O-secret-dreamGroupe privéCreated:
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o14 / o14 GroupWelcome to the o14group. Please visit our wiki for more information and resources and the O14 standards. This is an informal group for all those interested in building narrow gauge models who strive for evermore realism and authenticity in all scales, albeit with a focus on 7mm scale (1:43.5). This typically, but not exclusively, means using finescale or exact prototype standards and correct gauge...Created:
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o2alumniHier alles rein...Created:
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OA-VR-PIThis group is those interested in doing Public Information service work for the Virtual Region of Overeaters Anonymous.Created:
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OACDiscussion group for the Opticians Association of Colorado Board of Directors.Created:
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oadbywigstonknightonThis is a group for residents of Oadby , Wigston, or Knighton to discuss subjects of local interest. It is a replacement for the now defunct Streetlife. You can use this just as you might use a letters to the editor column n a local newspaper (if we had one), or ask for help from neighbours, or offer your own help to others. Only restrictions are: no discussion of political or religious subjects,a...Created:
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OAEF / Older Adult Education ForeverSupporting Older Adult Education Forever (OAEF) by: (1) Working for recognition from the California Master Plan for Aging, (2) Getting state funding restored for adult school Older Adult programs, (3) Creating an advocacy organization for Older Adult programs similar to the PTA for kids, (4) Improving communication and outreach to older adult students and potential students.Created:
27 Members,
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OAFL1960's Action PC Football LeagueCreated:
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OAFs / Ottawa Astronomy FriendSThis list is for amateur astronomers, active in the Ottawa, Ontario area to talk about observing, equipment, astronomy, public observing events and where we should meet for dinner. This list is not affiliated with any club. But all astronomy clubs, and individuals, are encouraged to post and add their public observing events to our Coming Events calendar. Posts must be civil. New members are moder...Created:
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OAGSHnet / OAGSHnetDie Möglichkeiten der Mailgroup sollen dem schnellen Informationsaustausch zwischen den Mitgliedern der OAGSH dienen und den direkten Kontakt zwischen ihnen fördern. Dabei soll sich der Inhalt der Mitteilungen im Wesentlichen mit avifaunistischen Themen, die für Schleswig-Holstein relevant sind, beschäftigen. Hinweise auf Veranstaltungen, Projekte, Aufrufe zur Mitarbeit sind willkommen. Dies...Created:
396 Members,
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OAGSHnet-MS / Netzwerk Möwen und Seeschwalben Schleswig-HolsteinDiese Gruppe dient dem Austausch im Netzwerk der Möwen- und Seeschwalben-Interessierten in Schleswig-Holstein.Created:
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OAHOregon Area Homeschoolers (OAH) strives to support, encourage and strengthen Christian homeschooling families in the Oregon, WIsconsin area. This is a private email list for the benefit of OAH participants.Created:
12 Members,
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OAHUCICRN / OAHUCICRNOAHUCICRN - Oahu Cross-island Community Resiliency NetworkCreated:
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oahuraces / Oahu RACESOahu RACES support the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service in HawaiiCreated:
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oakcanyon / Oak CanyonA neighborhood group located in Almaden Valley San Jose California Our purpose is to: Inform neighbors of neighborhood plans, activities or opportunities. (Luminaries, Oktoberfest, recycling, babysitting, pet sitting, etc.) Share resources and information that will be useful to the community (recommended contractors, city office contact info, etc) Raise awareness of impending actions by the...Created:
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OakcrestEstatesGroupThis group is for the neighbors at Oakcrest Estates Mobile Home Park in San Jose California USA to discuss issues important to the community.Created:
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oakcreststonehill / Oakcrest StonehillThis email group is to inform residents of Oakcrest and Stonehill Subdivisions with news pertaining to community watch. The subdivisions are located near Huntsville, AL.Created:
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OakgrovepedestriansNeighborhood groupCreated:
70 Members,
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OakhurstGA / Oakhurst GAMailing List for residents of Oakhurst Georgia.Created:
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oakingtonsingersOakington Singers, Cambridge UKCreated:
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