hamfaqHamradio Frequently Asked QuestionsCreated:
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HamfeastAZ / HamfeastAZHamfeastAZ is a social gathering every Saturday evening at various restaurants in the Phoenix area. Come with your friends and family as anyone can attend. If you're looking to meet people you've been chatting with on the local repeaters, bring an appetite and a few good stories. This group was started by a few friends meeting weekly to discuss public service events. When word got...Created:
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Hamfeed / HamfeedAmateur radio audio feeds.Created:
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hamgeeksHam radio ProjectCreated:
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HamidsheikhKATVedic Astro;ogyCreated:
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HamiltonHamilton Family Genealogy ResearchCreated:
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hamiltoncooperativeDiscussion board for the Hamilton CooperativeCreated:
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HamiltonCountyOhioFamiliesThis is a group for those of us who are researching our families in Hamilton County, Ohio. We can discuss anything that pertains to Hamilton County, such as genealogy resources, our families, old photos and even newer ones, recipes, our memories of Cincinnati, and anything else that we want to discuss as long as it is family-oriented. Also we can share prayer requests if we need prayers. Please jo...Created:
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HamiltonForumThe purpose of the Hamilton Forum is to provide a place for respectful, considerate dialogue among all stakeholders concerning any matter of importance in the Hamilton Community. It serves to raise awareness and build mutual understanding about these matters and their implications for everyone, in order to encourage well-informed choices about significant decisions and actions which can affect the...Created:
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hamiltonydnaHamiltonYDNA is a private discussion group for participants of the Hamilton Y DNA Project. Membership is limited to participants of the project. While only men can be tested for Y DNA, women may participate by having a male relative take the test. For further information, the administrators may be contacted at: https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/hamiltonCreated:
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HamIssuesThis is a group devoted to the discussions that evolve around Amateur Radio, but don't quite fit anywhere else. It is expected that all members will hold valid, current, Amateur Radio operating privileges in their home country, and it is understood that almost any topic will be considered relevant, or on-topic.Created:
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hamkirov / HamkirovФорум радиолюбителей Кировской области.Created:
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HamLabLe Groupe "HamLab" est un groupe dédié aux radioamateurs membres de l'association du même nom. Il s'agit d'une association qui à pour but de fédérer les radioamateurs du département 35 et d'ailleurs autour d'une vision moderne du radioamteurisme. Tous les sujets concernant le monde de la radio peuvent y être abordés. La seule obligation est le respect entre t...Created:
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hamlanHam radio networking LocallyCreated:
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HamLearningNet / Ham Learning NetWelcome to the Denver Radio Club Ham Learning Net. EVERYONE is welcome. Connecting Elmers with people who need their expertise to answer ham radio questions on all topics and at all levels. Wednesdays at 7:30pm to 8:30pm mountain, 145.490mhz or 448.625mhz, -600hz offset, also on youtube.com/denverradioclub. Except the 3rd Wednesday of the month.Created:
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hamletccList serve exclusively for residents of The Hamlet Neighborhood in Chevy Chase, MD.Created:
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hamlibUnable to communicate with hamlib on IC-7300Created:
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Hamlin-Road-LFPA group of friends and neighbors living on Hamlin Road in Lake Forest Park, WA. We use this list to organize our annual National Night Out, always on the first Tuesday of August. Our next national night out block party is held on August 6, 2024 from 5pm - dusk. Bring a chair and drinks and dish to share. No grills in 2024. NNO is a national event to meet your neighbors and promote police-community...Created:
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HamlineMidway / Hamline Midway NeighborsNeighborhood discussion and community organizing group for residents of the Hamline-Midway Neighborhood in St. Paul.Created:
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hamlinrailway / Hamlin & Valley Central RailwayA place to receive a share information about the Hamlin & Valley Central RailwayCreated:
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