ventilators-nzA New Zealand community-based collaborative effort to urgently build ventilators to help prevent COVID-19 deaths. Your 1st post is moderated so please post with your location, experience and/or resources available.Created:
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Ventura-County-Board-GamersHave a good time and play some strategy board games including Love Letter, Terraforming Mars, Heat, and others. Learn, teach and have fun. We play modern strategy and euro board games that are growing in popularity everywhere. Board gaming is a social pursuit that can be enjoyed by all ages while promoting fun, social interaction, mental challenge with a dose of healthy competition. You do not n...Created:
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venturaaviatorsVentura Model Aviators and The Grassy Knoll group message group. A place where the Free Flight modelers can exchange ideas, communicate about events weather and more.Created:
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venturacobirding / Ventura County BirdingVentura County Birding is a discussion group devoted to sharing information about the wild birds of Ventura County, California. Use this forum to report rare or unusual birds, to report and discuss birding sites, and to discuss bird identification and other birding related topics. Announcements of upcoming birding related events are also welcome. Non-members may view messages but only members may ...Created:
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VenturaCountyFlyers / Ventura County FlyersVentura County Flyers - Flying club based at Camarillo Airport (CMA)Created:
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VentureVenture InvestmentCreated:
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VentureAircraft / Questair Venture EnthusiastsThis group is for owners and enthusiasts of the Questair Venture, a high performance experimental aircraft that is constructed from a kit provided by Questair. The goal of the group is to promote the safe construction and operation of the Venture and to support its sustainability. The Venture was designed by Jim Griswold and Ed MacDonough in the mid 1980’s and was first introduced to the aviat...Created:
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VentureCapitalTurkeyVenture Capital activities in Turkey.Created:
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venturinglist / Venturing ListWelcome! This List is for anyone in the Venturing BSA Program. This list is designed to facilitate discussion about the Venturing Program itself. This list is more than a list; it is a community of volunteers dedicated to improving the program for crews across the usa. Many subscribers are leading the top crews around the country. Oftentimes you will find these same leaders attending if not teachi...Created:
1,074 Members,
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verascope / Jules Richard VerascopeWelcome! This group is a place to collect and share information on all things Verascope, Taxiphote, Glyphoscope, and glass plate stereo views. photo: Taxiphote Model MechaniqueCreated:
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verbaltwisterDiscussion of alternative fiction and poetry for women. Various authors post updates and invite list participants to engage in discussion regarding their posted works. This "interactive fiction" is an effort on the part of the authors to improve their stories while in the process of being written. Some fanfiction related to Xena, Gabrielle, their Uber reincarnations and Uber-esque inspir...Created:
3 Members,
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verbindungVerbindung und Berührung nach der Academy 2021/22Created:
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verderanhocaGrupo de discussão sobre sustentabilidade, visão para o mundo e tudo verdoca relacionado!Created:
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verdikGroup focussed on vintage Verdik valve audio equipmentCreated:
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Verea2020ProgramTo create the program for verea 2020Created:
114 Members,
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VergennesForward / Vergennes ForwardEmail group for citizens of Vergennes, VT, who want to move Vergennes forward by: making sure government is accountable and transparent; amplifying community voices; cultivating the next generation of leaders; creating a welcoming and inclusive community for all.Created:
48 Members,
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veritaschattanoogaConnecting parents, students and alumni of Veritas Chattanooga! Please use this group for 1) Information on Learning Opportunities in the Chattanooga area which support vision and mission of Veritas Classical Schools 2) buying/selling/trading 3) Prayer SupportCreated:
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Verizon-employeesA place for Verizon Communication Inc. to meet.Created:
1 Member,
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verkehr-wilmersdorf / Mailingliste zur Kieztreffen: Verkehr / Mobile Stadtteilarbeit WilmersdorfMailingliste Kieztreffen: Verkehr | Mobile Stadtteilarbeit WilmersdorfCreated:
10 Members,
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Vermont-Genealogy / Vermont Genealogy and Family HistoryRootsweb Archived posts 1980-2020 (closed 2 March 2020 by Ancestry) County Rootsweb Archived Messages are listed and linked in subgroups Wikipedia FamilySearchCreated:
138 Members,
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