darkarmageddonIn December of 2019 a strange illness begins in China and spreads worldwide. Between December of 2019 and March of 2020 this disease spreads worldwide, causing China and then the entire world to shut down. Large public gatherings are banned. Businesses shut down. Everything grinds to a halt as people are forced to remain in their homes. Symptoms of the disease include a high fever, loss of motor f...Created:
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DarkDecos / DarkDecosGREETINGS AND WELCOME! This group changed from Yahoogroup "DarkDecoQueens" and is now "DarkDecos" This is a deco swapping group for all creative and dark souls worldwide. We usually swap dark, gothic, fantasy, vintage, obscure, odd or any other themes we like. Sometimes we have cute themes and established swaps too. We are always open for new ideas to make this groups better, so do...Created:
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darkevilfairyR and DPS Studio Tabletop RPG Game Design Studio and Graphics Artist, who is about to have his First Mainstream Novel Published... Contact for more details thank you DarkevilfairyCreated:
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DarkknightTo make this world a better place, Semper FidoCreated:
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darklands / DarklandsPlease Note: If you are looking for the Darklands discussion List/Group originally started in 1998 by Darklands FAQ founder C. Michel "Alsandor" Boucher, that for 20 years (2000-2019) was hosted on Yahoo! Groups, then congratulations you have found it! We moved here to Groups.IO in October 2019 due to the then imminent shutdown of the groups service on Yahoo! at the end of that year. With...Created:
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DarkMattersAstroGroup for users of the Dark Matters Astrophotography serviceCreated:
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DarknessRising / Roleplay FananzaWelcome all, We are delighted to have you with us, we hope you enjoy your stay We offer wide ranges of roleplays for all types of people. We always have several on the go at a time and if those dont peak your interests just create your own and people are bound to join. Enjoy your stay and tell your friends.Created:
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darkover-lovers-l / Darkover® Lovers LDarkover-Lovers-L.Groups.io is a mailing list/group dedicated to discussing about the Darkover® series by Marion Zimmer Bradley and her other works, plus any other related subjects that may arise from the above-mentioned. DARKOVER® is a Registered Trademark of the Marion Zimmer Bradley Literary Works Trust. Group cover illustration: map of Darkover® by Zangypoo att Reddit, based on the resear...Created:
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darkreflectionDiscussion group for Nick Midian's Buffy TVS/Highlander universe 'Dark Reflection'. You are welcome to join, post, comment, send your ideas, your criticism or your questions as much as you want. Off-Topic messages are also allowed. Really, an excuse for guys that have known each other for already 20 whooping years to stay in contact!Created:
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Darkroom-PhotographyA group to celebrate the magic of the darkroom and its role in both colour and black and white photography. A place to share darkroom setup ideas, techniques, workflows, equipment and processes and to assist at all levels of photographic endeavour.Created:
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darkroomersA place for Darkroomers club members to ask questions, share photos, learn from each other, and most importantly, have fun!Created:
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DarkServants65Middle Earth PBEM game - Dark Servants Side for game 65Created:
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darkshadowJoin with usCreated:
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darkskyctA group of amateur astronomers who meet informally in darker sky locations typically but not always within Connecticut.Created:
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DarkSkyMissouri / DarkSky MissouriThe DarkSky Missouri Chapter of DarkSky International (formerly the International Dark-Sky Association) works to preserve and protect the nighttime environment and our heritage of dark skies through environmental responsible outdoor lights. We hope that you will join our efforts to fight light pollution in Missouri. you will join our efforts to fight light pollution in Missouri!Created:
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DarkSkyNewMexico / Dark Sky New MexicoDark Sky New Mexico Astronomy SiteCreated:
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DarkSkyPAEmail group for DarkSky PA membersCreated:
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DarkSkyTraining / DarkSky Training (legacy, not used anymore)Private group for Dark Sky Training members of the Missouri Chapter of the International Dark-Sky Association to get alerts on training opportunities and to exchange ideas for reducing light pollution in their community.Created:
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darkstargalaxyFive hundred years have passed since humans developed the hyperdrive engine that allowed them to expand into the deep reaches of the galaxy. Many worlds were explored and several races encountered. In time, these worlds were organized into The Galactic Empire. Alien and Human lived side by side under Imperial Law. It is now the Galactic Year 3897- The Days of the Galactic Empire are long over. O...Created:
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DarkstarWritingFor the Darkstarwriting.com fan fiction archive.Created:
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