varsitytubes / Varsity TubesDiffusion de tubes et brumes Tubeurs: TynaReagen, DJ Mists et CFT et LS (distribués par TReagen) pas de partages demandésCreated:
73 Members,
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vasculab / VASCULABVasculab, The Vascular List! VASCULAB was born in 1990. Read the article "The Vasculab Foundation history and mission", at Since August 2015 VASCULAB is the official mailing list of the "Fondazione Vasculab impresa sociale ONLUS", a non-profit organization aimed to scientific research and to social solidarity. TOPICS Vascular Diseases Discussi...Created:
816 Members,
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VASENThe VA Solidarity Economy Network supports, educates, and connects people living in the state of Virginia, USA, striving to build a more resilient and equitable economy based on shared values. A Solidarity Economy builds and invests in an economic system grounded in principles of social solidarity, cooperation, equity, pluralism, sustainability, and participatory democracy.Created:
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vashonloopThis is a low-traffic email list, primarily sending a message each month when a new issue of the Vashon Loop comes out. Aside from this message, only extraordinary events would cause us to send out an additional message.Created:
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VAST / Valley AeroSpace TeamThis Group was created to provide a method of distributing information to and among members of the Valley AeroSpace Team (VAST). We are Section #687 of the National Association of Rocketry (NAR) and Prefecture #36 of the Tripoli Rocketry Association (TRA).Created:
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VASZUIDDRENTHEMailinggroep voor berichtgeving en uitwisseling Vereniging voor Amateursterrenkunde Zuid DrentheCreated:
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VATVisAbility Assistive Technology community. Share knowledge, ideas and new products. VAT offers a supportive and patient environment for members to further their knowledge and learn from one another. This community is intended for Australian VisAbility communities.Created:
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vaterbesuchenGruppe enthält mehrere Informationen über ReisenCreated:
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vatro / Virginia Association of Towing & Recovery OperatorsVATRO is the representative voice of the towing professional in the Commonwealth of Virginia. We keep you informed about items of interest that are important to the towing industry. VATRO is managed by elected officers and Board of Directors. Your participation as an active member will strengthen VATRO's position with the state legislature and local governments in providing influence and guida...Created:
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vatsalmandaliyaits for blind peopleCreated:
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VattenshowenAdminA group for admins of the Vattenshowen, a model horse exhibit.Created:
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VaughanfamilyofKentuckyFamily informationCreated:
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vautrinFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the present and former descendants whose ancestors shared the surname Vautrin or variants thereof.Created:
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vawter-vertical / Vawter VerticalPrivate email forum for anyone who attended Virginia Tech circa 1980 to 1986, lived at Vawter hall at some point during that period, or attended at least one party with us on or off campus! This list has private messages but is listed in the directory. This is expected to be a low traffic group, with occasional messages for various get togethers. Hopefully more than once or twice per cen...Created:
13 Members,
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VAY / VAYThis is a collection of Vietnamese Alliance Youth mailing lists. This main group is for low volume broadcast (announcement) from the VAY Director's Office at the VN District of the C&MA. All subgroups are used for local broadcast.Created:
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VAZooCrewVZ Zoo CrewCreated:
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VB36owners / VB36 Owners and UsersThe VB 36 Owners/Users Group is to aid communication between wood turners owning the VB36 lathe, toward increased pleasure of use and skill in wood turning.Created:
45 Members,
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VB6 / VB6 - Visual Basic forumVB6 - VISUAL BASIC 6Created:
4 Members,
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VBARCGeneral Discussion Group of the Virginia Beach Amateur Radio Club.Created:
2 Members,
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