floridamajlis / Florida MajlisForum of the Hashimi-Darqawi branch of the Shadhili tariqa in the Sunshine State of Florida for weekly gatherings and important announcements.Created:
2 Members,
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FloridaOn30A special interest group for people interested in On30 model railroading, especially building and operating modules in that scale/gauge. Focused on, but not limited to, modelers in the state of Florida, USA.Created:
73 Members,
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floridaoutreachcenter / Florida Outreach Center For The Blind discussion groupFlorida Outreach Center For The Blind discussion groupCreated:
69 Members,
1,365 Topics,
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floridaplus55 / 55 Plus in FloridaA group for people over 55 living in FloridaCreated:
1 Member,
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Floridarailroading / FloridarailroadingA group for railroaders, railfans/train buffs/enthusiasts who are interested in railroading around Florida to share information. We ask that you keep posts and conversations civil and please, no political rants.Created:
36 Members,
1,501 Topics,
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FloridaRailroads / Florida Railroads and RailfansDiscussion of Railroading in the State of Florida.Created:
62 Members,
167 Topics,
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FloridaTreasureCoastChapterThis group will represent the Treasure Coast region of Florida Sisters in Crime ChapterCreated:
19 Members,
293 Topics,
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FloridaVireyaA forum for Vireya, Rhododendron and Azalea lovers in Florida.Created:
4 Members,
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floscarmeliWe are a Militia Immaculatae village in the Piedmont Triad area of North Carolina.Created:
12 Members,
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FLOTES-ParentAttorneyNetwork / FLOTES--Parent Attorney NetworkFLOTES--Parent Attorney Network is a platform for Parent Attorneys to network by asking questions and giving answers, sharing ideas and resources, and posting announcements to important and pertinent information.Created:
23 Members,
14 Topics,
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flotilla0531510 / Flotilla 0531510 Lake HopatcongThis application has been set up to facilitate a method for members of Flotilla 053-15-10 Lake Hopatcong New Jersey to more easily communicate with each otherCreated:
3 Members,
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flotilla0701204-boatcrew / Boat CrewFlotilla 0701204 boat crew members. this list is for crew and coxswainsCreated:
1 Member,
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flotilla0701204-staff / Staff OfficersStaff Officers for the flotillaCreated:
14 Members,
25 Topics,
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FlourishBlots / Flourish and BlotsWant to find that story you read, so you can read it again? Looking for a specific type of story, like Trewlany hitting on Snape, an innocent Voldemort or evil Ron fics? Then this is the list for you! If you can describe it, chances are one or more of the other members can find it if you are ready to offer your help in return by answering requests! Welcome to Flourish and Blotts, biggest wizard l...Created:
187 Members,
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flowDiscussion about the flow programming language and platform.Created:
16 Members,
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FlowerAvenueResidentsThis group is open to everyone who lives on Flower Avenue in Takoma Park. It is a place to discuss neighborhood issues, advocate for traffic/ pedestrian safety, and promote community.Created:
14 Members,
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flowerbranchA public communication venue for people living between Flower Avenue, Long Branch Trail, Piney Branch Ave, and Carroll Ave.Created:
21 Members,
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flowers-in-gods-gardenThis group is for Christians who love to write. If you enjoy blogging, journaling, writing poetry, short stories, articles, or any other form of writing, you will be welcome here. This group is for sharing writing prompts, writing tips, \helpful articles on writing and other such things. I hope this will be a safe place for us to share our writing and receive constructive criticism and encouragem...Created:
5 Members,
126 Topics,
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flowersofevilFlowers of EvilCreated:
1 Member,
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FloydGenealogy research of the surname Floyd anywhereCreated:
21 Members,
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