BAFsMusicBAF's MusicCreated:
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Bagelbards / The Bagel BardsThis is an online meeting place for those poets and other degenerates who used to meet for breakfast every Saturday morning at 9:00 A. M. at “Finagle a Bagel” in Harvard Square, Cambridge Massachusetts, USA. Now we met in Davis Square, Somerville Massachusetts at Au Bon Pain. Same time. This is not a movement or a reading or a critique session (that comes later) this is breakfast with the bar...Created:
89 Members,
3,416 Topics,
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bagelsandbabiesCuesta Park neighborhood parents group.Created:
411 Members,
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BaggenstosdoghandlingLuke and Rowan Baggenstos Professional handling client groupCreated:
33 Members,
198 Topics,
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BaggsFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname - BaggsCreated:
7 Members,
5 Topics,
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BagshawFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – BagshawCreated:
4 Members,
3 Topics,
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bagtrack-usersOfficial community support group for BagTrack, an open-source bag and luggage tracker for iOS.Created:
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Bahai / Bahá’í DiscussDiscussion of the Bahá’í Faith for Bahá’ís*. In the Bahá’í Faith, difference of opinion is not squelched, in fact it is encouraged. "The shining spark of truth cometh forth only after the clash of differing opinions." --Selections from the Writings of `Abdu'l-Baha, p.87. However, differences of opinion can be expressed in a way that doesn't humiliate another human being...Created:
86 Members,
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bahaisofmartincountyJoin this group to be notified of upcoming Bahai community activities.Created:
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BahamasDXContent will be posted shortly.Created:
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bahamasgenealogygroup / Bahamas Genealogy GroupThe purpose of The Bahamas Genealogy Group is to promote, preserve and share quality Bahamian genealogical information with its members. We accomplish this through the open and constructive exchange of information on Bahamian genealogy and history. We make it a comfortable place to ask questions and offer comments by respecting all members. With this in mind and with your help, we will have the be...Created:
734 Members,
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BAHCCThis email group is formed for the members of the Bay Area Horseless Carriage Club. The intention is to have capability where members could ask technical questions, post and/or discuss local and club events, etc.Created:
3 Members,
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bahhubCW beginners groupCreated:
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BahnCH / BahnCHDiskussion aller Aspekte der Schweizer Bahnen und von Schweizer Bahnprodukten im Ausland. Betrieb, Rollmaterial und Politik stehen im Vordergrund. Das Forum dient dem Austausch persönlicher Meinungen und Ansichten. Offizielle Information muss als solche gekennzeichnet sein.Created:
323 Members,
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bahtera / BAHTERA ~ Milis Bahasa dan Terjemahan IndonesiaMilis diskusi mengenai bahasa Indonesia dan penerjemahan Moto: asah, asih, asuh Tanggal Pendirian: 3 Juli 1997 Tautan penting: Kateglo: Sejarah: Migrasi dari Yahoogroups Des 2020 Pendiri: Sofia Mansoor Wiwit Margawiati Bashir Basalamah Alamat penting: Moderator: bahtera+owner@groups.ioCreated:
270 Members,
61 Topics,
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Bailey0913Wonder person who love to partyCreated:
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BaileysPondFLA communication tool for the residents of Bailey’s Pond that will help identify local vendors, share helpful information, and request assistance from fellow neighbors.Created:
30 Members,
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BaileyTannerAllen / Responsive AdminThis is for us to not really use, but for us to pretend we use.Created:
3 Members,
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BAImembersThis is a restricted list only available by approval, for those who have earned their BAI designation as a Board Accredited Investigator.Created:
2 Members,
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bainbridgeislandgeeksa recreation of the BI Geeks list.Created:
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