eastcoast-rail-news / Eastcoast Rail NewsThis group is for news and information for the eastcoast mainline and it's diversion routes. Please feel free to post any gen and information along the line. Many thanks Admin teamCreated:
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EastCoastReflector / East Coast IRLP Reflector 9050-Allstar 27339, 45192, 45225, DMR Talk Group 3129973This server is for users and node owners of the East Coast IRLP Reflector 9050 - Allstar 27339, 45192, 45225 and DMR Talk Group 3129973. We welcome comments, suggestions and questions related to this system only. When you register, please make sure your amateur radio call-sign appears so we know who you are. EAST COAST REFLECTOR TERMS OF USE POLICY At the discretion of the facilitators, the Ea...Created:
467 Members,
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EastCoastSilkenWindhoundsThis a group of Silken Windhound owners who live along the East Coast from Maine to Florida. We use this group to share announcements and files including the board's meeting minutes.Created:
35 Members,
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EastDallas4-HFoodChallengeGroup for communication of information relative to the 2020 4-H District Food Challenge by the East Dallas 4-H club.Created:
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eastdevonmeadowsgroupMeadow makers and meadow lovers in East DevonCreated:
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2 Members,
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eastendboardgames / East End Board Game SocietyA group for organising games at the Grain Store on Tuesday nights.Created:
31 Members,
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EasterDeepImmersionGroupGroup for Easter Deep ImmersionCreated:
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EasternWe're a friendly, progressive group house in Takoma Park MD.Created:
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EasterNBeNdersThe Eastern Benders are a group of N-scale Modular Model Railroaders, attending train shows in the Maritime Provinces of Atlantic Canada.Created:
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EasternMarketMarketingFor the marketing committee of Eastern Market, Washington, DC, a public market building and related farmers and artist and craft open air markets.Created:
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EasternMAWineEvents-AWS / Eastern Massachusetts Chapters of the American Wine SocietyWe are the Eastern Massachusetts region of the American Wine Society. Mostly near, but not limited to, the Worcester, Hudson Acton, Princeton MA area.Created:
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EasternNLinesThe communications group for the Eastern N Lines Partnership of N Scale Clubs.Created:
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EasternWAamateurEastern Washington Amateur Radio GroupCreated:
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easterwhataholidayThis is my new home for a former Yahoo group that I will delete within a year's time.Created:
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eastfrontDiscussion forum for historical PBEM wargaming groupCreated:
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eastgridironclub / East Gridiron ClubParent network for Green Bay East High School Football team. Main goal is fundraising for our team!Created:
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EasthamptonMA / Easthampton OrganizersThis is a group for people organizing in Easthampton, MA during the COVID-19 outbreak. You are also welcome to join the Mutual Aid Easthampton, MA Facebook group here. There is also an #easthampton channel on the WM Mutual Aid Slack Group.Created:
10 Members,
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EastHills4HWe are a homeschool friendly 4-H club based in San Leandro, CA. If you are interested in joining our 4-H club or have questions, please email Kris at info@EastHills4H.org Our club website at http://www.easthills4h.org/ has a lot of information about 4-H and our club as well, as does the main 4-H page for Alameda County at https://sites.google.com/ucdavis.edu/almeda4hcountyevents/home but don'...Created:
17 Members,
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EastKYWARNThe East Kentucky Weather Amateur Radio Network (EastKYWARN) is made up of licensed amateur radio operators who have also been trained as SKYWARN Spotters with the National Weather Service in Jackson, Kentucky.Created:
4 Members,
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