvania, Delaware, southern New Jersey and northeastern Maryland. We meet monthly from September through June to share our common interests in the fiber arts. We have monthly programs and two or more fiber arts workshops per year.Created:
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harnof / Har Nof CommunityThis mailing list is for the residents of the community of Har Nof, and their friends and relatives, to share useful information or to request needed information. Announcements of free events are encouraged. Events such as free shiurim, demonstrations, tzedakah and chesed events without and entrance fee, etc. No political or religious discussion will be tolerated. No forwarding of any jokes of any...Created:
2,416 Members,
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1 Member,
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Harova / Harova haYehudiAn e-mail bulletin board (not an opinion blog or a blog of any kind!) for residents of the Jewish Quarter (HaRova HaYehudi) of the Old City Jerusalem. Only four rules apply for posting messages: 1) No anonymous messages -- first and last name must be included SOMEWHERE; 2) No SPAM -- repeat advertisements permitted once a month only; these need to be of interest to Rova residents, by residents o...Created:
131 Members,
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