W6SFMembers and friends of W6SF Amateur Radio Club Stockton California.Created:
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w6sfm / Samuel F Morse Amateur Radio ClubThe Samuel F Morse Amateur Radio Club (SFMARC) was originally formed in Sacramento, CA by a group of radio amateurs that mainly enjoy operating CW. We wanted a way to bring others together who also have an interest in operating CW on-air, and share the love of Field Day, Bug Roundup, and both the NAQP and CQP. For more information, please visit https://w6sfm.org/Created:
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w6trw / W6TRW Amateur Radio ClubThe W6TRW Amateur Radio Club in Redondo Beach CaliforniaCreated:
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W6UQ / San Mateo Radio ClubThis group is intended for the members and friends of the San Mateo Radio Club. We are an organization of amateur radio enthusiasts who gather to exchange ideas, coordinate activities, and promote amateur radio in the heart of the San Francisco Peninsula.Created:
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W7AIA / Clark County Amateur Radio ClubW7AIA is the call sign for the Clark County Washington Amateur Radio Club located in Vancouver, WA.Created:
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w7aw / West Seattle Amateur Radio Club - W7AWGroup Description ** At registration, please be sure to include your CALLSIGN and indicate if you are a current member of WSARC. The West Seattle Amateur Radio Club is your best-bet for social contact or technical assistance from the local hams in West Seattle. The club has a rich history stretching back to the 1930's. We offer weekly radio nets on three club repeaters using the club call of ...Created:
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W7AZ / Tri-Cities Amateur Radio ClubCreated:
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w7dig / Southern Arizona Amateur Radio ClubSouthern Arizona Amateur Radio Club is located in Sierra Vista, AZCreated:
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W7DKThe Radio Club of Tacoma is dedicated to learning and advancing the use of Ham Radio.Created:
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W7DPOfficial page for the Walla Walla Amateur Radio Club.Created:
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W7DXXW7DXX Internet Remote Base discussion groupCreated:
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W7DXXREMOTEUsers/guests of the world's first internet remote base. See: w7dxx.comCreated:
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W7ED / Gallatin Ham Radio Club - W7EDWelcome to the Gallatin Ham Radio Club. This group was created to enhance communications between the local ham radio operators. Hams are invited to join the Club and the Reflector. And to check-in to our Tuesday evening VHF Net at 8:00 PM on the 146.88- 100Hz repeater. Club meetings are held in the Search and Rescue Building on the Gallatin County Fairgrounds on the first Thursday of the month at ...Created:
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W7GRA / Grande Ronde Radio Amateur AssociationThe Grande Ronde Radio Amateur Association (GRRAA) is an organization for those interested in amateur radio. Amateur Radio Operators (also known as “hams”), are licensed by the FCC to operate amateur radio communications for personal enjoyment and for emergency communications. The GRRAA has been granted a call sign by the FCC of W7GRA. We use this call sign for official club functions like Fie...Created:
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W7LT / Portland Amateur Radio Club Online CommunityThis is the online community for the Portland Amateur Radio Club in Portland, OR. The top-level email list, called parc-announcements, is used to send information to all of our members. You can also subscribe and post to sub-group lists like ragchew and for-sale-by-members. If you would like to start a new special interest discussion list and are willing to serve as a moderator, please send email ...Created:
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W7SAAW7SAA Amateur Radio Group - Salem, ORCreated:
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w7sdaAmateur Radio based in the Washington DC area.Created:
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W7VMI / Vashon Maury Island Radio ClubThe Vashon-Maury Island Radio Club is located in Puget Sound between Seattle and Tacoma, Washington. The club is open to all hams and those interested in Amateur Radio. We also support emergency communications on Vashon and Maury Islands. The island repeater (W7VMI/R) operates on 443.5 (+5 MHz, 103.5 Hz tone) from Maury island. We have a second repeater (KG7CM/R) on 443.775 (+5 MHz, 103.5 Hz tone...Created:
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w8al / W8AL - Canton Amateur Radio ClubW8AL - Canton Amateur Radio Club, Inc. Members & FriendsCreated:
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w8bhMorseTutor / W8BH Morse TutorThis is a discussion for everything about the W8BH Morse Tutor and other projects by Bruce Hall at http://w8bh.net/ including source code, tutorials, builder's guide, user's guide, and PCBs, for all versions, including the STM32 'Blue Pill', the ESP32-WROOM-32, and the Mega2560. GitHub has the latest firmware updates: https://github.com/bhall66/morse-tutorCreated:
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