SactoCDS / Sacramento Country Dance SocietyThe Sacramento Country Dance Society (SCDS) hosts traditional American contra dances and English country dances in the Sacramento, California area. SactoCDS group members will receive nothing but e-mail announcements of SCDS dances and other special dances in the region. Anyone interested in timely reminders of our dance schedule should subscribe. We always dance to live music, mostly reels o...Created:
848 Members,
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SacTroop50ParentsThis is a group to send emails to the parents of scouts for Boy Scout Troop 50Created:
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SACTSCA / Traditional Small Craft Association Sacramento ChapterThe Sacramento chapter of the Traditional Small Craft Association, with membership and events in the Central Valley, San Francisco Bay Area and Santa Cruz.Created:
46 Members,
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sacwheelmen / Sacramento WheelmenSacramento Wheelmen is a recreational bicycle club in the Sacramento, CA areaCreated:
253 Members,
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sacwheemen / Sacramento WheemenSacramento Wheelmen is a recreational bicycling club in the Sacramento, CA areaCreated:
2 Members,
10 Topics,
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SaDARAMembers / Saskatoon and District Amateur Radio Association (Current Members)This group is for all SaDARA members to chat about anything ham radio or club related.Created:
16 Members,
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SaDARAPOTAChatSaskatoon and District Amateur Radio Association's Parks On The Air chat group. For our club members to discuss and plan our activities and share experiences and expertise.Created:
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saddlebackWelcome to the staff moderated Saddleback Church Group! ASK ANY KIND OF QUESTION, big or small. The more you ask/answer, the more it will help others at the church who might have the same question. If you just want to discuss something that doesn't have a specific answer, make sure to change your question into a discussion.Created:
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SaddlebagsETA group of women of all ages in East Texas that trail ride or lunch on Thursdays through out the year.Created:
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Saddlebrooke / SaddleBrooke - GIOThis is an information site for SaddleBrooke Residents. An active retirement community located north of Tucson Arizona. In the shadows and foothills of the beautiful Santa Catalina Mountains. To APPLY for Subscription Send your 1. Your Name 2. SaddleBrooke Physical address to from the email address you will be using for the service. You can title th...Created:
1,962 Members,
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SaddleBrooke-community-info / SaddleBrooke AZ master planned - master class - master winningHave it All - Views, Variety, and Value SaddleBrooke – one of America's Top 100 Communities! Located just 25 miles north of downtown Tucson, Arizona, and just a few miles to Oro Valley, AZ. Where you can enjoy spectacular views of the 9,000-foot Santa Catalina mountain range, perfect weather (cooler than Phoenix or Tucson ) and an abundance of community amenities, events, groups, and t...Created:
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SaddleBrookeBB / SaddleBrooke Bulletin Board AZCLOSED TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS and posts FOR NOW? SEE SADDLEBROOKE GIO site for alternative This is a group for residents of SaddleBrooke, AZ and SaddleBrooke Ranch, AZ. Our purpose is to share information. We also are a place to list items wanted for purchase and to sell locally. This is a group that will serve the needs of the SaddleBrooke community.Created:
308 Members,
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SaddlerFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the Saddler surname.Created:
4 Members,
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sadhakaSpiritual Group based on Bhagavad Gita, Ramayan and other Hindu Holy texts, dedicated to daily messages on Art of Living, Quick and Easy Means to Salvation and God-realization, Liberation, Realization of Truth (Essence), How to Lead Household Life, and much much more, by Param Shradhey Swamiji Shri Ramsukhdasji Maharaj.Created:
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SADRC / San Antonio Digital Radio ClubSan Antonio Digital Radio Club. This forum is a place for members to discuss all things Ham Radio, especially C4FM and Wires-XCreated:
186 Members,
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SADTCDiscussion group for club SADTC for sharing informationCreated:
44 Members,
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SADXA / Southern Arizona DX AssociationList service for the Southern Arizona DX Association. We are an amateur radio club dedicated to promoting and sharing our distant radio communication activity. Group Guidelines - Keep it Courteous: - Please stay on topic. - Refrain from personal attacks. - Offensive language is not permitted and will result in immediate removal. - Offenders will be removed from the list.Created:
33 Members,
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SAE / SAE Talk: Open discussion on audio equipment in general but primarily focused on equipment mfg by SAE (Scientific Audio Electronics)Open discussion on Audio Equipment in general but primarily focused on equipment manufactured by SAE (Scientific Audio Electronics) and later family related manufacturers such as GAS (Great American Sound), Sumo, ATI (Amplifier Technology Incorporated), and Spread Spectrum Technologies (SST). SAE was the starting point were all these companies were all about pursuit of high end state of the ...Created:
1,309 Members,
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SAECC / St. Albans Early Childhood CenterSt. Albans Early Childhood Center group for communications with community members.Created:
204 Members,
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SafariAndDieselCoaches / SafariAndDieselCoachesWe are about Vintage as well as Safari/SMC manufactured coaches and similar DIESEL motor-coaches, and coach ownership. All members, new and old need to provide a photo of their coach manufacturer's placard with VIN and model info to expedite sharing. You do that by attaching a photo of the coach, the VIN placard, your names and why SADC is relevant for you! All new member apps need to email ow...Created:
156 Members,
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