SAFBookclubInformal book club for SAF neighbors.Created:
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SAFCC-CCAPThis group supports the Community Cat and Adoption Program for the San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition. It's purpose is to enable cat foster folks to easily communicate regarding issues about fostering and adopting rescued cats in the San Antonio area.Created:
35 Members,
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Safe-Haven / Safe HavenWelcome to Safe Haven! This group was going to be only for DID people, but I decided to open it to all abuse/trauma survivors, regardless of diagnosis. You must have an official diagnosis of trauma-related disorders to join this group, Including DID, OSDD, PTSD or CPTSD, or BPD. If you are diagnosed with depression and anxiety as a result of trauma, you are welcome here as well. This is a drama-fr...Created:
9 Members,
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safefriendsa group for "safe friends", by that I mean people who respect each other and are good people membership will be decided on your application I will not let anyone in who I know has been bad/ unsafe/ judgemental, and if I don't recognize you you will be contacted before approvalCreated:
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SafeHavenForYouThis Is a christian group we share devotionals, bible verses Good clean christian chat. No bad language is allowed. We strive to uphold all things Godly!Created:
8 Members,
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SafeIllumination / Group to develop and advocate for appropriate standards for illuminating devicesThis group is dedicated to implementing regulations that will result in safer illuminating devices, such as LEDs and LED arrays. These efforts are considered to be necessary because current regulations do not appropriately account for the spatial variation in some illuminating devices that have been shown to cause harm.Created:
9 Members,
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safemushroomGroup to prevent mushroom poisoningsCreated:
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SafePlayActsend email to this is a private email group for activists working to make play areas, including football fields, safe and healthy. sand domed grass fields are safe. plastic fields infilled with used automobile tires (artificial turf fields) are not safe.Created:
41 Members,
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SAFERALGroup for discussion among the members of the State of Alabama Firefighter Emergency Relief Fund Board of Directors.Created:
6 Members,
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safetoilesdoublesCette liste de diffusion est celle de la Commission des Etoiles Doubles de la Société Astronomique de France. Notre activité s'intéresse aux étoiles doubles, visuelles, variables, spectroscopiques et astrométriques et plus généralement aux phénomènes qui mettent en évidence une binarité entre deux astres.Created:
4 Members,
20 Topics,
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SaffordFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the Safford surname.Created:
6 Members,
5 Topics,
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Safir-ReadyThe group to manage the communication between stakeholders of Safir-Med project.Created:
1 Member,
0 Topics,
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SAFWS / Southern African Federation of Waldorf SchoolsThe Southern African Federation of Waldorf SchoolsCreated:
52 Members,
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sag-euveDiscussions about the Space Astrophysics Group (SAG) at UC Berkeley's Space Sciences Laboratory and/or about NASA's Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) mission.Created:
22 Members,
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SAGA / The Silver Age/Golden Age ListThis is a continuation of the long running SilverAge_GoldenAge group that was at Yahoo until Dec 2020. Note that we also have a Facebook Group under the same name. Founded on Nov. 29, 1998, the SilverAge_GoldenAge List (better known to its friends as SAGA) is where people have gone to talk with other fans about those great comic books of the forties, fifties and sixties for more than two decades. ...Created:
41 Members,
26 Topics,
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SAGAFTRAconservatoryListserv / Unofficial, Off-Campus SAG-AFTRA National Conservatory ListservThis is an UNOFFICIAL, Off-campus Listserv for members of the National Conservatory Committee that wish to take part in free flowing, uncensored discussions of topics of concern to their Local. NO CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION MAY BE SHARED HERE.Created:
12 Members,
4 Topics,
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SagaOfTheSentinelPeaks / Saga of the Sentinel PeaksFor the Saga of the Sentinel Peaks campaign.Created:
37 Members,
610 Topics,
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SagaraFamily / SagaraFamilySagara ClanCreated:
3 Members,
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Sagatafl-listThis is a mailing list for discussing the in-development tabletop RPG called Sagatafl (formerly FFRE), as well as related or spin-off RPGs such as OMNIA. Sagatafl is a freeware system, and it does *not* have anything meaningful in common with current "in vogue"-styles such as "OSR" or "indie".Created:
6 Members,
114 Topics,
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SagaWarfareDiscussion group for Saga Publishing wargame rules.Created:
35 Members,
4 Topics,
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