fan / Future Architecture Night FANFuture Architecture is a yearly event than make architects, designers and hackers meet and share their experience about architecture, collaboration and new technologies. Please visite to learn more about it.Created:
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FANAC-UpdatesSubscribe here if you want updates whenever new material is posted on Different than the monthly newsletter, which includes other material, this is for content updates to the site.Created:
49 Members,
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fanatikbikeraceteam / Fanatik Bike Race TeamGroup messaging for the Fanatik Bike Co. Race TeamCreated:
21 Members,
246 Topics,
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fanceandfearsfamilyThis is the group site for the Fance and Fears Family site. This site will be used to assist in developing our Family Tree and communicating about family-related activities.Created:
2 Members,
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1 Member,
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FANCHER-genealogyGroup to discuss, share or ask questions of a genealogical nature for persons with the surname Fancher. This group replaces the Rootsweb mailing list FANCHER.Created:
13 Members,
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Fanciers / FanciersA group for cat breeders, rescuers, exhibitors, and other fanciers to discuss issues of feline health and husbandry.Created:
2,253 Members,
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FanciersCSCFor members only of Fanciers Cocker Spaniel Club of Southern WisconsinCreated:
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Fanconidogs / FanconidogsFanconiDogs is a support group of friendly and knowledgeable owners/caretakers of dogs with Fanconi Syndrome, a defect of the renal tubules of the kidneys. Our primary focus is the sharing of practical information, help and encouragement in day to day living as we follow the Gonto Fanconi Protocol with our much-loved special needs furkids.Created:
143 Members,
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fancy3A private group for discussions about building Fancyclopedia 3.Created:
8 Members,
210 Topics,
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FANEW1Trial group for Fiber Arts organization.Created:
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fanfarons-de-gieres / Fanfarons de GièresListe d'information pour les participants à la banda des Fanfarons de Gières.Created:
31 Members,
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fanficroleplay / FanficRolePlayStep into a realm of fantasy and explore worlds of exotic characters, myriad types of magic, and entertaining and intense storylines. We integrate characters from many different series, making this an alternate universe for our favorite characters from many stories we love. Original characters from our own imaginations come to life, too. In a group where the possibilities are endless, anything can...Created:
8 Members,
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FanFundAdmin / Fan Fund Admin ForumThe Fan Fund Admin Forum is a discussion list for current and past fan fund administrators. Please restrict discussion to topics relevant to fan fund administration. What's relevant could include: polling former administrators regarding policy or ballot changes; technical questions on ballot counts; ideas for fund-raising; using the brains trust for past experience on recurrent problems. List ...Created:
78 Members,
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Fanninhams / FanninhamsThis group is intended to provide information and updates for the Fannin County Amateur Radio club with its members and other interested parties.Created:
67 Members,
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fanPASticanDobrodošli! Grupa je namijenjena obavijestima, razmjeni materijala i zadaća članovima fanPAStičnog tečaja.Created:
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fans3dEnglish/french: All the stereoscopy for photo/anim Gif/draw/video/hologram - toute la stéréoscopie: 3D scan, anaglyph, 4D drone, multiplex hologram, Pulfrich, Chromadepth, Sbs passive polarized, active, stereoscopic geometry to avoid any trouble, soft for any smartphone/computer PC/Mac/Pi Linux. Arduino circuit, 3D Even/évènement 3D. Relation with/avec 3D pro movie maker/réalisateurs.Created:
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FansofDisneyMoviesandShowsA group to discuss Disney movies, including the classics (Aladdin, The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast and much more... Disney plus/Streaming too and that includes shows as well Enjoy!Created:
3 Members,
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FansoftheHOn3Annual / Fans of the HOn3 AnnualThis is the unofficial site for the HOn3 Annual. A place where you can share stories and give feedback about anything related to the HOn3 Annual. There is no direct relation between here and White River ProductionsCreated:
26 Members,
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FansoftheOn30Annual / Fans of the On30 AnnualThis is the unofficial site for the On30 Annual. A place where you can share stories and give feedback about anything related to the On30 Annual. There is no direct relation between here and White River ProductionsCreated:
18 Members,
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