GADMRRepeaterOwnersGroup for Metro Atlanta DMR repeater operators and ownersCreated:
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GADodgeGenealogy in Dodge County GeorgiaCreated:
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GAEarlyGenealogy in Early County GeorgiaCreated:
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GaeilgeoiriSaor-raoinFree-range Irish speakers - ranganna beo aghaidh ar aghaidh.Created:
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GAElbertGenealogy in Elbert County GeorgiaCreated:
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GAF / The new email list for Grenland og Omegn Astronomiske ForeningThis is the new email list for Grenland og Omegn Astronomiske Forening. This email is meant for members of the society only, to keep in touch, share and discuss topics related to astronomy and the society. GAF is a local amateur astronomical society located in Norway. In an area known as Grenland, an area clustered around the two towns Skien and Porsgrunn. The web site for this local amateur astro...Created:
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GAFloydGenealogy in Floyd County GeorgiaCreated:
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GAFultonGenealogy in Fulton County GeorgiaCreated:
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gagalbertmembresGag Albert membresCreated:
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gaggleThe gaggle group - really rocks.Created:
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GAGordonGenealogy in Gordon County GeorgiaCreated:
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GAGreeneGenealogy in Greene County GeorgiaCreated:
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GAHAGAN-genealogyGroup to discuss, share or ask questions of a genealogical nature for persons with the surname Gahagan. This group replaces the Rootsweb mailing list GAHAGAN.Created:
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gahl / Gwinnett Area Home LearnersWe are an eclectic group of relaxed, non-religious home learners in Gwinnett and surrounding counties and originally introduced through CHE. Collectively, we embrace all aspects and approaches to homeschooling, any and all spiritual traditions (theistic or non-theistic), and, above all, the spirit of open, honest, intelligent, and non-judgmental communication of ideas relative to education and lif...Created:
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GaiaDiscussion for Gaian practitioners.Created:
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Gaians / GaiansWelcome This is a discussion forum for all Gaians, to foster community, and particularly to promote the Gaian Way. Gaians are those who understand that we are part of, and utterly dependent upon, the Living Earth. We understand that it is therefore our responsibility to use our life energy to care for and heal Gaia. As this understanding deepens, it becomes an important part of our identity, our w...Created:
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gaiapcThis is a discussion group connected to Gaia Preservation Coalition. Group Description To be a gathering place for people who Consciously acknowledge the human Predicament and who seek with others its Resolution through the creation and Exploration of ideas and actions that move Humanity toward a more harmonious Relationship within gaia. It is affiliated with
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GaileyFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – GaileyCreated:
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GainsFlight / GAINS FLIGHT CENTERGains Flight is dedicated to student pilots everywhere. GF specializes in Flight Training, Ground Schools, FAA Exams, Training Aircraft and the new FAA Medical requirements. Join the conversation today ! Best Wishes, Gains FlightCreated:
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gaitcoalition / Georgia Infant-Toddler CoalitionThe Georgia Infant-Toddler Coalition Listserv is meant to provide an easy way to ask questions, seek guidance, and share relevant details with other Coalition members. Once you join, you can send an email directly to to share time-sensitive questions or resources with the group—and to reply to others’ queries—at any time. A few important house-keeping items relate...Created:
108 Members,
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