MakinFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the Makin surname.Created:
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Makine-GrubuMakine, machinery, mechanical engineering.Created:
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makinedegerleme / makine degerleme, makine ekipman degerleme, fabrika tesis degerlemeMAKİNE DEGERLEMEmakine degerleme, makine tesis degerleme, makine degerleme bilirkişilik, tesis degerlemesi, gayrimenkul ile birlikte, makine – tesisat ve ekipmanlarının değer tespiti, Arazi, binalar, makine ekipmanlar ve yardımcı tesisleri ile birlikte analiz edilmesi, tekil ve bağımsız makine veya makineler topluluğundan, taşınmazlar hariç olmak üzere, tüm üretim hattı ve yard...Created:
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MakingandAssessment / Making and Assessment DiscussionsLet's use this space to stay connected on all things related to making and assessment. Jessica will use this to update the group on the potential for a white paper on this topic--or 7 white papers! :) Feel free to invite educators to join based on their interest.Created:
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MaKoRaWillkommen bei Mailingliste korporierter Rechtsanwälte! Diese Mailingliste dient dem fachlichen Austausch und der Kooperation korporierter Rechtsanwaeltinnen und Rechtsanwaelte aus allen Dachverbaenden. Bitte geben Sie bei der Anmeldung unbedingt Ihren vollen Namen, die Kontaktdaten Ihrer Kanzlei sowie Ihren Bund an. Da es sich um eine "geschlossene" Liste handelt, sind diese Daten für d...Created:
105 Members,
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MalachiteThe group for owners and developers of the Malachite SDR radio.Created:
74 Members,
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malagasaj-esperantistojkunlabor-grupo por malagasaj esperantistojCreated:
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malahitMalahit DSP SDR Receiver 50kHz-200MHz or 50kHz-200MHz, 350MHz-2GHz AM, NFM, WFM, USB, LSB Original developed by RA6DAN, RX9CIM design by R6DCY Several clones made in china Main chip ARM STM32H743VIT6Created:
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malaiestiPe un picior de plai, la un pahar de vorbaCreated:
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MalarkeyFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the Malarkey surname.Created:
4 Members,
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malayalamAbout the language MalayalamCreated:
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MalaysiaFormerly Rootsweb genealogy list. For anyone with a genealogical interest in Malaysia, a federation of 13 states in Southeast Asia. Also includes Singapore and other areas included in the British Colony of Straits Settlements.Created:
8 Members,
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MaldonadoAlhamaGrupo para compartir historias e información genealógica sobre los Maldonado de Alhama de Granada, España.Created:
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MaldonadoLojaGrupo para compartir historias e información genealógica sobre los Maldonado de Loja, Granada, España.Created:
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MaleBreastsandBrasThis is the recreation of the Yahoo group of the same name. Celebrating the love of breasts and wearing bras by males. No nudity is permittedCreated:
63 Members,
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malegroupbonding101A group for men to discuss and explore the male experience. Specifically thoughts and experiences that can’t be shared with wives, girlfriends or partners.Created:
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MALESDCThe Mid-Atlantic Literary Edification Society (MALES) is the pre-eminent book club in the mid-Atlantic region. The long-running society, founded in 1986 by the gentleman-spouses of a pre-existing distaff readers' group, has attracted numerous author participants and has solidified its reputation as the best and brightest, while its bi-monthly athletic endeavors continue to break ground for str...Created:
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malestofemalesA group for all the male to female transgendered ladies - cross dressers, shemales, transexuals, who love everything about becoming a female.Created:
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MaliceDomesticBoard / Malice Domestic (R) Ltd BoardA group list for the Board Members of Malice Domestic (R) to communicate during the planning of the annual Traditional Mystery Convention.Created:
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Mallam-EnglandFormerly Rootsweb genealogy list. For the purpose of discussing and sharing of information regarding the Mallam surname and variations (e.g., Malham, Malam, Mallum) in England.Created:
5 Members,
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