SALLSResearching the family surname SALLS and variants, i.e., Searles, Serbs, Searles. Formerly known as
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Sally7 / Sally support groupSally Packet Radio SoftwareCreated:
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sallyreeve63 / Jess Harper , LaramieFan group dedicated to Jess Harper and Laramie. Our Cowboy Hero.Created:
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sallywatsonfansA group for fans of the writer Sally Watson.Created:
23 Members,
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SALNCRThis is the Northern Central Region, Sons of The American Legion.Created:
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SalopAmateurRadio / Salop Amateur RadioFor the sharing of ideas and information between members of Salop Amateur Radio SocietyCreated:
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salsquadron148 / Sons of the American Legion Squadron 148This list is for use by members of the Sons of the American Legion, Squadron 148 of Chowchilla, CA to keep informed of events and discussions pertaining to our organization.Created:
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SALTGroups Page for the Serving And Learning Together grow group at First Baptist Church PflugervilleCreated:
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Salt-Lake-Mesh / Amateur Radio Mesh Networking in Salt Lake County, UTThis group exists to support AREDN and Meshtastic experimentation among Amateur Radio operators (hams) in the Salt Lake County, UT area. Membership is open to all who wish to stay up-to-date on our activities, but posting privileges require a current FCC Amateur Radio license. Anonymous posts are not accepted. When subscribing, please create a Display Name field which includes at least your callsi...Created:
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Saltaire-Gullwing-NWThis group focuses on the Saltaire/Gullwing Neighborhood Watch group for the Saltaire/Gullwing streets of Laguna Niguel, CA.Created:
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SaltLakeCountyARESSalt Lake County ARESCreated:
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SaltLakeTen / Salt Lake Ten Meter GroupThis group was created to support participants in the Salt Lake 10-Meter Net, meeting Tuesdays* at 1900 Mountain Time on 28.345 MHz USB. The net has also grown to serve as an HF training net for Salt Lake County ARES, and averages about 20 weekly check-ins. The net starts with an expedited, four-minute roll call, followed by an informal roundtable focused on signal reports, propagation, and port...Created:
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SaltSpringsFloridaIf you live or are thinking of visiting our Garden if Eden, this is the group for you! Welcome!Created:
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saltwatereffecthamradioThe Saltwater Effect is the enhancement of HF communications when using vertical antennas near the saltwater shore. Please post the experience you have with this phenomenon as well as references or research to increase our understanding and usage of the saltwater effect.Created:
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saltydawgGroup to communicate in advance of the Fall 2019 Caribbean Salty Dawg RallyCreated:
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saltydogzagilitya group dedicated to providing information about dog agility trials hosted by Salty Dogz Agility Club Of UtahCreated:
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SalubriousMuse / Salubrious Muse Main GroupWelcome Panhalians, Salubrious Muse is a group for sharing and receiving offerings of uplifting, inspiring, and thoughtful poetry. The Curated Main Page will have no more than 1 poem offered each day. Within the Salubrious Muse domain will be (Subgroups) where folks can have a more free exchange of poetry and such. Each (Subgroup) is separate and all groups are "set as "opt-in&...Created:
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saludcontech / SaludConTechLatino/a Health Technology GroupCreated:
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salvati-padureaGrup de discutii pentru cei care vor sa se implice in combaterea despaduririlorCreated:
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SAM-INTLThe SAM-International group is for discussion of the Simple Aurora Monitor (SAM-III) and its application and use in the study and sensing of geomagnetism. The correspondences between geomagnetic storms, solar events and solar wind, aurora and radio propagation anomalies are well-known. Members are not limited to geomagnetism and can discuss any SAM-III application. This group is conducted in Engli...Created:
32 Members,
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