FLPascoGenealogy Research in Pasco County FloridaCreated:
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flphg / FLPHGBUSINESS AS USUAL MIGRATION COMPLETE ALL EXISTING MEMBERS HAVE BEEN AUTOMATICALLY MIGRATED Foot launched powered hang gliders: Mosquito, Wasp, Explorer, Zenon, homebuilt, whatever. We have a number of resources for new pilots and common problems. Searching the messages is a good place to start. Other good resources on this group: The Photo Albums and Files sections contain not only flying photo...Created:
1,010 Members,
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FLRCHPNA / Finger Lakes Regional Chapter of Hospice and Palliative Care NursesOur purpose is to provide education, networking, peer support and community service for nurses interested in Hospice and Palliative Care. To be a member of the Finger Lakes Regional Chapter of Hospice and Palliative Nursing one must be an RN and member of National Chapter of HPNA. LPN's, CNA/PCT's, social work, chaplains and allied health professionals are welcomed to join our group meetin...Created:
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flspotaGroup for participants in the Florida State Parks on the Air contest. Anyone's welcome, come join the fun!Created:
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Fluff-n-Nonsense / Fluff & NonsenseWe delight in all fiber arts, particularly hand spinning. Located in Northern Virginia.Created:
43 Members,
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fluffbuddies / Fluff BuddiesFluff Buddies cat rescue volunteers and networking friends.Created:
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FluggeryA discussion for the required readingsCreated:
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Fluke-DMM / Fluke-DMMThis group is in place in case the yahoo FlukeDMM group fails. The purpose of this group is for sharing information on Fluke digital multimeters and any other Fluke measuring instruments and calibration equipment.Created:
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flutelovers / vincenzo garulli flautistaDo you love music? Flute is your favorite instrument? This group is for you.Created:
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flutemakers / flutemakersA Forum dedicated to discussion of flute making, originally hosted on yahoo groups, from which the following description: A source of discussion and advice on all aspects of flute building. Such topics may include the acoustics of woodwinds, placement of finger holes, ergonomics, wood and metal turning, computer modelling, and more. Discussions can encompass all sorts of flutes, from simple-syste...Created:
1,007 Members,
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flutemakers2022ofusmA forum and meeting place for all owners of Burke milling machines and anyone interested in milling. Users of horizontal or vertical machines are both equally welcome. Share advice, techniques and tips with others. For owners of Burke, U.S. Burke, Burke Division of Powermatic/Houdaille and any other incarnations or variations of the Burke brandCreated:
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FlutenetFlutenet is a group for anyone interested in flute or flute playing. The conversations are open to any topic however. Flutenet was first founded and described as a "pub" where people of like interests gather and the conversations are mostly about flute but like friends gathering in a pub, many topics can be discussed.Created:
2,502 Members,
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FlutterFaerieHollowFlutter Faerie Hollow's Members Only Update Group This is where you will receive member area updates.. . Main Website: www.flutterfaeriehollow.comCreated:
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fluxradio / FluxradioForum des utilisateurs du Portail Radio http://www.fluxradio.fr. Discussions entre utilisateurs et informations sur les nouveautés du site.Created:
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flxowners / Flxible Coach FanciersA group for networking with fellow-owners, seekers, and/or fans of the magnificent old Flxible coaches, primarily the Clippers and VL series. Membership of this io group is not restricted specifically to members of Flxible Owners International, but rather all Flx fans are welcome. This io group is a carryover of the previous yahoogroup, but not all files and photos have been carried forward. If ...Created:
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Flxowners2A revival (hopefully) of the original flxowners group at groups.io, but this time one which won't be abandoned due to misuse. I think maybe the original switchover from yahoogroups proved too difficult for most. And I also think that it's since been simplified. But we can't use that old group (flxowners) because the moderator/owner would appear to have jumped ship. But take heart! ...Created:
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FLY-ULWelcome to the FLY-UL Mailing list! This is a mailing list for people interested in Ultralight or Microlight aviation. Topics include everything related to ultralights, microlights, and Sport Pilot.Created:
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FlyBaby / Bowers Fly Baby Interest GroupMailing list for fans of the Bowers Fly Baby homebuilt aircraft.Created:
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flyfishingAll about Fly Fishing worldwide.Created:
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FlyFishingandTying / Fly Fishing and TyingThis is a group about fly fishing.Created:
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