FlyingEaglesRCThis group is for sharing information between all "Flying Eagles R/C" club members, located in Northeastern Pennsylvania, as well as other individuals interested in the sport of R\C Aviation.Created:
7 Members,
3 Topics,
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flyingfoolzEmail group for EAA Chapter 1489 in Bushnell, FLCreated:
16 Members,
787 Topics,
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FlyingRunaboutExperimentalDesignDiscussion of airplane called FREDCreated:
5 Members,
0 Topics,
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FlyingTigers / Toledo Flying Tigers RC Model ClubToledo Flying Tigers is a RC model club located in Northwest Ohio. Our flying field is at the Westwinds Metropark of Toledo. Our website is Toledo-FlyingTigers.comCreated:
1 Member,
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FlyingWings / Flying Wing AircraftThis is intended to be a group for those interested in flying wing aircraft design and construction. Sharing of history, theory and practical application of these unique aircraft is encouraged. Though it is intended that this group be focused on amateur built flying wing aircraft those interested in commercial and military versions are welcome to participate. As needed over time sub-groups will ...Created:
462 Members,
8 Topics,
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FlynnGenealogy/Family History of those whose last name is FLYNN (other spellings Flinn, etc.)Created:
2 Members,
3 Topics,
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Flynn-Family-Reunion-2023This group is for the Flynn Family Reunion that will occur on November 4, 2023 in Groveland, Florida. Messages regarding the event will be posted to this group and any member of the group can post questions or messages to the group. The contacts for this group are Barbara Flynn, Shauna Springer, and David S. Flynn. If you are not sure whether this is the correct group for you to join, please co...Created:
1 Member,
2 Topics,
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FlynnPROPS / Flynn Parents for Reopening Our Public SchoolThis is a discussion group started by the greater Flynn Elementary community in San Francisco to discuss issues related to reopening our public school.Created:
22 Members,
85 Topics,
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FlynnPTAPTA for Leonard R. Flynn Elementary School, San FranciscoCreated:
86 Members,
113 Topics,
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FlyPal / FlyPalWe are a group of ladies who are practicing Flylady methods to help manage and maintain our homes. We welcome newcomers to these ideas as well as folks who have been trying to slowly implement them for many years. Discussion of what you are currently doing that is working and not working is encouraged. We strive to provide a place of encouragement and support for each other. If you are looking for...Created:
12 Members,
35,333 Topics,
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flysoobThe FlySoob group is for the civil discussion regarding all aspects of converting any Subaru engine for aviation use. For-Sale item postings are permitted as long as they are Subaru related.Created:
187 Members,
127 Topics,
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flysquirrelA discussion group dedicated to the construction, flying, development, modification, improvement, and constructive criticism of the Barnard M-19 "Flying Squirrel" light aircraft and close variants.Created:
14 Members,
11 Topics,
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flyteMailing list for discussion of Flyte (, an open source orchestration platform built on Kubernetes for machine learning and highly scalable data processing.Created:
1 Member,
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flywithembird-me / Fly with Embird & MeReceive timely information on Embird tutorials and classes by Peggy Severt of Fly with Embird Seminars. You'll be notified of new releases and updates to existing tutorials. You can get answers to questions to help you work your way through the tutorials. I do ask that you join one of my other Embird mailing lists to ask questions on Embird that are not specifically tied to one of my tutorials...Created:
115 Members,
20 Topics,
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Flywncpa / Western North Carolina Pilot's Association Online Discussion SystemGroup for the Western North Carolina Pilots AssociationCreated:
152 Members,
102 Topics,
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FM-BNL / FM-BeneluxGroep voor de beoefenaars van FM-DX in de Benelux.Created:
25 Members,
1,044 Topics,
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fm-mirrorarchive / FictionmagsResearches and documents the appearance of fiction in magazines past and presentCreated:
201 Members,
174,295 Topics,
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FM-MPXThis group is for discussion, and file sharing of all topics related to DIY FM Tuner MPX decoder kits, especially based on the LM4500 chip. It is the main file sharing and discussion group site for the LM4500 MPX boards available from the web site www.fmmpx.comCreated:
11 Members,
0 Topics,
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FM1000seriesPhilips/Simoco FM1000/1100/1200/1300 Series off Radios. Also FX5000 and PRF10 basestatios Information Sharing -- discuss modifications -- Ideas -- Help etc, for to use this Private Mobile Radio for Ham (Amateur Radio) use. Messages will be moderated by the list owner to eliminate off topic items. Buying, Selling and Trading of Equipment is also encouraged. 73' Gerrit the PA1MTCreated:
151 Members,
77 Topics,
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FMARC / Fort Myers Amateur Radio ClubThis is OUR place ! FMARC members chill-ax here. Ladies and Gentlemen welcome. Visit our web page here our Facebook
61 Members,
613 Topics,
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