P-3OrionThis forum is for P-3 Orion lovers everywhere. I know that there are many squadron specific web sites and it's not my intention to compete with those fine sites. Because duty stations and squadrons change, and retirements are inevitable, I thought it would be a great place to develop and maintain contacts with fellow crewmembers and P-3 lovers. There is a place here to chat, view pictures o...Created:
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P1MutualAid / Precinct 1 Mutual AidHello neighbor! This is a mutual aid group for Precinct 1 (and friends at the intersections of precincts) in Easthampton, Massachusetts. If you are in immediate danger or need emergency support please call 911. This group is a neighborhood mutual aid group and is not intended to be a substitution for emergency services. ********************** Please use this forum to make offers to your neighbors...Created:
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p2-canada-municipal / Network of Public Participation Staff in Canadian MunicipalitiesPublic participation (aka public consultation and stakeholder engagement) professionals working in municipalities across Canada. Membership is exclusive to municipal and regional government staff and conversations are private and not to be interpreted as official government opinions. To subscribe, please use an official municipal or regional government staff email addressCreated:
298 Members,
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P2000-PersianPersian Linechasers with Pedigrees2000 accessCreated:
7 Members,
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P2000-Persian06Current P2020 Linechasing List Need ArchivesCreated:
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P25 / P25 Radio - Transceivers / Quantar Repeaters / Amateur RadioP25 Radio - Transceivers / Quantar Repeaters / Amateur Radio Amateur Radio Operator’s using P25. We welcome everyone 👍 https://groups.io/g/P25 P25 & BRANDMEISTER connection - welcome & invite This group has been created to share information related to the digital mode P25. An area that amateur radio operators may want to discuss and share information. Digital Voice for Amateur Us...Created:
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p25virginiaGroup for ham radio operators in Virginia who use P25 to connect and discuss p25 ham radio applications and related topics. We also want to create a space where operating activities can be coordinated and plannedCreated:
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p26-p42 / DARC Ortsverbände P26 (Böblingen) und P42 (Sindelfingen)Mailing-Liste der Mitglieder der Ortsverbände Böblingen (P26) sowie Sindelfingen (P42) des Deutschen Amateur-Radio-Clubs. Dient der schnellen Verbreitung aktueller Informationen sowie amateurfunkspezifischer Verkäufe und Verschenkungen, Kaufgesuche, Suche nach Bauteilen und vielem mehr.Created:
141 Members,
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P2MutualAid / Precinct 2 Mutual AidHello neighbor! This is a mutual aid group for Precinct 2 in Easthampton, Massachusetts. If you are in immediate danger or need emergency support please call 911. This group is a neighborhood mutual aid group and is not intended to be a substitution for emergency services. ********************** Purposes of our P2 Mutual Aid group: 1. Information share! Each week, volunteers will send every...Created:
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P2P-CO / Parent to Parent of ColoradoGroup Description P2P-CO is a private Online Parent Support Group that empowers caregivers to become more knowledgeable by connecting them to one another to improve the health + quality of life for themselves and for their children with disabilities or special healthcare needs. Our experience shows that those connected to a peer support network have a greater sense of empowerment, are more hopeful...Created:
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p2p-doctors-to-doctors / Doctors to DoctorsDoctors To Doctors is a People To People (P2P) project that is designed and created to facilitate the communication and collaboration of Ethiopian doctors in Ethiopia and abroad.Created:
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P2Pcarclubs / Peer to Peer Car ClubsP2P Car Clubs Form your own car club Individuals and groups requiring or offering car use, enter details in Databases HERE. Find people who need a car at different times to yourself Join their Car Club or invite them to join yours Convert your own car, help to reduce car ownership and change to electric Car clubs : Valley Road Car Club - - - - -Created:
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p3 / P3 OP3NThis group is formed to be the hub for discussing accessibility across applications and the web. We're driving change across technology and paying our members to attack problems we're all facing. This serves also as the initial proof of concept for seed funding for a private equity backed marketplace where individuals with disabilities consult with Fortune 500 companies to help improve so...Created:
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P42 / Mailingliste des P42 SindelfingenGruppe des P42Created:
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paThis is the mailing list for Pete's Alley.Created:
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pa-800mhzThis is a place where those connected with the PA state Police radio system can converse. U can talk about the "open Sky" 800 mhz system which will be decommissioned by 2021 or the new VHF system which is replacing 800 mhz.Created:
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PA-AUXCOMMThis is a future group for PA AUXCOMMCreated:
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PA-BLOOMING-GROVEA mailing list for the discussion and sharing of information regarding the Blooming Grove settlement, a German Dunker settlement established in 1804 in Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, and the ancestors and descendants of its residents. This is a replacement for the RootsWeb mailing list that will become defunct in March 2020. The RootsWeb Archive of all previous postings to this list can be viewe...Created:
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PA-Drill-PlanningWorkspace for the Pennsylvania Red Cross, ARES and other ham radio groups to plan drills.Created:
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pa-roots / Friends of PA-RootsThis list serves as a Newsletter to keep visitors and friends of PA-Roots.com updated on what's happening at PA-Roots.com The premier source for Pennsylvania Genealogy.Created:
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