OR-KlamathKlamath County, Oregon Genealogy & History This list replaces the orklamat rootsweb listCreated:
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OR-LakeLake County, Oregon Genealogy & History This list replaces the orlake rootsweb listCreated:
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OR-LaneLane County, Oregon Genealogy & History This list replaces the orlane rootsweb listCreated:
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OR-LincolnLincoln County, Oregon Genealogy & History This list replaces the orlincol rootsweb listCreated:
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OR-LinnLinn County, Oregon Genealogy & History This list replaces the orlinn rootsweb listCreated:
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OR-MalheurMalheur County, Oregon Genealogy & History This list replaces the ormalheu rootsweb listCreated:
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OR-MarionMarion County, Oregon Genealogy & History This list replaces the ormarion rootsweb listCreated:
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or-shalom / Or Shalom Group -- Groups.ioOr Shalom is a Jewish Spiritual Community located in Vancouver, BC, Canada that is affiliated with Jewish Renewal. We offer a unique blend of innovation and tradition in an inclusive, egalitarian setting. We draw on the riches of our tradition and the creative talents, scholarship, and thoughts of both contemporary scholars and artists, and the resources of our members. This list is a means for ou...Created:
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or10lightLegends OR10 Light SideCreated:
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ORA / Online Repository Assistant (ORA)Online Repository Assistant An automated assistant for use with online repositories including Ancestry, FamilySearch, and others. ORA combines a Windows program with a web browser extension to extract data and streamline your use of popular online services. The browser extension is compatible with Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Opera. See more at: http://www.ora-extension.com/en/index.htm#/ ORA is sol...Created:
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orangeOrange DevOpsCreated:
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OrangeburghSC / Orangeburgh_SCA mailing list for all serious researchers of the people of Orangeburgh Township and the original Orangeburgh District of South Carolina. This includes the modern counties of Calhoun, Lexington, Barnwell, and part of Aiken. Therefore, primary discussions should center around upcountry families (many of whom were German-Swiss origin) between the period 1735 to 1865. Additional information can be fo...Created:
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OrangeCountyBirding / Orange County Birding: For Discussing and Sharing Local Bird InfoWelcome to Orange County Birding, a discussion forum for wild birds and birding in Orange County, southern California, USA. A total of 489 bird species have been recorded in our county, including California's first records of White-tailed Tropicbird, Falcated Duck, Ivory Gull, Red-legged Kittiwake, Couch's Kingbird, Bridled Tern, Nutting's Flycatcher, and Tropical Parula, as well as ot...Created:
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OrangeCountyRomanceWritersGroup email to allow Romance Writers who live in Orange County, California (and the surrounding areas) to network and communicate regarding the future of a Romance Writer group presence in the area.Created:
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OrangeCountyRWCritiqueGroupOrange County RW Critique Group is formed so that paid members of the Orange County Romance Writers association can review and offer supportive comments on written works. Participants will keep details about submitted stories within the group and acknowledge that each writer’s work is legally his or her own and not to be copied. Participants must have the ability to work with a Word or RTF docum...Created:
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OrangedogsA place for members of the PACC Orange Team Rescue group to communicate.Created:
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OrangepotterThank you so much for joining the mail list and having an interest for my content. You will receive email whenever new content is added. If you have questions please contact me at thfritzmann@gmail.com. Sincerely yours, OrangepotterCreated:
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oranitGroup for the Shechuna Datit of Oranit קבוצה של השכונה הדתית באורנית בית כנסת היכל משהCreated:
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orariMilis Anggota ORARI.Created:
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ORAS / Welcome to Oil Region Astronomical Society !ORAS is a group of stargazers dedicated to sharing the wonders of the heavens with people of all ages. Membership to our club is open to those interested in astronomy. You don't need to be an expert or even own a telescope to join, just a desire to observe the wonders of the universe! Become a member and take advantage of our wonderful dark sky location and our beautiful observatory now housin...Created:
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