AAVAC / AAVACThis is the email discussion list for the Association of Avian Veterinarians Australasian Committee. This is a CLOSED subscription Email Discussion List is an internet resource intended to provide a forum for the discussion of issues of interest to members. The list, however, is unmoderated so any message which you send to will be sent automatically to all AAVAC members. Specifically, the email li...Created:
118 Members,
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AAVFD / Alabama Association of Volunteer Fire DepartmentsThis Group is dedicated to serving the people of the state of Alabama through Fire and Emergency Services. Members of this group are also members of the Alabama Association of Volunteer Fire Departments.Created:
143 Members,
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aavlmembershipmembership committee list to discuss member care and outreachCreated:
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aawo / American Association of Wedding OfficiantsAmerican Association of Wedding Officiants consists of clergymen, ministers, and Justice's of the Peace who perform religious or civil marriages. The association promotes professionalism, educates, and provides information to the public and its members. If you need an officiant for your wedding contact one of the members listed here under the Links section or by going to the Wedding Offici...Created:
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AB-IX / AB-IX - Air-Britain Research GroupYou need to be a member of Air-Britain to join this group.Created:
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AB1HZ / Dhahran Amateur Radio Club of America (DARCA)AB1HZ was the call sign of the Dhahran Amateur Radio Club of America. Members of this club were former operators of HZ1AB previously located in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Walt Marshall, W7SE, was the AB1HZ Trustee until he became a Silent Key in August 2019. Preceding his death, Walt understandably let the AB1HZ license expire as there were no others desiring to take over trusteeship of the license. ...Created:
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AB5 / California Independent ProfessionalsInformation Sharing Network This listserv (shared email list) is for independent contractors, freelance workers, business sole proprietors (including home based) and anyone else working outside of the traditional employment system in the State of California. It has been launched in response to the recently-enacted AB5 legislation that limits the rights and freedom of self-employed professionals....Created:
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ab5-traditional-dance / AB5 Traditional DanceTraditional/historical dance groups, American Contra or English country, or squares, or waltz, or swing, have specific challenges in dealing with the new employment laws and AB 5. If you only read one thing about the AB5 problems, read this white paper from WolfBrown and the Brown Law Group: "California Assembly Bill 5, worker misclassificiations, and their effects on nonprofit arts and cultu...Created:
13 Members,
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ABA / Amber Batson AttendeesClassmates of the Amber Batson aggression course.Created:
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aba-aaa / Association of Black Anthropologists (ABA) listservThis group serves as the listserv for the Association of Black Anthropologists (ABA), a section of the American Anthropological Association (AAA). The group is intended to facilitate communication between ABA members, and other scholars who are concerned with the goals of the ABA and who support its activities. Please note, all posts are not from the ABA as an organization. As a communication too...Created:
677 Members,
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abafa / Applied Behavior Analysis for AnimalsAnimal training has to be done with humane, forceless, fearless, science based methods. The animal welfare is our main concern.Created:
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ABANAHistoryandArchives / ABANA History and ArchivesThis is a repository of digital documents and photographs for the history and archives of the Artist-Blacksmith's Association of North America (ABANA). It was created in February 2020 by John Dittmeier, a Board Director (2020-2021) and the then chair of the History and Archives Committee of the ABANA Board. As of 2022, the ABANA Board of Directors is using MicroSoft SharePoint for file sharing...Created:
32 Members,
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ABAnarchyA Discussion Forum for ABA Providers Ready to Fight Back.Created:
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ABank4TagsOpens December 1, 2019 Tag Swapping Only. Withdraw a tag ~ Deposit a tag. To Maintain Membership ~ "Deposit Only" ~ 2 emails of 5 free tags twice weekly. Keeps the Tag Vault replenished for all. G-SAC ~ NO AC/Drama/Lurkers ~ By Approval Only No Unsubscribing without notifying owners Info to join ~ ABank4TagsCreated:
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ABbar / ABbarAngus Barn bar & cocktail staff can exchange messages & view schedulesCreated:
64 Members,
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Abbas-angelsA group for blind Christians facing mental health issues to support one another in prayer, fellowship, etc.Created:
3 Members,
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Abbey / Abbey SurnameFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – Abbey and all variations Related Message Boards: https://www.ancestry.com/boards/surnames.abbey/mb.ashx https://www.ancestry.com/boards/surnames.abbay/mb.ashx https://www.ancestry.com/boards/surnames.abbe/mb.ashx https://www.ancestry.com/boards/surnames.abbie/mb.ashx https://www.ancestry.com/boards/surnames...Created:
10 Members,
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AbbeyResortOwnersPlatform for Abbey Resort OwnersCreated:
91 Members,
44 Topics,
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abc-betaGroup rehearsals for ADCreated:
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ABC-testA place to test and experiment with new communication for the ABC GroupCreated:
6 Members,
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