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ocac / Open Circle Apparel CoalitionHi, we’re Open Circle Apparel Coalition. We exist as an open-source collaboration to facilitate WASTE REDUCTION in the fashion industry. We’re a fast growing, global group of professionals from different companies working together to enable a more digitized garment supply chain, from data to design to distribution and back. Half of the garments produced each year end up in the trash. Th...Created:
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ocancerdancerOvarian Cancer Support GroupCreated:
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Ocancerdancer2Support group for ovarian cancer that won’t judge you or kick you out of their group like they did to me!!!Created:
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ocarc-ny / Orange County Amateur Radio Club (New York)Orange County Amateur Radio Club The Orange County Amateur Radio Club, Inc. is a non-profit educational and service organization chartered under the laws of New York State. OCARC is affiliated with the American Radio Relay League, a national association of Amateur Radio clubs. Our Members' interests range from message handling to contesting, experimentation to public service... and even just...Created:
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OCAstronomersPLEASE READ: Please have your REAL NAME set in the PROFILE for your account. This is so membership in the OCA can be verified. This is a closed group so there is no reason to hide your real name. This is an email list for members of the Orange Country Astronomers. This list is for members only and membership will need to verified.Created:
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OCBA / Overton County Beekeepers AssociationOverton County Beekeepers AssociationCreated:
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ocbc / Ohio City Babysitting CoopThe Ohio City Babysitting Co-op was started in 2007 by a group of families on the near west side of Cleveland, OH as a way to build community and share babysitting of our children. The group once had monthly meetings where parents and their children could get to know each other and bi-annual socials to celebrate the seasons. A points-based system was used to track babysitting. As our children gre...Created:
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occ / Off-Camber CrawlersABOUT US: This is Off-Camber Crawler's main email list. We are individuals and families in the VA, MD, DC, WV area that are interested in 4Wheeling in all makes and models of vehicles (Jeep, Land Rover, Scout, Hummer, Pinzgauer, Unimog, Isuzu, Ford, Chevy, Dodge, Nissan, Toyota, Suzuki, and any others). Click here for info about how to become a club member (not just subscribe the occ.groups.io...Created:
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OCCA-Clergy / Clergy of the Orthodox-Catholic Church of AmericaA mailing list restricted to the clergy (Bishops, Priests,and Deacons) of the Orthodox-Catholic Church of America only. A safe place where we can share together to grow into family with loving support of one another.Created:
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OCCA-DE / Ocean Court Condominium AssociationOCCA-DE is the Ocean Court Condo Association located in Bethany Beach, DE. The Association is comprised of 18 townhomes within in the larger community of Tower Shores. The group is intended for the exchange of information pertaining to the Association between its members.Created:
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OCCA-SynergyVirtual newsroom for the bimonthly newspaper of the Orthodox Catholic Church of America.Created:
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occaresOregon City CARESCreated:
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occatholicscoutingDiocese of Orange Catholic Committee on Scouting group This is a group of Scouter Volunteers that use Scouting as a form of Youth MinistryCreated:
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OCCCC / [Car Club]Old Carey Classic Car Club: For any OCGA members who have any interest in cars; Touring, Restoring, Classic, Chat, Photo Swap, helping others, etc "Modern" cars are more than acceptable for a Touring day or overnight expeditions are planned.Created:
4 Members,
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OCCGSA mailing list system for the members of the Orange County California Genealogical Society.Created:
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OCCGS-SIG-AncestryA discussion forum for Orange County California Genealogical Society members to talk about all things related to using the Ancestry.com service for genealogical research.Created:
16 Members,
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OCCGS-SIG-EnglandA forum for Orange County California Genealogical Society Members to discuss English GenealogyCreated:
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OCCGS-SIG-FamilySearchA discussion forum for Orange County California Genealogical Society members to talk about all things related to using the FamilySearch service for genealogical research.Created:
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OCCGS-SIG-GermanA discussion forum for Orange County California Genealogical Society members to talk about all things related to German GenealogyCreated:
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