ballyalley / Bally Alley - Astrocade Projects
Welcome to the Bally Arcade/Astrocade group, the discussion group for the, the website that is the information depository of all things Astrocade related. In order to read and post messages in this discussion group, you will have to become a member (it doesn't take long). Here you will find topics relating to the videogame/computer console released in 1978 by Bally called the B...
212 Members, 6,716 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
For the OWNERS of: Balmoral 1571 Malvern Road Glen Iris VIC 3146 Not to be confused by occupiers/tenents; this is for Owner Occupiers and Landlords for business or leisure posts that concern our apartment block.
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
A possible home for Baltimore _and_Ohio Yahoo! group, looking to see if the title is available. There are about 87,000 posts to discussions to the old Yahoo! group. This group has B&O Railroad fans of many varieties including: experts steeped in research; rail-fans of the B&O, or just because B&O rail equipment was seen on their favored railroads; model railroaders with interests from...
29 Members, 19 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
baltimore-spondylitis / Baltimore Spondylitis Support Group
A support group for those people in/around the Baltimore, Maryland area who are living with or are affected by Spondylitis. Sponsored by the Spondylitis Association of America (SAA). More info:
26 Members, 44 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
BaltimoreAndOhioRailroadList / Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Group
History and Information about the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad 1827-1987 This list is for individuals interested in the history and modeling of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Application for membership must include a short one-sentence narrative to justify request. Many list members belong to the B&O Railroad Historical Society. The list owners support the Society and encourages research ...
548 Members, 3,635 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
BaltimoreARC / Baltimore Amateur Radio Club
When you join this group you will only receive meeting and special club-related announcements for the Baltimore Amateur Radio Club. Only Moderators may post messages to the group. Club webpage We meet monthly by Zoom.
106 Members, 239 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Chapter Information
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
baltimoredharmagroup / Baltimore Dharma Group (BDG)
Baltimore Dharma Group (BDG) is a Soto Zen sangha in Baltimore City, Maryland, USA. All are welcome. "To study the Buddha Way is to study the self. To study the self is to forget the self. To forget the self is to be actualized by myriad things. To be actualized by myriad things is to realize 'no-barrier' between self and other." Eihei Dogen, 13th Century
27 Members, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
To enhance the quality of eating disorder treatment in the Baltimore and DC metro areas by providing continuing education, networking, support and community to professionals across disciplines.
2 Members, 510 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
baltpop / BaltPOP
Welcome! This is the online discussion group for BaltPOP - Baltimoreans for People-Oriented Places. BaltPOP is a community advocacy group made up of residents of Baltimore, Maryland and its adjacent suburbs. We are the home for Urbanist, YIMBY, and Strong Towns principles in Baltimore. We seek to strengthen our community via reforms that result in more productive, connected, walkable, sustainable...
226 Members, 524 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
This is a Email Group for PreK Kids 2022- 2023 Year
1 Member, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
Honoré de Balzac Welcome to all who enjoy the works of Honoré de Balzac. This group was created in honor of the bicentennial of Balzac's birth and we have read the entire Comédie Humaine together.
16 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Group Chat for BAM431
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
BAMHE / Bay Area Multicultural Home Educators
This group exists to provide support and resources to families of color who homeschool in the San Francisco Bay Area. The vision for this group is that families of color can post multicultural-rich information, resources, curricula, links, field trips, learning opportunities, park/play days and other things of interest. The group is open to anyone who homeschools a child of color; to help supp...
64 Members, 182 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Friends list
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
banana hill neighborhood group. membership is open to all banana hill residents.
32 Members, 12 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
banat / Banat List
The Banat List is a group of former Rootsweb members that are interested in genealogical research of the area of Central and Eastern Europe known as the Banat. The genealogy research for villages in the Banat include: Albrechtsflor, Alexanderhausen, Baumgarten, Billed, Bogarosch, Bruckenau, Charleville, Chronik Schoendorf, Cenad, Csatad, Darowa, Das Dorf Sakula im Banat, D-Bentschek, D-Elemer, D...
477 Members, 1,270 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Band-In-A-Box / Band In A Box Independent User Group
This is the Independent user group for PG Music's Band-In-A-Box (BiaB) program that was previously on Yahoo Groups. All are welcome to join. Exchange hints and tips Exchange and Share BiaB files *.sgu, *.mgu, *.sty etc created by our members Build and maintain a file archive of BiaB Files. Note: The files in the file archive have been contributed by members of the group, they are for priv...
15,004 Members, 13,057 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
bandemonium / BANDEMONIUM
A tool for organizing the activities of the best in Human Powered Music for the Northcoast of California - The joyful Noise in the Street of BANDEMONIUM
13 Members, 3 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Bandersnatch Canaan Dogs and friends
15 Members, 113 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post: