Westmoreland-NeighborsWelcome neighbor! You are cordially invited to join more than 90 of your neighbors in a newly formed online discussion group. Our goals include discussing ways to improve our neighborhood and exploring ways for the Westmoreland Citizens Association (WCA) to better serve us. This group is open to all who live in the WCA area and share our goals whether you are a voting member of the WCA or not. ...Created:
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Westmoreland-Neighbors-2Welcome neighbor! You are cordially invited to join more than 90 of your neighbors in a newly formed online discussion group. Our goals include discussing ways to improve our neighborhood and exploring ways for the Westmoreland Citizens Association (WCA) to better serve us. This group is open to all who live in the WCA area and share our goals whether you are a voting member of the WCA or not. ...Created:
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WestOhioAstroImagers / West Ohio Astro ImagersThis is a group of astro imagers in the area of Auglaize and surrounding counties. We meet in person monthly on Saturday around the full moon. Our purpose is to support each other as we learn more and develop skills in taking pictures through our telescopes.Created:
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Westokwatercolor / Westok WatercolorA group dedicated to helping people interested in watercolor painting. Emphasis is on watercolors but all painting medium is welcome. Whether you are an artist or just enjoy viewing art, you are welcome. We want to learn from one another. If you have a tip or trick that has improved your painting, please share. No solicitation for sales of paintings or products is allowed, but, if you have found a...Created:
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weston / WESTON family history - emanating from Staffordshire, UKFor people with an interest in the family history of John WESTON and John's wife Jane, born 1792 in Staffordshire, lived in Longton, Staffordshire. Children of John & Jane include: Charles (1816-?). Married Elizabeth WILKINSON (1815-?) in 1834. Joannah (1823-?). Married William BIRKS in 1843. Julia (1825-). Married James BRUNDRED / BLUNDERT in 1844. Daniel (1830-?). Married Harriet EAtON ...Created:
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westonbirt1969emails for alumni of Westonbirt 1969Created:
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WestOrangeBluestockingsLiterary women of distinction!Created:
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westorangeshuls / West Orange ShulsWelcome to WestOrangeShuls@groups.io Please read the complete statement of our policies which can be found at http://bit.ly/wos-list-policies. Thank you. WestOrangeShuls Administrative Team: Arthur Dubroff, Marc Goldberg, Sam Kamens, Joey Mandelbaum, Sorahleah Mandelbaum, Steve SchwartzCreated:
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westouter1956 / Westouter 1956Dit is een besloten groep van de Westouternaers geboren in 1956Created:
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westpenninewoodturners / West Pennine WoodturnersA group for the members of the West Pennine Woodturners ClubCreated:
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westphillyfreecycleWest Philly FreecycleCreated:
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WestportGroupSenior executives in transitionCreated:
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WestSacLittleLeague / Board of DirectorsWest Sacramento Little League was founded in 1953 and first chartered by Little League International in 1954. We are a co-ed league and welcome boys and girls in West Sacramento. Memorial Park play fields are located at 400 Euclid Street - MAP Alyce Norman play fields are located at 1255 Carrie Street - MAP Bridgeway Lakes play fields are located at 3650 Southport Parkway - MAP ...Created:
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westside-fictionThe West Side Writers Fiction Group of Greater Cleveland meets at Westlake Public Library at 9:30 AM on the third Saturday of each month (except December) to critique each other's works of fiction. To join this group, come to one of our meetings and speak to Malcolm or Bill. We can send you an invitation or you can click on the "Join Group" button on this page and follow the prompts. M...Created:
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Westside-Genealogy-Group / Westside-Genealogy-GroupThis is an organization aimed at sharing family history topics of common interest. Our members tend to be physically located in Minnesota.Created:
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WestsideGamers / Westside GamersBoard Gaming from Fairfax to the sea! The Westside Gamers is a board game group meeting on the Westside of Los Angeles. We are board gamers who have been meeting since 2005! *** To join you must provide information about yourself including your full name. And tell us more?***Created:
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WestsideMauiLadies / Westside Maui LadiesA gathering of Westside Maui ladies to meet and build friendships while exploring Maui, discussing books, and enjoying each others company.Created:
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Westsidestitchers / Westside Stitchers, Peoria, AZStitching communication group for the members of the Westside Stitchers at the Peoria Community Center, Peoria AZCreated:
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westsidewoofersFlyball Club emailCreated:
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WestSoundWarriorsGroup of historical miniature gamers located West of Seattle in the Puget Sound Region including but not limited to, Bremerton, Port Orchard, Silverdale, Poulsbo and Bainbridge Island, Washington. We generally try to play games every Sunday usually at Blue Sky Hobbies on 4th Street in Bremerton or at another announced location.Created:
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