NavalWargaming6000This group will discuss the miniatures produced by Figurehead Minatures and the rules that can be used for them. All periods are included, from the pre-dreadnought to modern day.Created:
47 Members,
22 Topics,
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NavDatThe group to discuss and exchange information on the forthcoming NavDat marine information system.Created:
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naven / NAVEN family history discussion groupFor anyone interested in the surname of NAVEN, particularly those NAVENs with connections to Birmingham, England. This group originated as the NAVEN Yahoo! Group on 7 Jul 2001. Due to the impending reduced functionality of Yahoo! Groups, the group was transitioned to on 11 Nov 2019.Created:
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NavesinkBOD / NavesinkBODFor officers and members of the board of directors of the Navesink River HRCCreated:
9 Members,
170 Topics,
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naviestransferring from yahoo to new platformCreated:
16 Members,
68 Topics,
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Navigator-InterfaceOfficial support group for the NAVIGATOR digital multi-mode Software Defined Interface. The Navigator interface certifications include FCC, CAN/CSA, ICES and RoHA as well as CE compliance. PLEASE - use your CALLSIGN upon joining the group and treat everyone with due respect Personal attacks, flaming and posting another's personal email are not allowed. Please sign your post with your Name...Created:
404 Members,
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NavionAircraftForum / Navion Aircraft ForumAn electronic mail forum for technical questions, answers, and social dialogs between Navion aircraft owners, service providers, pilots and aficionados.Created:
587 Members,
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NAVISNOVA / NAVISNOVA™NAVISNOVA™ Trading Bundle Trading Room WebFlyer :
1 Member,
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navorserDe Navorser dient voor het uitwisselen van vragen, antwoorden en wetenswaardigheden op het gebied van geschiedenis, biografie, beeldende kunst en letterkunde, muziek, filosofie, theologie, folklore, citaten, taal en taalkunde (maar niet voor klachten over de 'verloedering' van de taal). Moderatoren: Ed Schilders, René Kurpershoek en Jaap Engelsman. Belangstellenden wordt verzocht hun naam...Created:
120 Members,
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navtexdx / The NavtexDX GroupThis group is for those interested in Navtex Dxing. We monitor long distance transmissions on both the MF and HF Bands. NAVTEX transmissions are navigational and meteorological warnings and forecasts, as well as urgent marine safety information to ships, and made at either regular scheduled times, or at random intervals during storms etc. We monitor transmissions on 490, 518 kHz and 4209.5 kHz sho...Created:
556 Members,
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NavWarGames / NavWarGamesA place to discuss naval wargaming in all its forms, from board to cards to miniatures. All eras are welcome. Whether your interests are in ancients (i.e. Trireme), the Age of Sail (i.e. Close Action!, Wooden Ships and Iron Men), the steam age (i.e. Ironclads), WWI/WWII (i.e. Great War at Sea, General Quarters, Iron Bottom Sound), or modern (i.e.Harpoon!), this is the place for you. From tactical ...Created:
1,067 Members,
11,177 Topics,
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NavyandMarine-LHADiscussion forum for board members of the Navy & Marine Living History Association.Created:
27 Members,
34 Topics,
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nb-jammers / NB JammersNew Braunfels Jammers - A place to plan and participate in acoustic music jams in the New Braunfels, TX, area.Created:
62 Members,
94 Topics,
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NB-ReloadersAll welcome, but of course our roots are local to NB, CanadaCreated:
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nb-teal-association / NB TEAL ASSOCIATIONNB TEAL ASSOCIATION This is the NEW group information site for the Teal Narrowboat Syndicate . This group site was created in March 2019 and replaces the original redundant Yahoo site. The site contains details of Membership, Holiday Allocations, Calendar, Weekly Log, Message Board and File Repository. CHAT is now the primary messaging tool for membersCreated:
21 Members,
288 Topics,
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nb2mCM / North Bay Two Meter Critical MassThe North Bay 2 Meter Critical Mass is a group that meets to practice Amateur Radio communications in the North Bay area of San Francisco.Created:
132 Members,
296 Topics,
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NB6GC / USS Hornet Amateur Radio ClubWe are the members of the USS Hornet Amateur Radio Club. We operate Amateur Radio Station NB6GC on board the USS Hornet Sea, Air & Space Museum. Our purpose is to promote the public's awareness of the Hornet Museum located in Alameda, CA. WEEKLY NETS Nets canceled until further notice: (Monday nights 19:00-19:30 pdt/pst 146.880 PL77 ORCA repeater Oakland, CA Sunday mornings 09:00-10...Created:
125 Members,
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NBAT / North Bend ARES Team - NB7ATThis is the home for the North Bend ARES Team (NBAT). As an Amateur Radio Emergency Service™ (ARES™) organization we support our served agency, City of North Bend, Washington, in times of crisis with emergency communications, and selected public service events with communications. If you are a local organization that would like to request communication assistance from NBAT, please ...Created:
50 Members,
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NBBAAnnouncements / NBBA AnnouncementsWelcome to the announcements email list for the National Beep Baseball Association.Created:
166 Members,
319 Topics,
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NBBATalk / NBBA TalkThe NBBA Talk email list is a place where ideas, thoughts and discussion can take place for all to benefit.Created:
1 Member,
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