AChronicHealth / Adventist Chronic Health Support GroupAdventist Chronic Health Support Group - A Zoom based health support small group for individuals with complex chronic health conditions (i.e. mold, lyme, parasites, toxins, leaky gut, allergies, and conditions that effect the mind). Group time includes prayer, devotions, sharing, a study of natural healing/functional reading material, and an exploration of healing principles from scripture and th...Created:
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AcikcemberDüzenli şiddetsiz iletişim pratiği yapmak üzere kurulmuş topluluk. Her pazartesi bir araya geliyoruz. Duyurulardan, geçmiş çalışmalardan haberdar olmak isterseniz üye olabilirsiniz.Created:
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ACISAAThe Army Counterintelligence Special Agents Association (ACISAA) group forum--with archived data from the Army Counterintelligence Discussion Group (ACIDG).Created:
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acjs-aejc / Association for Canadian Jewish StudiesThe Association for Canadian Jewish Studies (ACJS) Discussion Group is a means to maintain contact with other members of the Association and others interested in the study of the Canadian Jewish experience. Its purpose is to provide information and elicit discussion about issues related to the study of Canadian Jewish culture broadly defined. Le groupe de discussion AÉJC est un moyen de rester en...Created:
66 Members,
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ACLS / A GROUP FOR ATLANTIC CONTAINER LINE PEOPLE - ACL Services Southampton & AgentsA Group for Atlantic Container Line People, the friendliest bunch of people you could ever work with! A place to reminisce, share photographs, old Partner Magazines, memorabilia and to just remember "the good old days" at ACL Services based in Southampton UK! Please spread the word about the group to anyone who worked at ACLS based in Southampton (UK), the invite is also extended to our f...Created:
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ACLUE-On30-HoustonA.C.L.U.E. R.R. is an On30 Model Railroad modelled in the Clue Mountians, across a large river and lake from the D. & R.G. R.R. Mining of Coal, Iron, Gold and Unubtainium. Looging, Ranching, Farming are lso important support of the railroad. Passinger service is provided to 3 towns and a few small communities. There is a back story in the works, using the characters in the game of CLUE. More ...Created:
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ACMDocents / ACM/FOM Docent CommunityThis is the email group for FOM docents at Asian Civilisations Museum.Created:
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ACMPTA / Arlington County Montessori PTA of Montessori Public School of ArlingtonThis is the listserv for Arlington County Montessori PTA (ACMPTA) serving families and staff of Montessori Public School of Arlington in Virginia. To become a PTA member, learn more about activities, offer sponsorship support, volunteer opportunities, visit our website at or send an email with questions/comments to Note: This listserv is used for informational...Created:
117 Members,
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acmswa / Australian Computer Museum Society WA Inc.ACMSWA is dedicated to preserving and restoring to working order computers of significance in the development of computing worldwide. Special significance is placed on items used in the development of Western Australia, such as computers used to design public infrastructure.Created:
15 Members,
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ACMTraining2022-23This group is for FOM-ACM trainee docents and Training Team members onlyCreated:
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ACMTrainingTeam2022 / ACM Train Team 2022-23Group for FOM-ACM Training Team, 2022-22Created:
24 Members,
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acoadtla / ACOA | DTLA - AdminsACOA-DTLA-Admins Group Guidelines (Private Admin Group for Internal Collaboration) Purpose: The ACOA-DTLA-Admins group is a private forum designed for collaboration among ACOA administrators, board members, and trusted collaborators. This space is intended for planning, strategy, and internal communication related to ACOA’s initiatives in Downtown Los Angeles. Guidelines: 1. Respe...Created:
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ACOEM-BH-Section / ACOEM Behavioral Health SectionThe Behavioral Health Section of the American College of Occupational & Environmental Medicine uses to facilitate easy communication among ourselves. This is a private group; our group's website is NOT visible to the public. All ACOEM members are welcome to join this discussion group, and are encouraged to formally join our Section (by paying the $25 annual dues to ACOEM). Th...Created:
127 Members,
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ACOEM-WFDSection / ACOEM Work Fitness & Disability Section (and ACOEM member-friends)Welcome! This private and moderated e-group is open to all ACOEM members ESPECIALLY those in the Work Fitness and Disability Section. We hope you will join our section. You can pay your $25 section dues by calling ACOEM at 847-818-1800.We use this list-serv to discuss issues pertaining to work capacity and fitness evaluation, work disability prevention and management, and also to conduct WFD Secti...Created:
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ACOEMexecutivedirectorsThe purpose of this list-serv is to connect the Executive Directors and staff of the ACOEM Components. This is a platform which will enable us to ask questions, problem solve, provide resources, and network.Created:
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ACOM-2020S-Amplifiers / Acom 2020S AmplifierA HAM Radio community, to discuss the ACOM 2020S Solid State amplifier, its features, tips, tricks and firmware upgrades. MAKE SURE YOUR CALLSIGN IS IN YOUR EMAIL AND/OR DISPLAY NAME OTHERWISE YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SUBSCRIBE.Created:
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Acom-List / Acom Amplifier and Acom Accessories ListThis list is provided as a forum for discussion about the Acom amplifiers and Acom accessories. We would prefer to see your call sign in your display name and/or email address, so the administrators know who is joining This is a semi moderated group. If you don't include your name/call with your first email, we will not allow the email to go through! Please include Name/Call in the email. It ...Created:
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ACON / AdultChildrenofNarcissistsThis group is for adult children of Narcissistic parents. It is the follow-on home of the ACON group originally hosted on Yahoo Groups since August 30, 2000. These parents typically look to the child to meet their needs. This expectation is harmful to the child's overall mental health, which carries into adulthood. It is very similar to children raised in alcoholic homes. These homes appear ...Created:
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AconteceresLatinoamericanosCentro de publicación de noticias, y eventos politicos, económicos, sociológicos y antropológicos de America LatinaCreated:
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