TARCHam / W5LM - Temple Amateur Radio ClubTemple Amateur Radio Club Post Office Box 616 Temple, TX 76503 Home of the Belton HamEXPO! When requesting membership to the list, please be sure to specify Your Name, Amateur Callsign, and Location.You must be a Yearly dues paying member or a Life member, to be included on this list. The purpose of the Temple Amateur Radio Club discussion group is to provide communication and foster positive, c...Created:
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TARGTallahassee Amateur Radio GroupCreated:
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targetedindividualsThis group is created to provide information on electronic harassment and Targeted Individuals who are targeted using Pulsed electromagnetic frequency attack by perpetrators of electronic harassment Expose the PerpetratorsCreated:
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TarheelGRCTarheel Golden Retriever Club -- "Keeping the sport in the breed" Tarheel Golden Retriever Club is a club for golden retriever enthusiasts serving North Carolina from the Piedmont to the Coast. The club is multi-purposed -- conformation, companion and performance events (obedience, agility, rally, tracking, field) as well as CGC & TDI and education for both club members and the gener...Created:
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TarheelScanner / Tar Heel Scanner / SWL GroupThe purpose of this community is to discuss and distribute information for the Tar Heel Scanner / SWL SIG group located in the Triangle area of North Carolina. New people are welcome. Be sure to check out our Facebook group too. It's named Tarheel Scanner/SWL Group and is a private group.Created:
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TARMadisonTAR (Tuesday Action and Resistance) is a group of Madison-area progressive people united by a vision of a Wisconsin and US that works to benefit all people equitably. TAR meets almost every Tuesday at 1:00 for education and action. Our Mission: Resist and reform 1. Resist corporatism, racism, extremism, and reactionary policies. 2. Reform our civic and political process to work for ...Created:
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tarot-snThis group is dedicated to those who want to search for new supernovae in images taken by the TAROT telescopes network. TAROT are robotic observatories that observe with no human interaction. TAROT Calern & Chile are two identical 25 cm telescopes F/D=3.4 that cover 1.86°x1.86° field of view on the Andor CCD cameras TAROT La Réunion is a 18cm telescope F/D=2.8 that covers a 4.2°x4.2° fie...Created:
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TarotBooksCover2Cover / TarotBooksCover2CoverThis is a private group for members of Tarot Books Cover2Cover to interact, socialize, ask questions, make announcements and talk about anything that would be considered off-topic in our book study group. If you are not yet a member of Tarot Books Cover2Cover, please come join our group at the link provided below.Created:
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TarotL / TarotLAll levels of Tarot students are actively encouraged to participate in the discussions. Topics range from meanings of cards and spreads to deck and book reviews, associations of different systems (numerology, astrology, Qaballah, etc.) to personal uses (divination, spiritual growth, introspective meditation, guidance, etc.) as well as History (from theories to actual decks) to creation of new deck...Created:
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TarotTalkA group to discuss all aspects of tarot from beginners to experts. Join in for daily exercises and general chit-chat. Messages are private.Created:
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TARPLEY-genealogyGroup to discuss, share or ask questions of a genealogical nature for persons with the surname Tarpley. This group replaces the Rootsweb mailing list TARPLEY.Created:
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tarpn / T.A.R.P.N. -- Terrestrial Amateur Radio Packet NetworkJust as CW and SSB may be used as tools in operating a national traffic system, and it isn’t just CW, packet radio may be used to create a ham-radio social network, with all traffic passing over Amateur-held communications links. TARPN is a recipe, a plan, and a few rules, designed to make it fun to build and operate a REAL-TIME packet radio social network. The TARPN concept is attractive to...Created:
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TARS / TriSate Amateur Radio Society (TARS) in Evansville IndianaThis is the Tristate Amateur Radio Society in Evansville Indiana. Membership is available to Amateur Radio operators and individuals interested in Amateur Radio primarily located in the SW Indiana - Illinois - Kentucky tristate area, but also to our friends in other places!Created:
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TarsFoundation / TARS FoundationMailing List of TARS FoundationCreated:
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tartanownerslistThe open computer-based forum for those who own Tartan sailboats or have an expressed interest in Tartan sailing.Created:
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tartu-taaskasutusTartu Taaskasutuslist on avatud kõigile, kes tahavad üleliigsetele asjadele anda taaskasutuse kaudu uue elu. Saad siin pakkuda teistele endale tarbetuks muutunud esemeid või materjale. Või otsid Sa midagi, mis ei pea olema tingimata uus? Erinevad äriühingud, MTÜd või muud organisatsioonid on samuti teretulnud! List püüab anda oma panuse, et ostaksime vähem uusi asju ja kasutaksime juba...Created:
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TascarellaFamilyWelcome to the Tascarella Family Group! Please feel free to join in discussions, add links, files, photos and events onto the calendar. This site will only be as good as what YOU and the other participants make it. This can be a really fun way for us to keep in touch, share stories and experiences, and plan events. So.....Let the "On-line Family Reunion" begin!Created:
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tashהפצת תשבצי היגיוןCreated:
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TAsInTheMirrorUnofficial BAM Theatre Residency email group for TAs 2019-2020. One way to communicate as TAs for our upcoming residency in NYC for "Fires in the Mirror."Created:
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Task-force-AThis is the home of area Task Force A.Created:
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