DancingDojoDancing Dojo mail groupCreated:
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DandenongRanges / Dandenong Ranges HistoryA group to discuss local and family history (or genealogy), pertinent to the Dandenong Ranges and surrounds in the outer eastern region of Melbourne, Australia, e.g. the following places in and around but NOT limited to: Belgrave, Cockatoo, Emerald, Ferntree Gully, Gembrook, Healesville, Kallista, Kalorama, Lilydale, Olinda, Monbulk, Mount Dandenong, Selby, Sherbrooke etc etc. This list replaces t...Created:
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DandH-Railroad / Delaware & Hudson RailroadAll things Delaware & Hudson Railroad related.Created:
128 Members,
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DandyCitizensAssociationA group to share in community and camaraderie by residents of Dandy, VirginiaCreated:
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DanEgglestonChristmasNewsletterAt the beginning of each year i post my annual newsletter on the notable activities and achievements of the previous twelve months. My parents started the tradition in 1939 and i will start by posting those.Created:
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DanEgglestonListEvery day i will send out an item of interest, often humorous. Each Saturday will be a story of the BBC program My Word! which ran from about 1957 to 1991. Each show ended with the men panelists, Frank Muir and Denis Norden being given a phrase and then telling a long, pun-filled story and ending with a pun on the phrase. i founded the list on Jul 25, 1999 on Yahoo Groups, but that service end...Created:
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DaneIowaCountyARESRACES / Dane and Iowa County ARES/RACESCollaborative discussion group for the Dane and Iowa Counties, Wisconsin ARES/RACES Groups. To Subscribe please include your call sign in the body of the subscription email.Created:
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DanielCollaboration space for those who are researching the Daniel or Daniels surnames and variant spellings of that name.Created:
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danieldanleelee1Hello, I hope to receive help here. Have you ever used the services of a cheap writing service? I'm studying at a music school and I was given a homework to write an essay on the topic "What is the power of music? What explains her extraordinary power over humanity? ". I know that the need for music began to manifest at the beginning of a personal development. Many creators of advertis...Created:
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DanielMtestinga test groupCreated:
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DanielPinnerDANIEL IS FREE, MARRIED AND THE FATHER OF THREE BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN! After being released from prison more than 10 years ago, Daniel resumed normal life, got married to Tzipora and fathered three beautiful children, having resumed a normal life in Kfar Tapuach. This site is dedicated to the publication and distribution of Daniel's original writings on the Parsha of the week and on other subj...Created:
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DanielPinnerWritingsAfter being released from prison more than 10 years ago, Daniel resumed normal life, got married to Tzipora and fathered three beautiful children, having resumed a normal life in Kfar Tapuach. This site is dedicated to the publication and distribution of Daniel's original writings on the Parsha of the week and on other subjects of Jewish interest.Created:
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danielselectronicsDiscussion and sharing of information about Daniels Electronics and Codan repeaters.Created:
110 Members,
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DanielsLifegroupChurch community groupCreated:
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DanielsRanchHomeownersGroup for homeowners in Daniel's RanchCreated:
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danielstechnologyandmorelistenersThis group is for listeners who listen to my Daniel's Technology and more podcast!! I host it on anchor.Created:
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danieltesttest account for danielCreated:
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danishcousins / Danish CousinsDanish Cousins This research team is interested in topics of anthropology, history and genealogy associated with the Danish people and perticularly the Normans. The team leverages DNA together with more traditional research tools towards a deeper understanding of these topics.Created:
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dannysicThis is the dannysic group.Created:
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DansDealsDansDeals for all itemsCreated:
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