LakeErieLoopThe Lake Erie Loop, a 650 mile around Lake Erie, non Stop, the Second Saturday in June, to raise money for Burned Children.Created:
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LakeHallowellHOA / Lake Hallowell HOAThis Groups.IO account serves as the primary method of communication for residents of the Lake Hallowell and Arden Woods communities, both of which are a part of the Lake Hallowell HOA in Olney, MD.Created:
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Lakeland-HOALakeland HOA CommunityCreated:
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lakelandarc / Lakeland Amateur Radio ClubGroup archive of old Yahoo group for the Lakeland Amateur Radio ClubCreated:
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LakeNapaSuwe / Friends of Lake Napa SuweFriends of Lake Napa Suwe. People interested in the improvement of the lake and recreational use of it. Discussions regarding the use, activities and improvement of our lake are encouragedCreated:
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lakepepin / Lake Pepin WatercraftGroup dedicated to the skippers, crew, and passengers of watercraft on Lake Pepin, Minnesota/Wisconsin - with a special focus on sailboats. Includes those at Pepin, Hansen's, and Lake City Marinas - as well as those who trailer and launch.Created:
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lakeridgeclubCommunication group for Lake Ridge Club Homeowners, Clermont FL.Created:
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lakesbirdclub / Lakes Bird ClubEmail group of the Lakes Bird Club, Southern Cape, South AfricaCreated:
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lakesentranceknitncrochet / Lakes Entrance Knit N Crochet GroupFor anyone living in East Gippsland, Victoria, Australia, to share their knitting and crochet ideas, projects etc and to ask anything related to our crafts. We donate to local charities, and we meet once a month for a chat and knit/crochet session.Created:
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LakeShoreElectricRailwayA forum for those interested in the Lake Shore Electric Railway. Feel free to post anything to do with the LSE, its predecessors, successors, and connections. Topics can include current status of existing cars, buildings and ROWs, any presentations about the LSE, modeling and pretty much anything else you can think of as long as it is even remotely LSE related.Created:
78 Members,
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LakeshoreHOAHOA Member BlogCreated:
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Lakeshoremodelrailroad / Lake Shore Model Railroad AssociationThis Group is for current members in good standing as well as past or inactive members in good standing with the Lake Shore Model Railroad Association in Chicago. This group was created to provide our members with timely information and give our members a tool to assist in exchanging ideas. This is NOT a public Group and you must be a member of the Lake Shore Model Railroad Association to be in...Created:
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lakeshoretechmakersLakeshore Tech Makers is a group of individuals interested in tinkering with technology. We mess with microcontrollers such as the Arduino and small computers like the Raspberry Pi. We learn how to program them and connect them to each other and the Internet. We connect to each other by sharing our knowledge through hands-on experimentation, collaboration, education, and partnerships. Join...Created:
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LakesideStreetLakeside Street Madison WI A local Neighborhood Interest Group, to share Our Ideas about our community to Organize And Effectively communicate with your Neighbors and the City with anything related to Lakeside Street, if you own a property on Lake Side Street is all that is required To be in this Neighborhood Group Association. One House, One Parcel, One Vote, United We Stand.Created:
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LakeStatesTractionThis discussion group covers traction in the states and Canadian provinces that surround the Great Lakes.Created:
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laketahoebirds / Lake Tahoe BirdsLake Tahoe Birds is a forum for birding and bird discussions at Lake Tahoe and Truckee. Postings include sightings from trips, interesting developments pertaining to birds, and announcements for birding trips and upcoming birding events. Please sign all emails with your name and the city, state where you live. Also, please provide information on where locations are in the area as many on the list ...Created:
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laketexomaparrotheads / Lake Texoma Parrot Head ClubWe are a club that engages in activities which are charitable, educational, high spirited, and promote the well being of the Lake Texoma community. The Lake Texoma Parrot Head Club is a not for profit 501(c)3 organization.Created:
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LakeTuck / Lake Tuck communityFor members and residents of the Lake Tuck community in Woodinville, WACreated:
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LakeviewVillasSanAntonio / Lakeview Villas San AntonioFor owners of Lakeview Villas San Antonio,Created:
12 Members,
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Lakewood-KnollsLakewood Knolls Condos in Howell MICreated:
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