A professional discussion forum for dentists practising in South Asia and the UK who have attended a FGDP(UK) CPD programme
4 Members, 4 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
ukletsSW / UK LETS South West Forum
Discussion Forum for members of LETS (Local Exchange Trading Scheme) groups in the South West of the UK (Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Dorset, Wiltshire, Bristol, Gloucestershire)
32 Members, 527 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
The UK Lymphoma Pharmacy Group was established in October 2024 with the of aim of promoting a high standard of pharmaceutical care in patients with lymphoma. The group strives to support education and training, development of guidelines and undertake high quality, audit and research. The Group aims to establish a network of pharmacy professionals with an interest in Lymphoma across the UK; provid...
19 Members, 3 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Private forum for Freemasons
2 Members, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
This is a collaborative group for the 2019 UK Cohort of the Cross-Divisional Mentor Program, please use this as a meeting space to get together and build upon the development community that we have created.
12 Members, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
ukmeteornetwork / UK Meteor Analysis
UK Meteor Analysis - recording meteors over the United Kingdom Got questions about operating a meteor camera? Check out our wiki and FAQ
253 Members, 1,876 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
UKMicrowaves / UK Microwave OPs
A group for Radio Amateurs interested in the microwave bands to share ideas and operating details. This group has taken over from the old Yahoo one of the same name. Files, photos and the message archive from the old group have all been copied across. Note that this Group is not connected nor formally associated with the UK Microwave Group By default, members joining will be given unmoderated ...
813 Members, 19,596 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
UKMilitaryRadios / UK Military Radios
For exchanging information about UK military radios, especially Clansman and Larkspur
403 Members, 2,327 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
ukmoderndmu / UK Modern DMU
Discussion, information, workings, technical, historical all UK main line national railways Diesel Multiple Units. UK Modern DMU includes all those post 1970 units with modern bodies, power sliding or plug doors. List of included classes : British Railways 139 140 141 142 143 144 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 158 159 165 166 168 170 171 172 175 180 185 195 196 197 210 220 221 222 230 745 755 769 ...
251 Members, 914 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
ukmodernhousefanatics / UK Modern House Fanatics
A successor to the long-running Yahoo group. We are interested in all architect designed, quirky, bizarre or simply interesting houses in the UK, built between the 1920s and now.
87 Members, 2,187 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
UKMotorsportFrequencies / UK Motorsport Frequencies
UK Motorsport Radio Communication Frequencies
21 Members, 3 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Email list of the UK Muscidae & Fanniidae Study Group, which is dedicated to promoting interest among UK dipterists, entomologists, general naturalists and the public in the Muscidae & Fanniidae families of true flies (Diptera).
16 Members, 19 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
This group is dedicated to amateur experimentation and communication using nanowaves, e.g. visible light, infra-red and ultra-violet radiation.
83 Members, 82 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
UKoccultations / UK Occultations Discussion Group
An astronomy group for timing lunar and asteroid occultations of stars, and the techniques used. Those with an interest in our observing activities are invited to join. The group was set up in 2012 to support observers in the UK. The international discussion groups are: IOTAoccultations, and the Planoccult List in Europe. When an asteroid passes in front of a star, we time the point when the s...
62 Members, 1,747 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
ukoscale / ukoscale
The email-plus group for O-scale modellers of North American railroads living in the UK. We model in 2-rail and our track gauge is 1-1/4" / 32mm, the same as British O-gauge track. O-scale is 1:48 ... 1/4":1ft. Items wanted, or for sale can be listed: Items for sale must have your starting price. Pictures and good descriptions, including catalogue numbers and any desirable add-ons, suc...
40 Members, 232 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
Mailing list for co-ordinating UK national packet radio links. See Note: now charge us $20 per month since we are over 100 members. There is absolutely no obligation, but please feel free to contribute to those costs here: - or via a sponsorship.
242 Members, 109 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
This list is for the membership of the United Kingdom Professional Investigators Network (UKPIN) Membership of the UKPIN is FREE. It is ONLY available for the subscription of UK professional private investigators, professionals related to the investigation industry and professional process servers. Overseas professionals with specific UK interests are also welcome. AIMS OF UKPIN 1) To promote netw...
575 Members, 66,423 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
UK wide group dedicated to recording all known buses and coaches in the UK. Vehicle sightings, news, upcoming events, anything to do with UKPSV's very welcome. A friendly long running group for all like minded enthusiasts
61 Members, 167 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
A group dedicated to recording non PSV vehicles in the UK. Council vehicles, taxis, dance troups, motorhomes. In fact anything that is or was a PSV and now isn't. Or equally welcome any new vehicles such as council vehicles
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
UKQRM / UKQRM Radio Interference in the UK
UKQRM is a group formed of Radio Amateurs, Shortwave radio listeners, Citizens' Band radio users, EMC professionals, and like-minded people, who discuss issues of non-EMC-compliance of electronic equipment and the danger posed to the radio spectrum. We are concerned with the rise in non-EMC-compliance of the following: Switched Mode Power Supplies. Plasma Televisions. Lighting systems - incl...
171 Members, 101 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: