AARC-W1NPPAndroscoggin Amateur Radio Club (AARC) W1NPP *Display Name requirement is First Last Name - Callsign AARC Group.IO Groups AARC-W1NPP – Open to all members and guest, used to announce initiatives, Inform the club of the publication of the Newsletter and Club Minutes etc. Closed Groups BOD – AARC Board of Directors. Chair President Keith Anoe, KE4UCW Minutes – POC Secretary - Joe Grace, W...Created:
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AARCHThis is an email list for families of AARCH, Anne Arundel Roman Catholic Homeschoolers. AARCH is a network to post and find activities for Roman Catholic homeschooling families in Anne Arundel County, Maryland and vicinity. We are here to support each other in our efforts to give our children a solid Catholic education at home. We try to offer religious activities, field trips, educational activ...Created:
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AardvarkWirelessGroupGeneral Group DistributionCreated:
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AAREPHESIG / AARE Professional and Higher Education SIGA networking and sharing platform for the Professional and Higher Education SIG of the Australasian Association for Research in Education (AARE). This group aims to build community among members between conferences.Created:
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aarg / AARG - Austin Area Rocketry GroupAARG - Austin Area Rocketry GroupCreated:
260 Members,
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AARidersHBCEmail notifications for rides for the Huntington Bicycle Club AA and Open ridersCreated:
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aarn-adm / AARN-ADMGRUPO AARN-ADM Bem Vindo ao Grupo de Discussão AARN-ADM. Este grupo não é público, apenas convidados tem acesso. Os assuntos aquí tratados, não devem ser divulgados, mas se necessário, usem a devida cautela, principalmente nas questões polêmicas, que podem gerar interpretações danosas ao A.A. As informações e opiniões aquí divulgadas, são de inteira responsabilidade do remetente, ...Created:
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aarn-mca / AARN-MCAGRUPO AARN-MCA Bem Vindo ao Grupo de Discussão AARN-MCA. Este grupo não é público, apenas convidados tem acesso. Os assuntos aquí tratados, não devem ser divulgados, mas se necessário, usem a devida cautela, principalmente nas questões polêmicas, que podem gerar interpretações danosas ao A.A. As informações e opiniões aquí divulgadas, são de inteira responsabilidade do remetente, ...Created:
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aarohiA simple emailing group to keep you updated with happenings at aarohi as well as share with you some interesting articles and blogs and videos, etcCreated:
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AaronDnDOur organizational medium for a "West Marches" style role-playing campaign.Created:
9 Members,
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aaronsshowpodcastThis is the group for Aaron’s Show.Created:
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aars / AARS-KLFor purposes of this research, I will define as an “amateur astronomer” any respondent to this study who self-identifies as an amateur astronomer or who is involved in astronomy-related outreach, has belonged to an amateur astronomy club, or has had any formal training in astronomy-related subjects.Created:
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AARSRescuer / Alabama Association of Rescue Squads Rescuer MagazineAlabama Association of Rescue Squads Rescuer Magazine Mailing GroupCreated:
18 Members,
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Aarts:) whgateverCreated:
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aas-members / Austin Astronomical Society Membersaas-members@groups.io is for communication and sharing among members of the Austin Astronomical Society. Feel free to post messages and upload photos/files. We ask that you keep the content related to astronomy.Created:
7 Members,
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AAS-SECONDMentorNetworkPlatform for mentors to discuss pertinent topics and questions that arise in the mentorship process.Created:
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aasapdx / Adult Asperger & Autism Portland Support Group web forumThis is the future official web forum for the Adult Asperger & Autism Portland Support Group. Currently, we are beta-testing to see if it will work as a suitable platform for all of our members. Given the undergoing health crisis, AASAPDX is doing what we can to create a supportive, accessible platform to give and receive support.Created:
73 Members,
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aasbkny / Aikido Arts of Shin Budo KaiAikido Arts of Shin Budo Kai Dojo groupCreated:
10 Members,
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AAT / Aquatic Adaptation TheoryAquatic Ape Theory Discussion Site for the creation of Human Aquatic AdaptationsCreated:
252 Members,
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aauwtravel / AAUW Travel Interest GroupAn announcement group for the meetings of the Travel Interest Group at AAUW-SC-CBCreated:
23 Members,
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