A ham radio VE testing group serving the east valley of the Phoenix area including Chandler, Gilbert, Mesa, and Scottsdale. This group is for communication between VEs and test appliants.
5 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
eastwoodsaustin / Eastwoods Neighborhood Association - Austin, Texas
The Eastwoods Neighborhood Association (ENA) welcomes residents or property owners in Austin's Eastwoods neighborhood to our low-traffic information/discussion email list. This site is used primarily by the Board of Directors of the Eastwoods Neighborhood Association to communicate with the association's members. It is also a repository for important documents that relate to the neighborho...
41 Members, 818 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Easy-100 / Easy-100 satellite upconverter special interest group
Special interest group for the Easy-100 amateur radio satellite uplink converter for accessing the QO-100 geostationary satellite QO-100 (Es'hail 2). The design was featured in the RSGB magazine RadCom, June 2019. Here's a place to swap tips, information, suggestions on what works and what doesn't work, cheaper ways of doing things, and so on and so forth. Please note that your first ...
252 Members, 73 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
welcome to the easy-chair where we can have a general chat about any general things at all
4 Members, 23 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
easy-rotor-control / Easy-Rotor-Control
Purpose for this group is to share experience and to improve the Easy-Rotor-Controle Hardware and Software. Please feel free to leave any type of web links, files and or pics of technical nature on this site as long as it pertains to Rotor Control Software/Hardware and related issues. DF9GR
269 Members, 86 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Easy400Group / Easy400.net users
This Easy400Group mailing list at http://www.easy400.net is an on-line forum to discuss the IBM i tools and utilities available on the EASY400.net web site - created by the late Giovanni B. Perotti, who passed away on February 9, 2024. The EASY400.net web site is now also a memorial to Giovanni's "life's work" -- promoting use of CGIDEV2 and related tools to develop IBM i web ap...
123 Members, 143 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Die ooit de belofte waren voor de ganse maatschappij en die dienden, gaan zij stilaan op hun lauweren rusten in soms onstuimige vriendschap, dat nog steeds wel.
11 Members, 8 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
EasyDCC / EasyDCC
This Group is for folks who use the CVP brand, EasyDCC system, and also people just interested in EasyDCC as well. A place to share information, ideas and tips on using EasyDCC. To ask questions and discuss features, compare setup options and share examples of uses.
459 Members, 3,345 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
EasyDoesIt / Easy Does It
A group for recipes consisting of 5 ingredients or fewer. General chat is also welcome. This replaces the group on Yahoo Groups.
9 Members, 29 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
easyfood / EasyFood
🍎🍋🍇 🍓🥝 Ti piace cucinare? Vuoi scoprire ogni giorno tante nuove ricette e suggerimenti? Hai provato a cercare on-line ma hai trovato difficoltà nella ricerca? Entra a far parte di questa community e ti accorgerai che è tutto più semplice. Iscriviti in questo gruppo tramite il seguente link: easyfood+subscribe@groups.io
32 Members, 393 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
EasyOrganizerSuite / Easy Organizer Suite
Easy Organizer Suite™ is a suite of programs that will help you organize your hobby information. It has many different Modules (each sold separately). Each Module organizes different types of things. And the neat thing is, you can view the information from one module to another within the program. We have modules to organize your embroidery threads, embroidery designs, fabrics, quilt pattern...
19 Members, 57 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
EasyPal is a free software program used by amateur radio operators, to send and receive high definition digital sstv pictures, gifs, movies, and more. If you are set up to run psk or any other digital mode, then all you need is the software. The learning curve is very simple to get started, but there are some features built into the software that need explanation. Please read the Sub Groups, you...
46 Members, 9 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
easypressurecooking / Easy Pressure Cooking
Need pressure cooker recipes? Need help getting started using a pressure cooker or a pressure cooker recipe? We can help! THIS GROUP IS FOR ALL PRESSURE COOKERS! OLD AND NEW! Stovetop and newer electric and digital cookers. All are welcome here!! New to pressure cooking and need help? Have one of those new digital programmable pressure cookers but can't find enough recipes for it? Or do you ha...
4,035 Members, 45,776 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
We all work in making Easy Read. We want to share ideas about our work. This is so we can make our work better, and make all Easy Read the best it can be.
7 Members, 2 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
EasyReallyGoodRecipes / Easy Really Good Recipes!
Easy Really Good Recipes! Just like the ones your momma used to make but with a flair. With today's hectic lifestyles and the unfortunate viewing of the same old walls we all need a pickup in the kitchen! Our stomachs are rumbling for it! Have a quick delicious recipe that you are dying to share? Then come in and share it with us! Shares should be made at least weekly. All members sh...
11 Members, 12,026 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
EasyRiders / Easy Riders Motorcycle Group
Based in Plano, Texas, Easy Riders Motorcycle Group is a non-profit, all-volunteer organization with no territorial affiliations. We organize rides of varying lengths and styles—from casual day outings and weekend getaways to extended multi-week journeys, often to unique destinations. Whether you’re seeking a short scenic route or an ambitious cross-country adventure, there’s something here ...
21 Members, 10 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Easyriser / Easyriser
Welcome aboard folks here's where we can now enjoy the exchange of information about the Easyriser (Icarus family of glider)
19 Members, 3 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
easytag-fans / Easytag fans
Hallo, Deze groep is wegens gezondheidsredenen gesloten voor nieuwe leden. Dit is een groep waar easy tags (psp lessen gemaakt van scrap onderdelen) gemaakt worden. Iedere vrijdag worden er 2 linken van lessen verstuurd. De lessen die gebruikt worden is met toestemming van de schrijfsters. Heb je 25 lessen gemaakt, krijg je een diploma. Lijkt het je leuk, meld je dan aan. Om mee te kunnen doen, mo...
20 Members, 1,143 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
eat-dane / Eat Dane! A list for folks interested in promoting edible landscaping & agroforestry in Dane County.
Eat Dane! A list for folks interested in promoting edible landscaping & agroforestry in Dane County.
10 Members, 5 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
EATAN online Forum is managed by EATAN .European African Treatment Advocates Network (EATAN) is a Europe-wide initiative that aims to enhance the quality of life of black and minority ethnic (BME) and specifically African patients living with HIV, viral hepatitis and other chronic conditions.
83 Members, 198 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: