westsidewoofersFlyball Club emailCreated:
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WestSoundWarriorsGroup of historical miniature gamers located West of Seattle in the Puget Sound Region including but not limited to, Bremerton, Port Orchard, Silverdale, Poulsbo and Bainbridge Island, Washington. We generally try to play games every Sunday usually at Blue Sky Hobbies on 4th Street in Bremerton or at another announced location.Created:
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weststreet / West Street MedfordA communications list for residents of West Street and neighbors in Medford, MassachusettsCreated:
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weststreetpollinatorgardensMedford MA community group interested in the development and maintenance of two pollinator gardens on DCR land bounded by the Mystic River and West and Auburn StreetsCreated:
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westtexasrocketry / West Texas Rocketry / Tripoli West Texas #121Welcome to West Texas Rocketry / Tripoli West Texas Prefecture #121 We are actively searching for a new launch site. This group is for discussion of topics pertaining to hobby and high power rocketry.Created:
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westtown63Conversations between members of the Westtown School class of 1963Created:
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WesttownChase / Westtown Chase Resident CommunityFor Westtown Chase Development Residents to exchange information and social interactions. Commercial activity is discouraged.Created:
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WestVirginiaGenealogy research in West Virginia -------------- This list is for genealogy research in West Virginia, at anytime. Follow the directions below to join and post to the list. Guidelines for posting to this list: 1. This list is for genealogical discussions only and only for the state of West Virginia. All other posts will be deleted from the archives and the poster will be placed on moderation...Created:
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WestVirginia-genealogy / West Virginia GenealogyWVGen is a forum for discussing all aspects of West Virginia genealogy. I created this group to preserve the option to create subgroups. I will gladly transfer administration. If you are interested, please contact mrichson@ix.netcom.comCreated:
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westwightpotter-UK / WEST WIGHT POTTER - UKThis group is the focus for the 14 foot West Wight Potter [WWP] sailing boat designed and built in England - the A, B, C, D, E and AX types. The 'files' and 'photos' areas provide information to help with sailing, maintenance and renovation. Because of spam, scams and all the other inconveniences of the web, please note that we do NOT do anonymous. New members MUST give their...Created:
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WETA / West of England Transport Association - WETAWest of England Transport Association - Provisional name - WETACreated:
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Weta-Trimarans / Weta Trimaran Owners GroupThis group is dedicated to all things Weta. It is a place for Owners, Potential Owners, etc., to discuss these wonderful little trimarans. This group is owned and run by actual Weta owners.Created:
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WETHEPEOPLE / WETHEPEOPLEThis group is about the acceptance and pursuit of our God given birthright and inheritance as stewards of the holy trust. Based upon Patrick Devine's process, remedies, and experiences. He left us a wealth of information. Including other knowledgable speakers of the past and present when they become available. If we honor each other, we honor ourselves.Created:
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wethepeoplebaltco / We The People - Baltimore CountyWe The People is a community organization founded by Pat Keller and Nick Stewart in 2021 with the goal of using the Baltimore County (Maryland) Master Plan 2030 process to create an actionable “equitable growth” strategy that helps address our shared challenges, by building consensus on future development and preventing highly charged project-level conflicts down the road. More info - https://...Created:
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WeThePeopleOf45WE THE PEOPLE OF 45 In order to form a greater, more perfect union, inhibit selective injustice, negate Socialism, abolish Deep State “The Swamp”, and bestow all Almighty blessings, shield and shelter the unborn child, provide and preserve a dominate, overwhelming militia, grant gracious, relentless care and support to all veterans, revere the salutation of the fallen, never wave the rights,...Created:
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wethepeopleofshaftsbury / We the People of ShaftsburyTo protect and advance America’s fundamental values and the rights guaranteed to all by our Constitution through open, honest, respectful dialogue, and action.Created:
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wethepeoplepets / We The People PetsWe the People working toward the preservation of the rights and freedoms of all animal owners.Created:
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wetmorevfd / Wetmore Volunteer Fire Dept.This groups is for volunteers and friends of the Wetmore Volunteer Fire DepartmentCreated:
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wetnetWashington Experimenters TCP NETworking. All things fun and digital..Created:
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WetSoxTeam / Wetsox - Softball Team ExtraordinaireThe Wetsox are a North Vancouver co-ed slo-pitch softball team founded over 40 years ago, and are a member of the North Shore Mixed Softball Association.Created:
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