wa0fql / Kansas City Area Blind Amateur Radio Club (KBARC)
This is for the Kansas City Area Blind Amateur Radio Club
10 Members, 26 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
A list of all current AARP TaxAide Technical Coordinators (TC) for Washington State. The group is to be used for communication between the state's technical specialist and the individual TCs concerning technology related items of interest for the free tax preparation program run by the AARP Foundation.
43 Members, 20 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
wa3com / Washington Amateur Communications
WACOM is a non-profit organization (501-C3) serving ham radio enthusiasts in and around Washington County, Pennsylvania. The purpose of this group is to allow for easy information sharing between club members and friends of the club.
87 Members, 2,494 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
wa3nan / WA3NAN General List
Goddard Amateur Radio Club (WA3NAN)
3 Members, 1 Topic, Public Archive, Last Post:
wa3sfj / Chesapeake Bay Radio Association
This group is for members of the Chesapeake Bay Radio Association (CBRA) with currently paid dues. Here is where CBRA members can come for special notices regarding meetings, events, and happenings that may be of interest to those members. If you would like to join the CBRA, you may join online by visiting our website at wa3sfj.net
47 Members, 544 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
This Group is for the discussion of Amateur Radio related topics and Radiogram Traffic handling.
2 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
The Houston County Texas Amateur Radio Club in Crockett, Texas
21 Members, 83 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
WA7ABU / WA7ABU Repeaters operated by SARG
The WA7ABU Repeaters This group is to be used to provide information, files, documents, and notices to support our efforts. Please include your callsign when registering. Our stated purpose is to provide education and information concerning Ham Radio, Yaesu Fusion and repeaters in general. Our group will be associated with S.A.R.G., the club supporting repair and administration of the WA7ABU Repe...
344 Members, 987 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
wa7dre / Washington Digital Radio Enthusiasts
FCC Licensed Amateur Radio Club, and Washington Non-Profit Corporation For licensed amateur radio operators located in and around Spokane, Washington, and their friends. Be sure to put your callsign in your Display Name somewhere. All Display Names must have your callsign!
84 Members, 265 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
This group is an email list for students in Tom Waits CWA Level 2 and Level 2 Prep Classes Fall 2019 to connect and schedule on the air contacts to practice their CW.
11 Members, 29 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
WAARC-K4RC / Williamsburg Area Amateur Radio Club K4RC
For Williamsburg Area Amateur Radio Club (greater Williamsburg, Virginia) members to exchange messages and store common files and photos. General Amateur Radio interest; anything related to the Hobby and of interest to the Club. Non-club members are welcome, and encouraged to join the Club. WHEN applying to JOIN this group, PLEASE include your NAME, Amateur Radio Callsign, or a sentence indicating...
316 Members, 16,573 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
This site is for WAARCI use For Sale, Trade, or other special club projects not listed on the website. When registering please add a name and or your ham call to be displayed in the name field. Until we know you are not a bot or spam your ID will remain moderated.
47 Members, 434 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
waari / WAARI - Wiregrass Area Amateur Radio Information
Wiregrass Area Amateur Radio Information Group Description This list was created to provide a common location for the exchange of Amateur Radio related ideas and events in the Wiregrass. While this list is open to all who are interested in the art of Radio, the primary focus for this list is a geographical area known as the Wiregrass. The Wiregrass includes portions of Southeast Alabama, South...
31 Members, 15 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
waarrog / WAARROG - Wiregrass Area Amateur Radio Repeater Operator Group
WAARROG - Wiregrass Area Amateur Radio Repeater Operator Group
2 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
WAAW / We Are All Writers
This is where writers of all stages in Amharic and English share their work (Essay, poetry, prose, fiction or non-fiction, etc) and exchange ideas. This is not a site for local politics of any kind and it will be moderated to make sure it is free from it. We are happy to refer to other similar groups ( groups.io ) to satisfy that need.
3 Members, 17 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
WAB-Chat / WAB Chat
Created for members who like to have a bit of a natter, rather than clutter up the activity reflector. (Almost) anything goes, but please keep it reasonably clean and no very bad language. Postings are unmoderated, but applications for membership are to prevent spam and persons joining this group do so on the understanding that they may receive a large quantity of emails and/or attachments. As wit...
25 Members, 120 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
This group is dedicated to the sharing of information related to the Wabash Railroad, its subsidiary lines and predecessor roads. Both prototype and scale modeling topics are considered to be within the scope of this group.
24 Members, 17 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Wabrewersguild / Washington Brewers Guild - Brewers Forum
A trade association of micro and craft brewers from Washington state.
247 Members, 760 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
wabutterflyassoc / Washington Butterfly Association
The Washington Butterfly Association is a non-profit environmental organization dedicated to the appreciation, understanding, and conservation of butterflies and other pollinators and their ecology. Using education, scientific studies, and advocacy we seek to raise appreciation of their value to our future. We hope that by advocating for our native pollinators we can help bring about a more ecol...
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
We Actually Collect Electric Mixers (WACEM), a Yahoo group founded in 1999 by Nancy Platnick.
72 Members, 1 Topic, Public Archive, Last Post: