S-And-WThis Group, is for the official Queens Own Chapter for Mercedes Lackey!Created:
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S-GPLCSilver and Golden Persian and Exotic LinechasersCreated:
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s-h-a-r-eE-mail Al-Anon meeting featuring a weekly topicCreated:
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S-Scale / Promoting And Discussing Fine Scale Model Railroading in 1/64th (S) ScaleWelcome! This S-Scale Group.io list is for discussion of model railroading in 1/64th (S) scale; both standard and narrow gauge. If you are already modeling in S scale or are a model railroader who is considering switching to S from another scale JOIN US! This list is one of the best sources of information on S scale available. Just introduce yourself after joining. Ask all the questions ...Created:
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S-TrainsWelcome to S-Trains To see the message archives from the previous Yahoo group, click here. S-Gauge (1/64th) model railroad topics. 'S' is generally linked to American Flyer. Recently more manufacturers have produced a wide array of S products. ( For Non-American Flyer oriented folks, see the Groups.io "S-Scale" Group, It is for 1/64th scale model railroading; both standard and n...Created:
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S-x-Religion-Politics-VllDaddy always said that you didn't discuss sex, religion, or politics. NONSENSE! Those are the top three subjects for discussion for most people!Created:
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S10-SonomaA group to discuss repairs, modifications, tips, and tricks on the Chevrolet S-10 and GMC Sonoma small pickup trucksCreated:
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s16264 / S16264 Genetic GenealogyA genetic genealogy discussion group for families of men who have tested positive for S16264, an unusual Y chromosome mutation that is thought to have originated several thousand years ago in France or England. S16264 is the name given to a small genetic change, called a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), that has recently been identified in the DNA of a small number of men from England, France...Created:
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S1S2euroS3LotusEspritOwnersRelocated 20 year old, worldwide, early Lotus Esprit owners group. The place to come for Tech help, parts, photos, history, Lotus friends. NEW SUBSCRIBERS: Click on 'Files' in the Left Margin to open it, then click on the first Folder to open it: 0 - HOW TO MANAGE YOUR "GROUP PROFILE" & "PREFERENCES"Created:
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S227YachtsThis is the new group for S2 27 ownersCreated:
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s2desainusakti2018-2019Email group ini dibuat untuk membantu koordinasi dan sharing antar mahasiswa S2 Desain Usakti 2018-2019Created:
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s3cyclingtestSeattle Super Squadra is a USA Cycling-affiliated Cycling Team based out of Seattle, Washington. This specific group of S3 Cycling is intended for the Board Management of S3 and has access.Created:
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s3nso-culture / S3NSO CULTUREA mailing list for sharing links and readings in order to improve SENSO's stakeholders' common culture... Of course, at present, it is just a test, but I hope it will evolve...Created:
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S4F-Emden-Leer / S4F-Emden-LeerMailverteiler für alle interessierten Wissenschaftler*innen, die sich im Rahmen von Scientists for Future, Regionalgruppe Emden/Leer, engagieren wollen. Siehe auch: https://www.scientists4future.org/mitmachen/regionalgruppen/ Allgemeine Kontakt-Email-Adresse des Ansprechpartners lautet: S4F-Emden-Leer@hs-emden-leer.de (Aktuell bearbeitet von: Tjarko Tjaden, M. Sc.) Email-Adresse des Verteilers la...Created:
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s4f-spain / Scientists for Future Spain / Científicos para el futuro EspañaScientists for Future - National group Spain Científicos para el futuro - Grupo nacional de España Más información y contacto: http://www.s4f-espana.es/ El envío de correos electrónicos a la dirección del grupo requiere suscripción previa. // Sending mails to the group address requires prior subscriptionCreated:
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s50e / Elektronska dopisna lista Radio kluba Cerkno S50EArhivska elektronska dopisna lista Radio kluba Cerkno je začela delovati julija 1999. Takšna lista je dober pripomoček za obveščanje članov kluba o skupnih delovnih akcijah o dogodkih, obenem pa lista omogoča tudi strokovne debate.Created:
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s51a / Radioklub Triglav - S51A S53APRReflektor Radiokluba Triglav služi za obveščanje in medsebojno komuniciranje, pošiljanje vabil in obvestil s podrocja klubskega zivljenja, obvesca vas o novostih s področja radioamaterstva, posreduje novice... Če ste član kluba in se hočete prijaviti na novice, pošljite email na S53APR@gmail.comCreated:
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s51hb / HAM-RADIO ; ARDUINO : Andruid TV BOXHAM-RADIO ; ARDUINO : Andruid TV BOXCreated:
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s55xWe builld new 1924 savoia marchetti flying boats.Created:
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s5GIThis group is dedicated to those who wish to stop 5G and other harmful wireless radiation.Created:
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