vaosDiscussion group for the VAOS open source email programCreated:
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VAPICRoundTable / Virgina Public Information Coordinator's Round TableThe ARRL Virginia Section Round Table will share Amateur Radio Information across the Commonwealth of Virginia. The group will suggest ways to distribute Amateur Radio news within the Amateur Radio community and to the general public. This group will also develop a formal Amateur Radio Public Information Officer program throughout the Commonwealth.Created:
18 Members,
23 Topics,
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VapingDiscussion regarding the severity and dangers of vape smoking. Also, where to get support, file a lawsuit and get help.Created:
1 Member,
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vapn / Virginia Packet NetworkDiscussion group with focus on helping amateur radio operators succeed in accessing the radio nodes of the Virginia Packet Network for off-grid messaging.Created:
17 Members,
11 Topics,
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vara / Valley Amateur Repeater AssociationValley Amateur Repeater Association, WR9ABQCreated:
36 Members,
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VARA-CT / Connecticut Valley Amateur Radio AssociationConnecticut Valley Amateur Radio AssociationCreated:
22 Members,
28 Topics,
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VARA-MODEM / VARA MODEM (HF and FMVARA Digital HF & VHF Modem for Amateur and Commercial use HF HIGH SPEED DATA INTEGRATION. Fully integrated with the established RMS Express E-Mail handling system Gate-way & Client requirements. Is fully supported and compliant with all Versions of BPQ. This Group is owned and moderated by Jerry, N9LYA Please state your valid amateur radio call sign in the comments section when joining th...Created:
2,516 Members,
1,372 Topics,
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VARC / Vicksburg Amateur Radio Club GroupGroup for Vicksburg ARC.Created:
10 Members,
13 Topics,
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varc-committee / VARC CommitteeThis group is for the committee of Verulam Amateur Radio Club. There is also a varc-members group for the actual members of the club.Created:
8 Members,
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VARC-Contests / Verulam Amateur Radio Contest GroupWelcome to Verulam Amateur Radio Clubs contest group. Here we can keep up to speed on events and planning of contests that we are involved in as a club. See also To contact the Contest Manager e-mail:
34 Members,
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varc-members / VARC MembersThe members forum for Verulam Amateur Radio Club based in St Albans, UK. Here you will find general discussions about amateur radio, club announcements and other information. We meet every month and hold many activities throughout the year. Also see our website at or email for more information.Created:
67 Members,
398 Topics,
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varcgeneral / Verulam Amateur Radio ClubSITE IS BEING BUILT PENDING APPROVAL BY VARC This is the reflector for the Verulam Amateur Radio Club (VARC), runner up UK CLUB OF THE YEAR 2009. From here you can exchange e-mails, photographs and files etc., with participating members of VARC. [This is NOT a public web site - access is restricted to members (and some prospective members for a limited time)]. Our public web site...Created:
1 Member,
8 Topics,
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VARESD6ARES GroupCreated:
2 Members,
12 Topics,
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Variables-CCD / Variables-CCDVariables-CCD ------------------------------------------------------------- Cette liste est ouverte à toute observation et discussion caractérisant les étoiles dites "étoiles variables". Selon ses affinités et ses possibilités chacun peut se retrouver dans son observation et étude favorite. Les "variables cataclysmiques" supernovaes,novaes,et autres..., et bien d'autres ...Created:
14 Members,
210 Topics,
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variant-hubThis group is designed for individuals and teams participating in the United States SARS-CoV-2 Variant Nowcast Hub. There will be occasional announcements and group discussion related to submitting to the hub.Created:
22 Members,
2 Topics,
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variationtheoryingis / Variation Theory and GIS EducationThis group is dedicated to the promotion of variation theory as a theory of learning in GIS education.Created:
1 Member,
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VarietySharesVariety of Shares Rated G to Mild AC You Can Send Graphics, Extras, and Much More!Created:
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varndean-physics-jdw-19A discussion group for A Level students starting 2019 JDWCreated:
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Varner-GenThis list has been created to assist genealogy researchers of the Varner surname and its variants. Information on this list is considered public domain unless otherwise and specifically stated. The submission of copyrighted material to this list by members is not the responsibility of the list, the list owner(s) or list moderator(s) but such material will be removed from the archives as soon as i...Created:
2 Members,
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Varney-GenThis list has been established to assist individuals who are seeking details on their ancestry and connection to the VARNEY and related family lines (and possible spelling variants). We encourage you to join, gather and share information,connect with and converse with known and previously unknown relatives and make new friends. We encourage you to post your family information and queries. It is th...Created:
1 Member,
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