Danteclub / The Dante ClubA book group discussing Dante’s Divine Comedy.Created:
5 Members,
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DanzadanceorgDanzadanceOrg Red Internacional de Promoción y Difusión de Danza y Artes Escénicas Multicultural, Multilingual, No Comercial-Non-Profit. Danzadance.Org Main Site DanzadanceOrg Fb PageCreated:
25 Members,
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DaoENG-C / DAO Energy Crypto (ENG-C)Energy related projects leading to a less environmental impact of energy consumption by promoting alternative fuels useCreated:
8 Members,
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DaoPiPsiTheSoftwareThis is the official support list for the 道 Π Ψ software program. Support includes what is being measured, how to measure it, and calibrate both raw data, and results. Support does not include interpretation of the stroke structures, integrative datapoints, holistic datapoints, and symbols. For interpretation, you need to be either a CGA, or a graduate of HAWU, Lodi Community College Diploma C...Created:
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daos / Distributed Asynchronous Object StorageDAOS is a open-source storage stack designed from the ground up to address many of the problems that arise when scaling out storage. DAOS takes advantage of next generation non-volatile memory technologies while presenting a rich and scalable storage interface providing features such as transactional non-blocking list I/O, data resiliency on top of commodity hardware, fine grained data control, an...Created:
349 Members,
500 Topics,
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DaPawsPlaceDa Paws Place offers dog agility training. This is a place where I can be sure that people who would like to get email can join.Created:
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DAPPR / Dog Agility of the Pikes Peak Region / Pikes Peak Agility ClubThis list is devoted to members of the Dog Agility of the Pikes Peak Region Club (DAPPR) and Pikes Peak Agility Club (PPAC). This is a members only list so non-members cannot contribute or view this list's content.Created:
57 Members,
651 Topics,
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dappsDApps group is to discuss anything about Decentralized Apps... including but not limited to DApps on Ethereum, Hyperledger, Stellar, Hashgraph, etc.Created:
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darachSCA - Darach Shire located within the Kingdom of Caid. This is the discussion group for the Shire of Darach in the Kingdom of Caid. The purpose of this group is to provide interested and enthusiastic participants a forum to discuss their goals, activities and to make decisions. Welcome! This is NOT an official publication of, or distribution list for, the SCACreated:
33 Members,
700 Topics,
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Darach-fightersShire of Darach steel and armored listCreated:
10 Members,
25 Topics,
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darakurdishhacking, Technology, Networking securrityCreated:
1 Member,
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DARC / DARCEmail list for the Durango Amateur Radio Club.Created:
52 Members,
1,422 Topics,
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DARC-Mexico13 / DARC Ortsverband Schleswig M13 - PlanungsplattformDiese Gruppe soll den Informationsaustausch bei Projekten, gemeinsamen Planungen und Vorhaben vereinfachen. Die unterschiedlichen Themen entnehmt bitte der Auflistung.Created:
34 Members,
51 Topics,
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darcheitorahmomsThis is a private email group where Mom's of Yeshiva Darchei Torah students can provide or post information, questions or connect to other moms for help with school related topics and/or events.Created:
2 Members,
0 Topics,
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darcilisaPersonal groupCreated:
6 Members,
10 Topics,
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DARCskynetThis is the new home for the Dallas Amateur Radio Club's "Skynet" - an astronomy net every Saturday night at 9PM. A weekly notice is given out on Saturday afternoon with the net contents and links.Created:
18 Members,
550 Topics,
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darezehraThis private group is for benefit of Shia community of Cincinnati, Ohio and adjoining areas.Created:
1 Member,
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Dark-SkiesDark Skies is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the exceptional quality of the natural dark skies of the Wet Mountain Valley in Custer County, Colorado, by assisting the community with individual preservation efforts and by educational programs supporting observation, appreciation and preservation of the natural dark skies. For purposes of these bylaws, the Wet Mountain Valley is d...Created:
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Dark-Sky-Communities / Dark-Sky CommunitiesDark-Sky-Communities is a discussion group for the development and nurturing of intentional communities where the night sky and the nighttime environment are valued and protected. The emphasis is on affordable, sustainable dark-sky communities where those of modest financial means can live, work, and retire. This group is moderated to keep the focus on intentional communities that are astronomy-f...Created:
42 Members,
111 Topics,
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darkandstormies / Dark and Stormies Critique GroupWe are a closed writing critique group made up of friends.Created:
2 Members,
1 Topic,
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