lamrs / LOS ANGELES MODEL RAILROAD SOCIETYLos Angeles Model Railroad Society, a non profit model rail organization with a HO and HOn3 1000 square foot layout located in Harbor City, California meetings on every Tuesday evening 7PM. First Tuesdays of each month are closed to publicCreated:
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lan20201Diese Mailing List ist gedacht zur Planung einer LAN Party Anfang Januar 2020.Created:
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LanahanFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – LanahanCreated:
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LanarkA list for the discussion of genealogy & family history in the County of Lanark (shire) Scotland. It is a successor to the Lanark mailing list at Rootsweb Some useful links
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LancasterCarClubFor members of Lancaster Community Car ClubCreated:
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LancasterCountyTOGA / Lancaster County TOGAThis is a private group for people interested in participating in the TOGA. It is open to those who wish to learn about the event, help plan and organize it, and to get updates on the event. The 2025 TOGA has been scheduled for June 20 and June 21 (Fri & Sat) at the New Holland Fire Hall, 339 East Main Street, New Holland, PA. We collect $30 from each member for the two day event. Members who ...Created:
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Lancers / Welcome, Veterans of B Co. 158th. Avn. Bn., and B Co. 5/101 Avn, 101st. Abn. Div.Welcome, Veterans of B Co. 158th. Avn. Bn., and B Co. 5/101 Avn, 101st. Abn. Div. We would like to hear from one and all who have served with the Lancers. This is a place to share our common experiences, revisit with old friends and meet new ones. We are 501c19 veterans group as per the IRS regulations.Created:
100 Members,
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Lancerwriters / Lancer WritersWe are a group that was created in Yahoo Groups in 2001 whose purpose was to write, discuss and enjoy fanfiction based on the TV series Lancer, starring James Stacy, Wayne Maunder and Andrew Duggan. Both writers and readers are equally encouraged to join. Our writers thrive on feedback and our reviewers are considered to be as equally important as our writers. You really can’t have one without t...Created:
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LancsGen / LancsGenFor the discussion of genealogy, local, and family history in the historical English county of Lancashire, UK. Discussion of family history, migration patterns, immigration, historical sketches, census data, wills, vital records (births, marriages, deaths), and web sites relating to Lancashire is encouraged. This list replaces the LancsGen list formerly hosted by RootsWeb.Created:
457 Members,
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landa-agado-en-afriko / [landa-agado-en-afriko]Listo por landa agado en Afriko kadre de UEA.Created:
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landandlabor / Land + LaborLand + Labor: Acknowledging the dignity and humanity of all involved in the work of designing, shaping, and stewarding the land. 4/28/23 Land + Labor Update and Next Steps 5/18/23 Land + Labor Zoom Happy Hour: Land + Labor Miro Board 8/29/23 Land + Labor Zoom: Rebecca GalembaCreated:
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Landandliberty / Land and LibertyThis discussion group is for people who believe anyone should have access to natural resources and liberty. If people have no access to natural resources such as land, they are dependent on those who own the earth. An enormous government and mass surveillance are not the way to go. There are better alternatives. Members might be interested in Georgism, geoism, left-libertarianism, market-anarchi...Created:
5 Members,
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Landco-opSpace to talk and plan all things co-op!!Created:
12 Members,
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Landcruiser200Those with interest in the King Off the RoadCreated:
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LandDancersDiscussions related to Land Dancers and the landCreated:
13 Members,
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Lander-genealogy / Lander-genealogyA group / mailing list for the discussion and sharing of information regarding Lander genealogy or family history and Lander genealogical research; involving the Lander family name and all variations, and, family names that sound like Lander (e.g., Landers, Landa etc) in any place and at any time. This is a transfer and replacement of the Rootsweb genealogical LANDER mailing list. People with simi...Created:
6 Members,
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Landes-genealogy / Landes History and GenealogyA surname discussion group for Landes, Landis, and all other variations on the surname.Created:
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landgrave-dnd / Landgrave D&D GroupA group for our d&d game so that we can keep track of info and have discussions.Created:
2 Members,
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LandkrusersStarted in July of 2005, Landkrusers is a car club that is aimed at the individuals who like big, old classic automobiles. Though we don't mind mid sized autos either.Created:
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Landmark-SNCLandmark Saturday Night Church is a community of followers of Jesus Christ. Our door is open, welcoming spiritual seekers to join us as we grow together; affirming, challenging and teaching one another in the way of Christ. Our values: 1. To glorify God 2. To draw people to Jesus 3. To grow together in our love for and knowledge of God through Bible teaching, prayer, worship and fellowship. 4. To ...Created:
36 Members,
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