The Ham Radio Instructor's Group is for amateur radio operators who are currently teaching or are interested in teaching amateur radio classes. We discuss our experiences teaching classes and discuss ways we can become better teachers, including new ideas, techniques, and materials.
365 Members, 451 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Ham-Pi / HamPi
HamPi is a Raspberry Pi computer image file that has over 100 amateur radio application installed. - HamPi applications wiki and information on the applications. HamPi version V3.0.1p (for "password fix") June 16, 2022 see message #2761 HamPi version V3.0 (32-bit) was released on May 16 31, 2022 see message #2532 HamPi version V2.0 was released on December 31, 2021 see message #1993 HamP...
1,325 Members, 738 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
ham-pirkanmaa / HAM-Pirkanmaa - Pirkanmaalaisten radioamatöörien keskustelupalsta
HAM-Pirkanmaa on suomenkielinen, pirkanmaalaisille tai Pirkanmaalla muuten vaikuttaville radioamatööreille sekä radioamatöörikerhoille tarkoitettu keskustelupalsta. Palstalla voit vapaasti keskustella radioamatööriharrasteeseen liittyvistä asioista sekä julkaista myynti- ja tapahtumailmoituksia. Pirkanmaalaiset radioamatöörikerhot voivat tiedottaa omasta toiminnastaan ja tapahtumistaan....
48 Members, 57 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
ham-radio / Ham Radio - Amateur Radio & SWL Group
Amateur Radio - Ham Radio - OM & SWL Group !
21 Members, 4 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Ham-Radio-Digital-Displays / Digital Displays, made over the years, for Ham Radio transceivers, receivers and transmitters. History and Information.
A place to find out about the various add on Digital Displays, made over the years, for Ham Radio transceivers, receivers and transmitters. The worst and best. The most accurate and the least accurate. The easiest to use and the hardest to use. For now the winner for the least accurate digital display is the Spectronics DD-1 series. The DD-1 for the FT-101 series, the DD-1K for the TS-520 series, ...
9 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
For hams and want to be hams worldwide.
4 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Ham-Radio-Help / Ham-Radio-Help
This is a group of folks who have an interest in amateur (ham) radio. We are here to discuss any questions or challenges you may run into with your pursuit of fun with ham radio. Topics can be just about anything from digging a hole (for the foundation of your tower) to asking why your generator won't start (so that you can operate when the grid goes down). That opens up the group for potent...
2 Members, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
Ham-Radio-History / Ham Radio History
I would like to personally welcome you to the Ham Radio History Forum. (This forum replaces the one of the same name, which was hosted on the now-defunct "Yahoogroups") There is always interesting information to share and discuss, as well as something new to learn. Our hobby and our service have given us much pleasure over the years. But, it's also had a fascinating and interesting...
64 Members, 17 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Focused on building out LoRa-based Amateur Radio APRS and data networks in the US and Canada. Both 433 and 902-928 MHz bands.
32 Members, 12 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Ham-Radio-Tech-Notes / Ham Radio Information Sharing
Tech Notes for anything related to Ham Radio, from old and new digital modes on HF like PSK31, FT-8, JS8, FreeDV to VHF/UHF modes such as DMR, DSTAR, Fusion, M17, etc.., Satellite operations, or just getting on the air to make contacts. Using this group to share many of the technical discoveries for the work around solutions for issues, update announcements, and where to ask for help if needed wit...
481 Members, 1,387 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
ham-sauna / Ham-sauna - Sekalaista tarinointia hamien kesken
Ham-sauna - Sekalaista tarinointia hamien kesken. Ham-Sauna -listan ylläpidosta vastaa Noutaja.
361 Members, 1,203 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
The Ham-Test-Gear-FS group's purpose is to buy and sell Ham Radio Test Equipment and discuss service, repair, troubleshooting, and useage. Auction Items, Estate gear with test equipment lists are welcome to be advertised. Moderators will have the final say for moderation or removal due to religious, political or controversial postings. We hope YOUR membership is pleasant and enjoyable for all ...
165 Members, 44 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Ham-Trailer-Build / Build a Ham Trailer
Dedicated to the building of a dedicated Amateur Radio portable station. This plots the challenges of building a unit for portable operations srarting with a basic open trailer and mast onto an enclosed unit fully self contained.
2 Members, 2 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
ham14er / Colorado 14er Event - Amateur Radio
Welcome to the Ham14er group, a place to share plans, ideas, reports and photos about the Colorado 14er Event, an amateur radio operating event held during August from the top of Colorado's mountains. We also like to discuss mountaintop operating throughout the year. Note that the CO 14er Event includes all Summits On The Air (SOTA) summits. The ham14er.org website content now exists as a "...
296 Members, 1,280 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Ham America Radio Club
1 Member, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
Group is for the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname - Hamann
1 Member, 1 Topic, Public Archive, Last Post:
A group for developers of any amateur radio software. Unlike the groups for each app, this is a group for developers to share information about topics in a technical environment with peer developers. General user-type questions should be sent to the respective list for each app. This list is for coders.
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
HamApps / HamApps by VK3AMA
HamApps by VK3AMA Support JTAlert download from HamApps.com
3,759 Members, 12,796 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
This is a working group for discussion on the topics of authentication in amateur radio and the potential formation of hosted services and resources to support it
21 Members, 6 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Birders in and around Hamilton NY
46 Members, 121 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: