HamblenFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the Hamblen surname.Created:
8 Members,
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hambuds / Hambuds Amateur Radio Club of Central TexasThe "Hambuds" are a group of amateur radio operators in, and around, Cedar Park, Leander, Round Rock and Northwest Austin Texas. This club regularly meets for Saturday breakfast and we do June Field Day together. Please Include your Display Name as "name - callsign" in your profile.Created:
87 Members,
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HamburgGartenverteiler / Verschenkgruppe für die Umgebung des Kleingartenpark TwisselwischVerschenken und von Pflanzen und anderen Gartensachen in und um den Kleingartenverein Twisselwisch in Hamburg. Es wird um einen gepflegten Umgangston gebeten. Dieser Verteiler ist Vereins unabhängig. Bitte schreibt in ein Gebot: Wer, wo und ganz wichtig wann oder von wann bis wann etwas angeboten wird. Kleine Bilder sind auch erlaubt und erwünscht. Bitte achtet selbst darauf, welche Daten von ...Created:
2 Members,
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hambus / Amateur Radio Inter-Opt software standardsHambus Foundation is to create open source standards for inter-application and device communications. This is include but not limited to: RigBus - ReST Server to control Amateur Radios DatabaseBus - ReST Server to store and retrieve Amateur radio data such as QSO and other ham data CusterBus - A ReST DX Custer server/client LogBus - Service to log QSOs CallBus - Looking up call signing usi...Created:
4 Members,
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HamCampsHamCamps is a discussion group for the development of a model Amateur Radio STEM Education camp in Huntsville AL.Created:
6 Members,
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HamChat / Ham Chat UK - Discuss the future of amateur radioDiscuss the current state of UK Amateur Radio, the future direction for the hobby, and ideas to support engaging with newcomers, growing the hobby and raising awareness for Amateur Radio in the UK. This discussion group is run by the team at Essex Ham. By using this group, we ask you to be nice. We reserve the right to unsubscribe anyone who breaches Essex Ham's site policy, which you can fin...Created:
77 Members,
23 Topics,
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HamClassAmateur Radio HAM ClassesCreated:
138 Members,
18 Topics,
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HAMCLOCKThis is a user group for Hamclock. Our purpose is to provide a forum to share experiences, advice, tips and ask questions on the use hardware.Created:
101 Members,
59 Topics,
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HamClubOnline / HamClubOnLineSupport and Announcement Forum for HamClubOnline -- Amateur Radio Club and Group Management SoftwareCreated:
38 Members,
29 Topics,
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hamclubs / HamClubs - Supporting UK ham radio clubsSupport group for UK amateur radio clubs. For discussion of topics such as club organisation, websites, promotion, demo ideas and issues such as GDPR (Data Protection) This discussion group is run by the team at Essex Ham. By using this group, we ask you to be nice. We reserve the right to unsubscribe anyone who breaches Essex Ham's site policy, which you can find here: Essex Ham's Site Te...Created:
22 Members,
12 Topics,
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HamCoNYARES / Hamilton County New York Amateur Radio Emergency ServiceHamilton County NY Amateur Radio Emergency Service email discussion group.Created:
1 Member,
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HamCoOHARES / Hamilton County Ohio ARES MembersHamilton County Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) In Southwestern Ohio You must be a member of Hamilton Co ARES to join the groupCreated:
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hamdenbridgeThis group is for those who play or follow the games of the Bridge Forum in Hamden, CT. Players can make reservations to play, see results and statistics, and read analysis of hands of interest.Created:
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hamdengreenparty / Hamden CT Green PartyNews and events for members and supporters of the Green Party in Hamden, Connecticut. It replaces the older list at https://groups.yahoo.com/group/hamdengreenparty (2002-2020)Created:
7 Members,
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hamedashraf13Hamed's EFL Online CoursesCreated:
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Hameg / HAMEG Test Equipment User GroupWelcome to the HAMEG Test Equipment User Group. This group is for Students, Hobbyists, TE Collectors, Technicians and Engineers to share their knowledge and resources for HAMEG Test Equipment for use within their Hobbies or for educational purposes. HAMEG GmbH (Frankfurt, Germany) mainly produced Oscilloscopes, Counters, Power-Supplies, Generators and Spectrum-Analyzer and many more. Anyone ...Created:
79 Members,
146 Topics,
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hamelmerThis group is to support the creation of free or low cost documents used to study for Amateur Radio Tests.Created:
2 Members,
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hameltech / An effort to further the technology given freely by David Hamel, to be known as "Hamel Tech"Hamel discussion group On 10-18-01 we adopted a message header standard for easy searching. All post titles should begin with one of the following: 11111: Theory, untested Hamel ideas 11112: Building and balancing, progress 11113: David Hamel reports 11114: Non-hamel mysteries and energies OT: "Off Topic" Example Title: 11113: Materials for Mr. HamelCreated:
11 Members,
23 Topics,
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HamerlyFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – HamerlyCreated:
2 Members,
3 Topics,
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HAMEXThis Group helps organize and run the annual HAMEX activities.Created:
8 Members,
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