We see a future where people are free to create without coercion. A future where work is no longer a dirty word, but a place for purpose, fulfillment, creative expression. Such a future is possible, many mavericks have led the way for us. It's our role to help create a broader community, alignment, and clarity around this new radical type of work.
3 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
radio / Radioaficionados
Temas relacionados con Radioafición y las Tecnologias/Tecnicas/Noticias que le rodean. etiquetas: SDR | Radios | Modificaciones | Noticias | Satelites | Programas | Modos Digitales | NASA | . . . . - Grupo publico. - Idioma Preferido Español.
25 Members, 438 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
radio-archief / radio archief
Welkom in het radio-archief. ben jij ook een radiofreak. En wil jij jouw radio opnames delen of wil je je archief uitbreiden. Kom dan bij de e-mailgroep radio-archief. Wij willen zoveel mogelijk zowel oude als huidige radioprogramma's delen. Van commercieel tot publiek, en van landpiraat tot zeezender. forumregels: 1. Niemand beledigen, uitschelden of discrimineren. 2. Als je meerdere tege...
22 Members, 28 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
radio-astronomia / Radioastronomia - IARA - UAI
La mailing list ufficiale di IARA - Italian Amateur Radio Astronomy e del Programma Nazionale di RadioAstronomia dell'UAI, Unione Astrofili Italiani
53 Members, 31 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
radio-astronomie-neu-golm / Radio Astronomie Neu Golm
Mailingliste fuer das Radio Astronomie Projekt in Neu Golm
4 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Radio-Internet-Interface / The Radio Internet Interface
This is a group surrounding the development of the new Radio Internet Interface programs (www.KM6WYE.com) The goal is a free exchange of Ideas, bug reports, experiments and other pertinent communications The Programs are currently version 0.97 Beta TheTest deployment of the RII Server is running live on 144.950 Mhz FM on Laughlin Ridge near Redwood Valley, CA with great coverage to the North South...
5 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
radio-jove / Radio JOVE
Radio JOVE mailing list
411 Members, 4,818 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
radio-jove-calibration / Radio JOVE Calibration
Discussion of radio telescope calibration.
9 Members, 36 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
radio-jove-sdr-soft-dev / Radio JOVE SDR Software Development
Radio JOVE SDR software development discussion group.
17 Members, 3 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Radio-Masts-UK / Radio Masts UK
This is an informal group to share infomation and photos of radio masts in the UK. British Telecom, Military, Satellite Base Stations, Mobile Phone Masts, etc.
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Radio-Mobile-Deluxe / Radio Mobile freeware by Roger Coudé VE2DBE - Support Group
Radio Mobile freeware by Roger Coudé VE2DBE. This is a non commercial supporting email group provided by Radionutmike and users of the RMD software. The idea is for users to help and learn from each other. This is not a support e-mail group by Roger but only meant to be a exchange of ideas, tips, help and support from other users. This group is set up for those who want to learn, share and exch...
715 Members, 77 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Notify group members of Amateur Radio play dates and places in the Katy Area. Also to share information that would be of interest to all members.
11 Members, 2 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
To swap information about programming two-way radio equipment and enabling options that aren't commonly known about.
301 Members, 17 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
radio1 is a group at io
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
The purpose of this group is to provide a weekly accessible listing of BBC Radio 4 Extra program schedules for Visually impaired people.
71 Members, 1,732 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
Radioastronomie auf der Starkenburg-Sternwarte Heppenheim
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
radioactive / Radio Active Ham Radio Group
A group for skilled and active Ham Radio Operators who enjoy operating their equipment in the Field to promote and advance the core principles of HAM Radio. This is a closed group. No new members are added at this point.
2 Members, 2 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
A group that encourages field radio operation such as POTA, SOTA, field days, hiking, backpacking, and just being outside.
18 Members, 9 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
radioamadores / Radioamadores
Estimados Colegas Radioamadores, No intuito de promover a partilha de experiencias no radioamadorismo, partilha de informações e ideias e também uma forma de servir de repositório de informação foi criado o grupo de discussão "Radioamadores". O mesmo poderá ser consultado/acedido em: https://groups.io/g/radioamadores Principais vantagens do Grupo: - O Grupo está aberto a todos...
63 Members, 30 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: