jba / JBA AwardeesGroup for JBA Awardees to network, collaborate, post news, catch-up, or just say Hi.Created:
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jbdsGroup for Journal of Behavioral Data Science.Created:
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JBJMRC / Maj. John B. Jones Masonic Rangering CompanyThe Major John B. Jones Masonic Rangering Company is a joint project of the Former Texas Rangers Foundation, Inc., and the Masonic Grand Lodge of Texas, A.F & A.M. The Masonic Ranger Company was formed under Art. 225 of Grand Lodge of Texas Law, with a portion of all membership dues being returned to The Grand Lodge Library and Museum. Annual Musters are held on the last Saturday of October,...Created:
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jbs-ct32 / Membres de la promo CT32 de JBS CoachingPromotion JBS / CT32Created:
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JBS74Women / Women of JBS '74Women of John Burroughs School Class of '74Created:
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JBSSpring2023JBS class of 2023 Spring CohortCreated:
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JBTFanciersThis group has been established for people interested in participating in or helping with the Japanese Bobtail Fanciers Show planned for the Denver area in 2025. Highlights of plans and actions taken will be discussed. Dates and times of show committee meetings will be given. Ideas and suggestions from all members are welcome.Created:
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jbwa / Jim Bell Wireless AssociationThe Jim Bell Wireless Association is made up of Amateur Radio Operators from South Central Alabama. The name honors one of our founders, the late Jim Bell, K4TNS. Jim was revered as a mentor to many electronics students who studied under him at Reid State and was also the Butler County EMA Director, then known as the Civil Defense Director. We offer a variety of activities to encourage the use of ...Created:
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JBWPensionTerminationA group of people affected by Jervis B. Webb Company's announced intent to terminate its pension plan by transferring the plan to an independent insurance company and terminating its protection under the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation. The goal of the group is to stop the termination process and preserve the plan's PBGC protection.Created:
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jc-ares / ARES/RACES Johnson County - IowaAmateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) and Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) for Johnson County, IowaCreated:
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jc-hosting / jc hosting main discussionJC hosting is a hosting company that offers web hosting, and a lot more for affordable prices. Visit our site at http://jc-hosting.me for more info.Created:
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JCAGLEJeffs pageCreated:
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JCARCFieldDay2025Planning group for the Jefferson County, WA Amateur Radio Club 2025 ARRL Field Day on June 28-29, 2025Created:
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jcaresJCARES stands for Jones County ARES. We are the go to group of ARES volunteer that support Jones County Emergency Management. If you would like to become part of our group, contact n5bi, Gary Branch at gabranch@att.net for more information on how to join our groujp.Created:
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JCARES-CabinetLeadership group for Jackson County MO ARES.Created:
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jcareskn4em / JCARES, KN4EMThe Jefferson County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (JCARES) is a field organization of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and is comprised of FCC licensed amateur radio operators. Our “Hams” volunteer their time, skill and equipment to serve the community during times of disaster and distress, when normal communications media are not available, have failed or are badly overburdened.Created:
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JCARSThe Jackson County Amateur Radio Service, Sylva NCCreated:
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JCC / Members of the Jamberoo Croquet ClubThis e-mail group facilitates internal communications within the Jamberoo Croquet Club inc. The main group; members@jcc.groups.io includes all members who have e-mail addresses and will be used to disseminate information from the Committee and the Club Newsletter 'Between the Hoops' The Committee sub group: committee@jcc.groups.io is used by the Committee to discuss issues related to ...Created:
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JCCROSSDigital Marketing: Free Courses and Resources - Tips - Tricks - Coaching - Awesome and VERY USEFUL eBooks that I give away................ Just let me know what you need help with or what resources/information you need to Start, Grow, or Scale any online business.Created:
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jcdp / Jazz Computer Discography ProjectThe Jazz Computer Discography Project involves creation of comprehensive and authoritative discography. JCDP is here to facilitate the discussion of compiling discography. While the list was originally focused on jazz discography, discussion of discography for any music genre is permitted and encouraged. It is hoped that with discussion, debate, and input from serious discographers and compute...Created:
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