J-Rob / THE JACKIE ROBINSON MEMORIAL BASEBALL LEAGUEThis is the IO group for members of the Jackie Robinson Memorial Baseball League. It's a APBA/BBW baseball league which began play with the 1947 season and is currently preparing for the 1978 season.Created:
27 Members,
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J-Say / J-SayTo discuss the J-Say voice recognition software from Hartgen Consultancy.Created:
109 Members,
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J-STAR / J-STAR Desktop PI-STAR for Raspberry Pi, BPi, x86Use for J-STAR update , Users guide, issue feedback, daily, weekly summary, MMDVM . IMG download https://github.com/JTA-STAR/J-STAR Project sponsor: BI7JTA This group source from NANO-MMDVM 2018 https://www.facebook.com/groups/v3f446 (Facebook group) https://t.me/+HTzVv--5ZLs1YWU1 (Telegram Group)Created:
155 Members,
38 Topics,
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j105owners / j105 owners groupGroup facilitates communications among owners of J105 sailboats.Created:
4 Members,
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JA-EMEQTC Earth-Moon-Earth Web SITEとJA-EME メーリングリストについて http://eme.dokidoki.ne.jp/ はJA-EMEと日本のEMEの ページです。 サイトのメインテナンスはお遊びでJA5FNXが行っています。 ML等の基本的ポリシーはJA9BOH/JA4BLC/JA5...Created:
4 Members,
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2 Members,
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JabCamit / Jabiru and Camit Engines Discussion groupA forum for those who own or are interested in Jabiru and CAMit aircraft engines. We welcome the open exchange of knowledge, in the hope that owners will become more familiar with their engines leading to safer, more enjoyable flyingCreated:
449 Members,
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JAcastellano / Jane Austen en castellano (JAcastellano)Discutir la obra de Jane Austen, su vida, su época, sus influencias, las adaptaciones de sus obras, material de referencia y hasta autores que se les parecen. En general, todo lo que se relacione con Jane Austen. Este es el nuevo hogar de JAcastellano, la más antigua comunidad de internet en lengua española dedicada a Jane Austen (fundada en 1999). Se agradecerá a toda persona que desee ut...Created:
153 Members,
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jaccJapan American Collaborative CommunityCreated:
6 Members,
31 Topics,
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Jack-and-Daniel-FanFic / Orrymain's Jack and Daniel Stargate Fan FicThis group is for the publication of Orrymain's fan fiction for Stargate SG-1 featuring a "slash" aka: romantic and loving relationship between the characters of Jack O'Neill and Daniel Jackson as played by Richard Dean Anderson and Michael Shanks. Discussion about the fics and the universe created by Orrymain is welcome and encouraged. If you want to discuss Stargate, you can do...Created:
74 Members,
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JackAlThis Forum is for exchanging ideas, suggestions, assembly instructions, debugging, and enhancements for the JackAl DSP board for the µBITX. The official web site for the JackAl board is hamradiodesigns.com. This Forum is a clearing house for all things pertaining to the JackAl board.Created:
324 Members,
246 Topics,
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JackHardyMusicDiscussion of the music of the late New-York-based singer/songwriter Jack Hardy.Created:
24 Members,
4 Topics,
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jackmarie13sibs / Jack and Marie Siblings Email GroupFamily discussion between 13 siblingsCreated:
16 Members,
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JackrabbitRugbyAlumniThis is the official email group of the South Dakota State Jackrabbit Alumni rugby team.Created:
41 Members,
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JacksBluesClues / Jack's Bay Area Blues CluesThis group promotes live blues music events throughout the San Francisco Bay Area by sharing a Calendar that releases "reminders" of live blues performances 12 hours prior to the event. ----This group replaces my yahoo Blues Clues calendar which has ceased to be fully functional ever since yahoo groups were bought by the hosts of this improved option. ----To start I'll be feeding new...Created:
290 Members,
29,951 Topics,
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jacksnipeGroup to discuss about jack snipes - methods of catching and ringing, ageing, results etc.Created:
5 Members,
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Jackson / Jackson-SurnameFormerly Rootsweb as Rootsweb is closing all lists.Created:
53 Members,
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Jackson-battlegroundOnline group for Jackson Battleground gaming groupCreated:
3 Members,
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Jackson-HoleIf jackson-hole.slack.com ever gets over populated, we will move here. Right now you can request and invite to jackson-hole.slack.com at; http://jhslack.com.Created:
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Jackson-Hole-Bridge / JHB SandboxBroadcast email list for duplicate bridge players in Jackson WY. New this week: Thursday afternoon's game is at 3:15pm Saturday afternoon is an Open Pairs at 2:15pm, 24 boards at 6 minutes No Sunday evening 199er game DAY TIME Game Type Director Monday 4:15 PM Open Liz / Ray Tuesday 10:15AM 4:15 PM 199er Open Cathy Cathy Wednesday ...Created:
3 Members,
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